Blumhouse films are always pretty hit and miss (more often misses, I’d say), but if there’s any concern to be had it’s that Jason Blumhouse’s business model has always been low cost, fast turnaround, which I think we all know is probably a recipe for disaster in today’s gaming arena.
Looking forward to giving this a try on Plus. Not really one for these asymmetrical multiplayers but I do love Evil Dead (it’s criminal we didn’t get the final season of the show after that insane cliffhanger). So hopefully Plus addresses the player count you cats refer to. At least for a while.
So let me get this straight. I’m 10 miles outside of Boston. I’m seeing freaking California. And…oh yeah, I’m talking in memes. Yeah okay, that’s something I do now. I’ll probably buy an Xbox next.
If it’s meant to seem like it’s part of the main body then the main body itself has to be redesigned, so I’d be quite surprised if that redesign didn’t include making it a bit smaller anyhow. I’ve been holding off for the slim release, but if they’re going this way instead that works for me too 👍🏻
My guess would be Gwendoline Christie. Something about the hair and jawline. And I think she’s the type of actor Kojima would go for - aesthetically unique with an understated performance style.
Alas there’s absolutely nothing surprising about this. Twitter and all who adore it can f-ing do one as far as I’m concerned. It’s long superseded Mos Eisley as the universe’s greatest hive of wretched scum and villainy.
I don’t know what it is but I just can’t get past a feeling of ‘meh’ with this one. On the surface it’s my ideal game - 3rd person, single-player story action - it’s no slouch graphically, most people seem to be saying it looks great, and yet…
I too have moved on. Just from Rockstar. The handling of RDR2 and it’s online has been awful. And with the main founder and writer having moved on too I can’t see myself getting interested in much going forward.
@Rob_230 Yeah, and the add to that the colossal amount of essentially useless plastic created for the discs, cases, and the film covering those cases. Pretty appalling.
Sounds dope as hell, and personally I’m pleased it’s more linear. So very tired of open worlds and RPG mechanics being forced into everything (that’s a little hyperbolic, sure, but only just).
I’d only watch the movie if it was so scary I crapped my pants every five minutes, the stench of which caused the projector the restart the film and the sound of Brian Blessed yelling GIT GUD! to come blaring out of every speaker in the theatre (especially the subwoofers).
Pretty easygoing myself. I’d like one, but only because I enjoy a good reveal as much as the next cat. But I don’t have a PS5 yet and don’t plan getting one until the slim (or whatever redesign comes next), so I won’t be buying any new announcements for a good while yet anyhow.
@Uncharted2007 Yeah Indie’s the one game I’m bummed about missing out on as a PS owner. Primarily as I’ve been re-playing the Wolfenstein reboots recently and the gun play and writing from Machine Games is just top notch. But fingers crossed, eh? Maybe we’ll get lucky 😬
I haven’t played this since the PS3 so I’m certainly looking forward to going again with a fresh coat of paint and features etc, but I do think treating it like a brand new game with a £70 price tag is a bit much. Equally I think expecting it to be a £10 upgrade is ridiculous. Somewhere near the £45/50 mark would seem more reasonable I reckon.
Looking forward to this now. Wasn’t a fan of the first originally and bailed part way through, but just gave it another shot thanks to PS+ and enjoyed it waaaaay more this time - to the point I’m now just one trophy off the platinum.
Just had a scan but nothing for me this time. I am now aware of the existence of PC Building Simulator, tho, which has to be one of the most hilariously bizarre console games I’ve come across. They should package it together with something like Five Dates. That’s a hot combo right there.
@PenguinLtd There’s a couple of annoying difficulty spikes but nothing too bad. It’s a great game with a lovely atmosphere. My only major gripe with it was the lack of a world map, which made for less than ideal navigation. That kind of thing’s not a problem with, say, souls games, where you can see things in the distance, but for an isometric environment with closed off spaces a map would have been appreciated.
Haven’t played RE4 since release so I for one can’t wait for this. Although I can’t help take the final dialogue of the reveal trailer ( “this time it can be different. It has to” ) as a slightly ominous warning given what they did with the RE3 remake 😬
@rjejr Haha. Yeah, poor old Humperdoo. An unbridled beacon of joy in these troubling times!
OT - I mean I’m pretty much guessing I was halfway through, based on similar games’ lengths. Might have been less, might have been more. But yeah, essentially what you’re saying is what I found. Too much back and forth doing basically the same thing over and over, limited enemy types making the combat repetitive despite the mechanics being good, and just generally missing the tight forwards momentum the original games had. But as I say, I seem to be in a vanishingly small minority so can’t help entertain the possibility I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind at the time. Wouldn’t be the first time!
