Comments 449

Re: Digimon World: Next Order Digivolves with a Western Release Date


I found Cyber Sleuth an exceedingly mediocre RPG, but from what I gather this plays more like the Digimon World game on the PS1. I don't think there in anything particularly worthwhile coming in January so I think I might as well get this.

Hopefully the english dub also means they put some actual effort in the localization this time.

Re: Review: World of Final Fantasy (PS4)


The demo failed to impress me, but not enough for me to actually cancel my pre-order. I hope I end up liking it, it's been quite a while since I've seen a quality JRPG on the big consoles.

Re: World of Final Fantasy Demo Is Out Now on PS4, Vita


I played the demo. It was playable I guess, the voice acting really got on my nerves and I'm not really sure how I feel about the stacking mechanic.

It wasn't bad enough for me to consider cancelling my preorder or anything, but I doubt its going to leave much of an impact in me.

Re: PS4 Controller Scoring Full Native Steam Support


Already using it through that one program that tricks the PC to think it's a 360 controller or W/E. I guess official support is always nice though, PS4 controller quickly became my favorite controller of all time, it's SO much better compared to the ol PS2/PS3 controllers.

Re: Review: Dragon Quest Builders (PS4)


I actually had this pre-ordered but for whatever reason all my interest waned and I changed it to World of Final Fantasy instead, which supposedly plays like an actual RPG even if it looks pretty bad.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 137


I tried to get into Divinity Original Sin, but sadly it just didn't work out, the running speed in that game is just way too slow.

So instead now I finally try to get into the Legend of Heroes series which I've been ignoring for way too long, bought the 2 localised games on the PSP, so hopefully I won't end up disappointed.

Re: Digimon World: Next Order Could Be Coming West on PS4


I found Cyber Sleuth overall mediocre, but I will be getting this anyway if it comes outside Japan. You can never have too many JRPGs. And since this carries the Digimon "World" slogan which I assume would make it more similar to the game I played on the PS1 when I was a kid, which was more of a exploration style game rather than just a pure dungeon crawler.

Re: Review: Resident Evil 4 (PS4)


One of the finest non-rpg games of all time. I played this on the Wii however the first time and I got so used to the motion controls that I just can't play the game any other way.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 127


It really is hot...

Not really playing anything particular at the moment, my friend was visiting me in the weekend and I've been mainly playing Monster Hunter 4 and Smash Bros with him. Prior to that I was playing I am Setsuna, but honestly I dunno if I want to return to that, as I was fearing, the piano only soundtrack makes it pretty goshdarn dull to play.