Comments 901

Re: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Upgrade Prices Revealed


@frankmcma yeah you can fully play through the campaign with as many mods loaded as you like. Any quest mods don't restrict the campaign in any way- even the alternate start mod gets you through the beginning of it. It really gives a whole new lease of life to the game

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 398


A Switch gaming weekend for me ( sorry guys ha ) with the best game of the year by far Metroid Dread which is a masterclass in game and level design. Just brilliant
Also trying to crack into Skyward Sword a vastly underrated Zelda game.
Might squeeze a few bouts of Guilty Gear Strive in in between
Have a great weekend guys ❤

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Deathloop?


@Integrity ....theres games over the years I'd give 10 / 10 to - Metroid Prime, The Wind Waker, MGS 5, Dead Space 2, Half Life 2, GTA V, but I'd never ever think of them as perfect by any means But they stand out as perfect examples of video games as an art form, pushing the boundaries. To me as a gamer, I wouldn't equate a 10 to how you describe it. But a great comment all the same 😉...and I agree, dump the scores altogether

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Deathloop?


@Flaming_Kaiser ..there's no such thing as a 'perfect' game. But for me, this stands out for what it does and how it does it in relation to other games - all its parts add up. Its a game that stands up to repeated replays to improve and experiment and try speed runs. Not many games you can say that about. But hey, that's my opinion anyway