I might give GOW another crack if this is true. Rare opinion, but I actually found it pretty dull so quit halfway through. That I seem to be the only human being in existence of this view, though, makes me think I must have been in an odd mood or something. So yeah, that one’s okay by me 👍🏻
Loved DS. Couldn’t have asked for a game better suited to the first lockdown. Like others I’m not sure where the story can go from where it was left, but I’m very interested to find out. My only request would be a less convoluted inventory system. Other than that it’s all gravy 👌🏻
Yeah can’t say I’m impressed personally. Does nothing to address the general consensus of the monthly games’ declining quality, just makes you pay more if you want better stuff. If it wasn’t for the online access I’d cancel my sub for sure.
Personally of like to see a ‘basic’ tier that’s cheaper than the current one and drops the monthly games, just covers online access and saves. Not a fan of the ‘don’t change anything just sell you more’ approach it sounds like they’re taking.
Having beaten and loved Bloodborne and Sekiro, personally I think the talk about difficulty with FromSoftware games is slightly misplaced. They’re certainly not easy, but if item descriptions weren’t so ridiculously amorphous, and players given even basic guidance at the start, I think a whole lot more people would stick with them longer. I mean, I’m more than happy to earn knowledge by reading item lore etc, but it helps if what I’m reading isn’t essentially mysterious gibberish 😂
@riceNpea Yeah I agree 100% on both counts. Peacemaker’s been vintage Gunn and Loki was way better than it had any right to be, much better than the other Marvel show imo.
Comments 559
Re: Get Out, M3gan Production Company Blumhouse Announces Indie Horror Gaming Division
Blumhouse films are always pretty hit and miss (more often misses, I’d say), but if there’s any concern to be had it’s that Jason Blumhouse’s business model has always been low cost, fast turnaround, which I think we all know is probably a recipe for disaster in today’s gaming arena.
Re: Wanted: Dead (PS5) - A Fascinating Mess of an Action Game
@shogunrok I guess my only question would be - is your being on holiday directly related to having slogged through this game 😆
Re: Evil Dead: The Game Gets Gory Splatter Royale Game Mode, Available Now on PS5, PS4
Looking forward to giving this a try on Plus. Not really one for these asymmetrical multiplayers but I do love Evil Dead (it’s criminal we didn’t get the final season of the show after that insane cliffhanger). So hopefully Plus addresses the player count you cats refer to. At least for a while.
Re: The Last of Us HBO '10 Miles West of Boston' Gets the Meme Treatment
So let me get this straight. I’m 10 miles outside of Boston. I’m seeing freaking California. And…oh yeah, I’m talking in memes. Yeah okay, that’s something I do now. I’ll probably buy an Xbox next.
Re: Dead Space (PS5) - Faithful Remake Brings Back a Classic
“like the infamous asteroid blasting turret section, have then been replaced with entirely new set pieces”
Sold 😂
Re: Poll: How Would You Rate The Last of Us - Episode 2?
@Freek How did they do on the puddles? Did they put in the effort or should I skip this episode?
Re: Poll: Would You Be Interested in a Detachable PS5 Disc Drive?
If it’s meant to seem like it’s part of the main body then the main body itself has to be redesigned, so I’d be quite surprised if that redesign didn’t include making it a bit smaller anyhow. I’ve been holding off for the slim release, but if they’re going this way instead that works for me too 👍🏻
Re: Hideo Kojima's Teases Continue on the Eve of The Game Awards
My guess would be Gwendoline Christie. Something about the hair and jawline. And I think she’s the type of actor Kojima would go for - aesthetically unique with an understated performance style.
Re: God of War Ragnarok PS5, PS4 Reviewer Threatened Over Lower Score
Alas there’s absolutely nothing surprising about this. Twitter and all who adore it can f-ing do one as far as I’m concerned. It’s long superseded Mos Eisley as the universe’s greatest hive of wretched scum and villainy.
Re: Saddle Up, Partner, Cowboy Shooter Evil West Shows Off Online Co-Op in New Trailer
I don’t know what it is but I just can’t get past a feeling of ‘meh’ with this one. On the surface it’s my ideal game - 3rd person, single-player story action - it’s no slouch graphically, most people seem to be saying it looks great, and yet…
Re: God of War Ragnarok: Is It Good on PS4?
@JohntheRaptor Given I platinumed GoW on my base PS4 l
I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there, sonny jim.
Re: PS5 Shipments Reach 25 Million, But Still Well Short of Yearly Target
@sanderson72 That’s almost a bargain tbh - my local CEX sell their used ones for £750!
Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Fans Still Hoping for a PS5 Patch
I too have moved on. Just from Rockstar. The handling of RDR2 and it’s online has been awful. And with the main founder and writer having moved on too I can’t see myself getting interested in much going forward.
