Comments 449

Re: Random: This Guy Has Five PS5s


Maybe it's because I've always been poor, but I've never really understood the point of having a television (and games consoles) on anything other than a dedicated TV room or Bed room at least if its just one person living in there, of course big families are their own thing.

Like do you really need entertainment in a kitchen of a freaking bathroom, I know a person who does that personally and I still don't get it.

Re: Poll: Did You Get a PS5?


Nah, there's no exclusive games that really interest me (turn based RPG and/or Strategy or fighting games), the price is really high and I personally found the PS4 to be very disappointing which leaves my current opinion on the PS brand a bit on the low side to begin with.

I have my Switch and a "gaming" laptop which at the moment gives me coverage of mostly everything I would want.

Re: Talking Point: Happy 20th Birthday, PlayStation 2


Happy birthday PS2!

My father bought the system around the time Final Fantasy X was released here in europe. I was a huge Nintendo fanboy at the time (and being a dumb pre-teen kid "supporting" both was out of the question) so I sort of dismissed the system beyond whatever games my father happened to buy for it. So it wasn't until some years later when I had finally gotten over my silly fanboy self and finally started to actually see what an amazing library the system truly had, I've been doing pretty nice job collecting the games that I've missed out on that interest me but more and more hidden gems seem to pop out at every turn, a truly great system for a huge fan of RPGs such as myself, and being backwards compatible with the superb PS1 library is a huge boon as well.

Re: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV - A Stretched But Still Epic End to a Superb JRPG Saga


I stand by that RPGs should not go for straight up sequels ever. As I understand this series in particular does eventually get rid of the anime high school angle that the first coldsteel game had, but seeing as the story between all the games is connected I cannot just skip that one either, instead being forced to cope with the highschool if I want to get to the actual intriguing parts of it.

Even for this developer YS does it much better since the main plot between each installement is mostly always self-contained as I understand even if the main character is the same.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PlayStation at Launch 25 Years Ago?


Nah, I was like 7 years old I think when my father bought the PS1 from one of his co-workers with an assortment of random (mostly racing) games. I know it was after Final Fantasy 7 had come out because he bought the system mainly to play that at first and it was by the time the time that game had received its platinum re-release because that's the version we had.

Being a dumb little fanboy kid I was very much against playing with the system at first because "muh Nintendo" but I got over it pretty soon and it's good thing I did because the first playstation has one of the finest video game libraries in any game system ever. Certainly moreso than Nintendo's competition at the time anyway.

Re: Poll: How Much Are You Willing to Pay for PS5?


PS4 ended up being a rather disappointing system for my money to the point where I ended up selling it, Persona 5 is really the only exclusive that I'm going to miss on that one.

PS5 is going to need to do a lot to impress me and so far they haven't really done anything to attain that. Like I guess Ratchet & Clank might be cool for a bargain price but it's certainly no system seller.

It needs exclusive turn based RPGs, turn based strategys game and fighting games for me to start caring.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Marvel's Avengers?


Nah, I'm kind of really sick of super heroes at the moment on all fronts. I played Ultimate Alliance 3 on the Switch back when it came out and that's only because my friend bought it and I got to play it with him on co-op.

I don't even have a PS4 anymore so I couldn't really play it even if I wanted to.

Re: The Scott Pilgrim Game Could Be Coming Back from the Dead


That's be great, it was probably my favorite game on the PS3, no other beat-em-up ever has been as fun as this one and has such a kickass artstyle, feel and soundtrack.

Though if they do re-release it, I wish they fix some of the jank/glitchiness that, that awful online update introduced to the game.

Re: Suikoden Spiritual Successor Reaches PS5 Stretch Goal in Just Seven Hours


Yeah I found out that's the reason why my pledge won't go through. Sucks something fierce, just earlier this summer it was still totally fine when I backed that switch drawing program.

Well at least the game got backed so that's good, but I really would've loved to be a part of it. Suikoden 2 is like my favorite game of all time.

Re: Final Fantasy IX Is 20 Years Old Today


I used to like it a lot more when I was younger but the grindy steal mechanic and so much content being hidden behind that godforsaken Chocobo minigame do make it a bit grating to pick up sometimes, like many classic RPGs I'd also like if it had just a bit more in the way of customization. At least the modern releases helped with the slow load times and slow battle animations thanks to the faster loading and speed-up feature.

