Comments 449

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Fighting Games


As a super casual player King of Fighters 14 is numero uno for me, I consider it one of the best fighting games ever made.

Well aside from Smash Bros, but that's more of a party game in my eyes.

E: And apparently KoF14 is getting some new DLC fighters still, I didn't see that coming.

Re: Poll: Has Arcade Edition Tempted You to Try Street Fighter V?


I love fighting games but for whatever reason Street Fighter just has never done it for me. I think it's a little bit too slow paced and I just don't like the characters much. Even with Street Fighter 4's last version which had a staggering amount of characters I struggled to pick more than 3-4 that I actually liked at all.

Re: Review: Romancing SaGa 2 (PS4)


Yeah... I was hoping I would be able to get into this series. I partially knew what it was about, with the random level ups, skill gains and whatnot. But the open endness and almost complete lack of story and character killed it for me.

I did enjoy the music though, so it's not all bad.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 201


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the Switch. Game certainly has problems with clunky menus for example and is a bit too "anime" for my tastes, but I'm enjoying it well enough. The soundtrack is one of the best I've heard in quite some while though, freaking Mor Ardain map theme, hits all the right notes for me.

Re: Game of the Year 2017: What Was Your Favourite PlayStation Game of 2017?


This was a really weak year for the system as far as I'm concerned, I tried Nier which ended up being really mediocre in my opinion and Tekken 7 was just a huge disappointment overall after the stellar Tag 2. FF12 is weird, I like it but at the same time it just feels so long winded at times, not goty material in my eyes.

I would probably enjoy Yakuza Zero but I can't really say as I still need to finish Yakuza 5 first.

None of the other top games really caught my eye in the slightest.

Actually I see Sonic Mania in the list, I played that on the Switch but I'm sure it's the same on the PS4 as well, I'd say that would probably be my game of the year for the PS4, it was really good and the soundtrack was awesome, it's not that far behind in being my goty overall.

Re: Game of the Year 2017: #1 - Persona 5


I love RPGs and all but unfortunately I kinda went and ruined the Persona series for myself by playing 3 and 4 back to back, I was so tired of that style of gameplay by the end of it that I don't think I could ever play one of these games again.

Re: Game of the Year 2017: #8 - Yakuza 0


Still need to complete 5 before I get to this one. My friend told me that this particular insallement was really good so I'll be looking forward to it when I finally get to it. Probably won't be any time soon though.

What happened to game number 9 though? Did I just miss the article about that?

Re: Game of the Year 2017: #10 - Tekken 7


I found the game a bit disappointing personally. I didn't agree with the introduction of super moves in the slightest, the story mode is one of the worst I've seen in modern fighting games (and it came at the cost of a decent arcade mode too), of course there are also the missing characters (LEI), but even more puzzling is the omission of team battle mode, which has been in since the beginning. Assuming that the FF15 kid will be the last of the season pack, I'm going to also call the season pack a waste of money also.

It's better than Tekken 6 but it's a straightup downgrade from Tekken Tag 2 in my opinion.

Re: Guide: Upcoming PS4 Games in 2018


Dissidia, Soul Calibur and Dragon Quests are the big ones for the PS4 next year. I'm currently fanboying so hard over the Switch that I'm buying all of the "lesser" releases on that console just out of preference, but I'm sure the PS4 will have plenty of use again once those games come out. There are few games coming for the 3DS as well but I surmise it will be the last year of relevancy for that system.

Re: Review: Papers, Please (PS Vita)


I actually still haven't played this game myself but I've backseat gamed this with my friends and watched a few twitch streamers streaming it also. I dunno if I myself have the patience to play something like this, but I can definitely see the appeal.

Re: Metal Gear Survive's Single Player Campaign Looks... Good?


Pretty much, I'm not really a Metal Gear fan so I don't really care but I can understand how the fans might feel pissed. Back when the Metroid Prime Federation Force fiasco was a thing, I was a part of the angry mob, so it's kind of interesting to see things from this perspective.

Re: Review: Star Ocean: The Last Hope (PS4)


Combat in the game is good and at least for the time the enviroments looked really nice (might've had something to with that this was my first PS3 game). The music from what I remember is also pretty cool, at least the battle themes were.

Story and characters though, hoo boy... This game has one of the most irritating main casts I can recall in recent memory, and the english dub is just godawful (and not in a good way), anyone who wishes to preserve their sanity, I implore you switch to the japanese dub asap. There is still a lot gringe to be had though, so don't worry. Other problem I have with the game are the dungeons, I recall them being WAY too long and not exactly exciting either.

All of this is from memory, because I'm not sticking this game on any console ever again.

Re: Thank God, Star Ocean: The Last Hope Has a Japanese Voice Option on PS4


Yeah, I have pretty high tolerance for english dubs and generally prefer those, but this was a case where I was forced to swap to japanese, it was that irritating.

Still SO4 didn't do much for me, it was one of my first games on the PS3 so I recall being very impressed by its graphics at the time, the battle system was fun and Motoi Sakuraba's music was decent but the story and characters were total garbage and the dungeons just DRAGGEEEDDDD! I have no interest in ever returning to this game.

Re: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory Gets PS4, Vita Release Date in the West


Meh, if they're not going to revamp the gameplay then I'm not interested. The first games' combat system lacked any sort of meaningful depth, and the Boss "AI" had a complete lack of situation awareness causing it to do dumb stuff like buffing itself when it said buff was already in effect, basically the bosses were nothing but big HP dumps for you to wail on. And the Digimon itself lacked presence, it didn't feel like I was playing a Digimon game, but more a mediocre JRPG with Digimon tacked on it.

Re: Inazuma Eleven Ares Plays a Long Ball to PS4 Next Year


I played one of these games on the DS, I thought it was very boring and lacking in any real depth. The only enjoyment I got was from the completely bonkers story, where in true anime fashion it somehow turned into "we're going to save the world by playing football!" towards the end.

Admittedly the game concept is interesting though.

Re: Star Ocean: The Last Hope Is Being Remastered for PS4


Huh, wasn't much of a fan of this installation to be perfectly honest, now that I got to try SO3 on the PS4 as well (And quit because it kept freezing) I can safely say that Star Ocean 2 Second Story is the only game in this series that I like.