Re: Just 70MB of Data Contained on the Modern Warfare 2 Disc
@Rob_230 Yeah, and the add to that the colossal amount of essentially useless plastic created for the discs, cases, and the film covering those cases. Pretty appalling.
Re: Hands On: Crunchy Combat Shines in PS5, PS4's Wildly Impressive The Callisto Protocol
Sounds dope as hell, and personally I’m pleased it’s more linear. So very tired of open worlds and RPG mechanics being forced into everything (that’s a little hyperbolic, sure, but only just).
Re: Rumour: PS Plus Essential PS5, PS4 Games for November 2022 Leaked Early
Can’t argue with Nioh 2 but I haven’t played 1 yet. Does that matter at all?
Heavenly Bodies sounds interesting enough and I do love a good bit of co-op chaos.
But you can stick me firmly in the “couldn’t give a flying duck about Harry Potter” club, Lego-based or otherwise.
So as my man Meat Loaf was wont to say - two out of three ain’t bad!
Re: Bloodborne Movie, TV Show Could Be a Thing in the Future
I’d only watch the movie if it was so scary I crapped my pants every five minutes, the stench of which caused the projector the restart the film and the sound of Brian Blessed yelling GIT GUD! to come blaring out of every speaker in the theatre (especially the subwoofers).
Re: The Last of Us TV Trailer Revealed, Out Next Year
Yep, looks suitably epic. Always had faith in this given the folks involved so looking forward to it.
Re: Onimusha Finally Returns... As a Netflix Anime
Can’t say I know the game myself, but if there’s even a trace of Ichi the Killer in this anime then oh boy… 😂😂
Re: Talking Point: Is a PlayStation Showcase Really Happening This Year?
Pretty easygoing myself. I’d like one, but only because I enjoy a good reveal as much as the next cat. But I don’t have a PS5 yet and don’t plan getting one until the slim (or whatever redesign comes next), so I won’t be buying any new announcements for a good while yet anyhow.
Re: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Is Old Enough to Apply for Its Learner's Permit
@get2sammyb Same for me re the U-boat. Also that Drake’s clothes stayed wet after he’d gone through water. Mind blown 😂
Re: Hands On: Street Fighter 6 Makes It Fun for Newcomers
@huyi “that film Idiocracy is becoming more truer more than ever”
Some delicious irony there.
Re: What Time Is the Disney & Marvel Games Showcase?
@Uncharted2007 Yeah Indie’s the one game I’m bummed about missing out on as a PS owner. Primarily as I’ve been re-playing the Wolfenstein reboots recently and the gun play and writing from Machine Games is just top notch. But fingers crossed, eh? Maybe we’ll get lucky 😬
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 438
Rolling back the years with Tony Hawk’s and remembering what it feels like to want to smash my controller every five seconds 😂
Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Guide: Tips, Tricks, and All Collectibles
Among all the uncertainties throughout today’s world there’s one thing I’m sure of…
I SUCK at Tony Hawk’s now 😂
I used to dominate this game back in the day, man. Today it’s like watching a fish learn to walk!
Re: Uh Oh! Square Enix Demands Removal of Leaked Tomb Raider Script from Patreon
Sounds utterly abysmal. What a terrible, terrible idea 🙄
Re: Swashbuckling Pirate Sim Skull & Bones Is 'Not a Narrative-Driven Game'
Dull & Cloned
(Yes, that’s all I have to say)
Re: Video: 30 Facts You Need to Know About The Last Of Us Remake on PS5
I haven’t played this since the PS3 so I’m certainly looking forward to going again with a fresh coat of paint and features etc, but I do think treating it like a brand new game with a £70 price tag is a bit much. Equally I think expecting it to be a £10 upgrade is ridiculous. Somewhere near the £45/50 mark would seem more reasonable I reckon.
Re: TV Show Review: Resident Evil (Netflix) - Braindead Horror for the Riverdale Crowd
You know you’re in for a rough ride when the very first shot is of someone using a tent in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
Re: God of War Ragnarok Release Date Confirmed for 9th November
Looking forward to this now. Wasn’t a fan of the first originally and bailed part way through, but just gave it another shot thanks to PS+ and enjoyed it waaaaay more this time - to the point I’m now just one trophy off the platinum.
Re: Red Dead Online Fans Are Hosting a Funeral for the Game
@Danloaded Even better if they pitched up as the undead. That would REALLY stick the knife in 😂
Re: PS Store Mid-Year Deals Sale Includes 600+ PS5, PS4 Game Discounts
Just had a scan but nothing for me this time. I am now aware of the existence of PC Building Simulator, tho, which has to be one of the most hilariously bizarre console games I’ve come across. They should package it together with something like Five Dates. That’s a hot combo right there.