But still it's a classic for a good reason, the music is really good in this one and I find the world fun to explore.

Re: Poll: What Is Your Preferred Game Length?


I think 10-20 hours for a game with a lot of replay value is perfect. For a longer more story based game that you're likely only going to play once I'd vager 40-50 hours is the sweet spot, even Dragon Quest 11, as good as it was I was starting to wish it would end at around that point.

Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Games Reveal Event Meet Your Expectations?


Nope, frankly I was pretty disappointed with the PS4 so they're going to need to work extra hard to win me back, Gran Turismo looks clean and all but that's not the sort of game to really entice me, nothing else on display really interests me whatsoever. It needs exclusive Fighting games and turn-based JRPGs, SRPGs & Strategy games. Those kinds of games are what sell systems for me.

Re: Can You Name These PS1 Games?


9/15, some really obscure stuff in here, as well as all the shooter and flight games that are completely out of my expertise and I had no clue about those, I got a few lucky guesses that helped me a bit.

Re: Trials of Mana - The Delightful Return of a Classic Action RPG


Got super lucky and received my Switch copy early, got a good ~5 hours of gameplay under my belt now. I'm throughly enjoying this, the changes made to the combat system, namely in how magic and skills don't stop the gameplay in their tracks and don't require you to dig through tedious menus to use eliminate my biggest issue I had with the old entries in this series. I find the combat super fun, exploration is way better too since there's actual worthwhile treasure to find, movement is just more nimble in general since you can skip over a lot of terrain that you couldn't in 2D and also the map just makes navigating so much easier as well. The default normal difficulty felt too easy, but Hard difficulty does require you to actually pay some attention. The character models look great, the remixed soundtrack has so far been great and OG soundtrack is an option too which is something I always appreciate in these remakes. I find the menus a bit confusing to navigate but it's still a lot better than the slow-as-molasses-glitch-ridden menus in the original.

Honestly if it keeps being this good this is a definitely one of my first real GOTY contenders for this year. Squeenix has been killing it recently with DQ11 and now this.

Re: Sony Sending Out More Persona 5 Royal Dynamic PS4 Themes and Avatars


These do look really nice, but even still I would find it hard to justify getting rid of the I am Setsuna theme I have, as much as I disliked the music in that game (to the point where is made me quit the game), but for a menu it just works I think.

On the subject though, can someone confirm what music track do these themes use?

Re: Reminder: Persona 5 Royal Players Can Claim Huge DLC Bundle for Free


I couldn't stand Last Surprise, the main battle theme of Persona 5, so that SMT4 costume DLC that replaced the main battle theme from the one from that game was necessary for my enjoyment of the game. The new battle theme they made for this rerelease is a lot better, though I still dunno if it's the main battle theme always or if they have different one for first strikes and such.

Re: Resident Evil 3 - Competent Remake Feels Like a Misfire


I think it speaks volumes how they made this game barely a year after the RE2 remake, it's just classic Capcom, they make something succesful and then they try to immediatedly capitalize with half hearted efforts. I'm expecting a new Devil May Cry announcement soon.

Re: Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's Final Update Set for March, No Sequel Planned


I'm going to be the first to admit that I didn't even give this game a chance and never intend to. The 3v3 aspect of it was such a huge turnoff and from what I hear they skimmed on features big time compared to the PSP Dissidia duodecim in favor of pushing the online. I would love to get something like similar to Duodecim again some day, that game was so incredibly packed with content and even had large amounts of stuff to do just for single player.

Re: Hands On: Persona 5 Royal Is So Much More of 2017's Game of the Year


I loved Persona 5 and yeah, I'd say it was my goty for 2018, which was the year I played it in, but honestly I don't really think I'm ready to replay it quite this soon. Also I feel Persona is so reliant on its story that I don't think it's particularly suitable for replays unfortunately just in general.

Re: SoulCalibur VI Season 2 Begins Next Week With Huge Free Update and DLC Character Hilde


They've added the extra CaS parts from season 1 at this point right? I dropped SC6 pretty quick after realizing that the CaS was a downgrade from the one in SC5 in terms of how many parts there were but if it's gotten better since then it might be worth checking. Did they confirm if the Season 2 DLC would include any extra CaS parts aside from whatever minor stuff that comes with the characters themselves?