Comments 559

Re: Poll: Would You Be Interested in a Detachable PS5 Disc Drive?


If it’s meant to seem like it’s part of the main body then the main body itself has to be redesigned, so I’d be quite surprised if that redesign didn’t include making it a bit smaller anyhow. I’ve been holding off for the slim release, but if they’re going this way instead that works for me too 👍🏻

Re: Rumour: PS Plus Essential PS5, PS4 Games for November 2022 Leaked Early


Can’t argue with Nioh 2 but I haven’t played 1 yet. Does that matter at all?

Heavenly Bodies sounds interesting enough and I do love a good bit of co-op chaos.

But you can stick me firmly in the “couldn’t give a flying duck about Harry Potter” club, Lego-based or otherwise.

So as my man Meat Loaf was wont to say - two out of three ain’t bad!

Re: What Time Is the Disney & Marvel Games Showcase?


@Uncharted2007 Yeah Indie’s the one game I’m bummed about missing out on as a PS owner. Primarily as I’ve been re-playing the Wolfenstein reboots recently and the gun play and writing from Machine Games is just top notch. But fingers crossed, eh? Maybe we’ll get lucky 😬

Re: Video: 30 Facts You Need to Know About The Last Of Us Remake on PS5


I haven’t played this since the PS3 so I’m certainly looking forward to going again with a fresh coat of paint and features etc, but I do think treating it like a brand new game with a £70 price tag is a bit much. Equally I think expecting it to be a £10 upgrade is ridiculous. Somewhere near the £45/50 mark would seem more reasonable I reckon.

Re: Two New PS Store Sales Live Now, Big PS5, PS4 Games Discounted


@PenguinLtd There’s a couple of annoying difficulty spikes but nothing too bad. It’s a great game with a lovely atmosphere. My only major gripe with it was the lack of a world map, which made for less than ideal navigation. That kind of thing’s not a problem with, say, souls games, where you can see things in the distance, but for an isometric environment with closed off spaces a map would have been appreciated.

Re: Rumour: PS Plus Games for June 2022 Might Have Leaked


@rjejr Haha. Yeah, poor old Humperdoo. An unbridled beacon of joy in these troubling times!

OT - I mean I’m pretty much guessing I was halfway through, based on similar games’ lengths. Might have been less, might have been more. But yeah, essentially what you’re saying is what I found. Too much back and forth doing basically the same thing over and over, limited enemy types making the combat repetitive despite the mechanics being good, and just generally missing the tight forwards momentum the original games had. But as I say, I seem to be in a vanishingly small minority so can’t help entertain the possibility I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind at the time. Wouldn’t be the first time!

Re: Rumour: PS Plus Games for June 2022 Might Have Leaked


I might give GOW another crack if this is true. Rare opinion, but I actually found it pretty dull so quit halfway through. That I seem to be the only human being in existence of this view, though, makes me think I must have been in an odd mood or something. So yeah, that one’s okay by me 👍🏻

Re: Elden Ring Easy Mode Isn't Happening on PS5, PS4


Having beaten and loved Bloodborne and Sekiro, personally I think the talk about difficulty with FromSoftware games is slightly misplaced. They’re certainly not easy, but if item descriptions weren’t so ridiculously amorphous, and players given even basic guidance at the start, I think a whole lot more people would stick with them longer. I mean, I’m more than happy to earn knowledge by reading item lore etc, but it helps if what I’m reading isn’t essentially mysterious gibberish 😂