Re: First Impressions: Stray Is Shaping Up to Be a Supurrbly Detailed PS5, PS4 Adventure
2m6secs: me at least twice a day 😂
Re: Two New PS Store Sales Live Now, Big PS5, PS4 Games Discounted
@PenguinLtd There’s a couple of annoying difficulty spikes but nothing too bad. It’s a great game with a lovely atmosphere. My only major gripe with it was the lack of a world map, which made for less than ideal navigation. That kind of thing’s not a problem with, say, souls games, where you can see things in the distance, but for an isometric environment with closed off spaces a map would have been appreciated.
Re: Instagram Model Ella Freya Confirmed as Resident Evil 4 Remake's Ashley
Haven’t played RE4 since release so I for one can’t wait for this. Although I can’t help take the final dialogue of the reveal trailer ( “this time it can be different. It has to” ) as a slightly ominous warning given what they did with the RE3 remake 😬
Re: Mini Review: Silt (PS5) - Deep-Sea Diving at a Premium Quality
@Ryany @LiamCroft Well that was an emotional rollercoaster, I tell thee! 😂
Re: Mini Review: Silt (PS5) - Deep-Sea Diving at a Premium Quality
Looks right up my street this. Only problem is it’s reminded me how long it’s been since an update from Playdead on their new one 😔
Re: Rumour: PS Plus Games for June 2022 Might Have Leaked
@rjejr Haha. Yeah, poor old Humperdoo. An unbridled beacon of joy in these troubling times!
OT - I mean I’m pretty much guessing I was halfway through, based on similar games’ lengths. Might have been less, might have been more. But yeah, essentially what you’re saying is what I found. Too much back and forth doing basically the same thing over and over, limited enemy types making the combat repetitive despite the mechanics being good, and just generally missing the tight forwards momentum the original games had. But as I say, I seem to be in a vanishingly small minority so can’t help entertain the possibility I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind at the time. Wouldn’t be the first time!
Re: Rumour: PS Plus Games for June 2022 Might Have Leaked
I might give GOW another crack if this is true. Rare opinion, but I actually found it pretty dull so quit halfway through. That I seem to be the only human being in existence of this view, though, makes me think I must have been in an odd mood or something. So yeah, that one’s okay by me 👍🏻
Re: Hideo Kojima Appears to Acknowledge Norman Reedus' Death Stranding 2 Leak
Loved DS. Couldn’t have asked for a game better suited to the first lockdown. Like others I’m not sure where the story can go from where it was left, but I’m very interested to find out. My only request would be a less convoluted inventory system. Other than that it’s all gravy 👌🏻
Re: Death Stranding 2 Just Got Outed by Norman Reedus
@SoulChimera “ Outing the sequel once is pretty bad, but doing it twice is ridiculous.”
One might even say Norman Reediculous 😎
Re: Test Your PlayStation General Knowledge - Issue 8
I always do terribly at these, but usually do better than I think I have. This time I thought of done pretty well but got my worst score so far 😂
Re: Poll: Will You Subscribe to Sony's New PS Plus Tiers?
Yeah can’t say I’m impressed personally. Does nothing to address the general consensus of the monthly games’ declining quality, just makes you pay more if you want better stuff. If it wasn’t for the online access I’d cancel my sub for sure.
Re: Xbox Game Pass Inspired PS Plus Reboot Reveal Rumoured with Splashy Lineup of Games
Personally of like to see a ‘basic’ tier that’s cheaper than the current one and drops the monthly games, just covers online access and saves. Not a fan of the ‘don’t change anything just sell you more’ approach it sounds like they’re taking.
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Movie Trailer Brings the Heat Ahead of April Premiere
@Martin_C And early 40s! 😂
Re: Gotham Knights Steps Out of the Shadows 25th October on PS5, PS4
Gotta say, much as I love RockSteady’s Batman games I’m looking forward to this more than Suicide Squad.
Re: Elden Ring Easy Mode Isn't Happening on PS5, PS4
Having beaten and loved Bloodborne and Sekiro, personally I think the talk about difficulty with FromSoftware games is slightly misplaced. They’re certainly not easy, but if item descriptions weren’t so ridiculously amorphous, and players given even basic guidance at the start, I think a whole lot more people would stick with them longer. I mean, I’m more than happy to earn knowledge by reading item lore etc, but it helps if what I’m reading isn’t essentially mysterious gibberish 😂
Re: Horizon's Tallneck Is Getting Its Very Own LEGO Set
I read there’s an incoming patch for HFW so when you climb a Tallneck it yells “Lego of me!”
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Is Now Sony's Third Best-Selling Game in the US
@riceNpea Yeah I agree 100% on both counts. Peacemaker’s been vintage Gunn and Loki was way better than it had any right to be, much better than the other Marvel show imo.
Re: Sifu (PS5) - Kung Fu Brawler Is Brutal But Brilliant
The last time I got smashed in the fortitude I swore off red-heads for life…