Comments 901

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 499


Like most people, Spiderman 2, very good so far, only 3 hrs in. But I must say it's very buggy - cinematics freezing, lots of clipping issues, nothing major. But it's great fun
Plus more Starfield on XBX, one of those absolute 7/10 games yet i love it
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 498


Baldurs Gate 3 ...GOTY, simple as !
Forza Motorsport on XBX, a bit underwhelming tbh, but early days
A GT7 beater it ain't
Age of Wonders 4 on PS5 - strategy game of the year ! Seriously guys, I can't recommend this game enough....and Push Square haven't even bothered to review it. Crazy !
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 496


Starfield on XBX...loving it, strangely compelling and unputdownable. ..this is gonna last me years I think
Baldurs Gate 3 on PS5 - quite simply GOTY ..about 110 hrs in and I'm gonna happily play 15 times longer than that
Also, earlier got the plat for FF16 another GOTY contender ...
Will also dabble in Invasions mode on Mortal Kombat on XBX
2023 is a legendary gaming year!
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 493


Starfield...lvl 10 now and it's opening up and I'm getting used to its clunky systems and loving it ! A solid 9/10 for me. Then I'll play my GOTY Baldurs Gate 3 on PS5 which is consuming my life.
2023 must be one of the best years for gaming ever !
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 (PS5) - One of the Greatest RPGs of Our Time


Totally agree. I've been playing it since day 1 on Steam Deck and also PS5 early access and it's gobsmacking in its brilliance. The new benchmark for RPGs and puts FF16 into a cocked hat ! In a year with Zelda TOTK ( which i didnt think could be topped ) and Diablo 4 and SF6 , this has risen to the top
It's hard, it's systems are deep, it's overwhelming in places and it's brilliant
10 / even goes all the way upto 11

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 492


Nothing but Starfield on XBox X for me. I've even bought the limited edition controller! Only about 8 hrs in so far but it's literally Fallout in space. Runs buttery smooth, looks great and no bugs (yet )
It's very very good although one quest involving looking for junction boxes was so so dull....but the potential is amazing
Will also get stuck.into more Baldurs Gate 3 my personal GOTY
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 490


Continuing with the utterly brilliant Baldurs Gate 3 on Steam Deck. This game has such breadth, depth and complexity to it, it boggles the mind. So many systems working underneath it, it really is a work of genius. Even after a year with TOTK Diablo 4 among others, this is GOTY ( with Zelda ) for me
Will break up play with more Gran Turismo 7 which has its claws in me again
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 489


Only 1 game on my playlist and it's the utterly brilliant Baldurs Gate 3 on Steam Deck ( it runs superbly on it ) truly one of many GOTY contenders this year. It's a hardcore, superb RPG ....oh and its fricking hhaaaarrrrdddd in places - damn those Intellect Devourers gggrrrr
I'm looking forward to getting this on PS5 too ....its THAT good
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Baldur's Gate 3, Out on PS5 Next Month, Is Now Rated Higher Than the New Zelda


@MikeOrator ....very well said. I don't understand if you're a 'gamer' how you can bash Nintendo. Like you say, they truly cater for hardcore gamers. To me, Nintendo IS gaming.
I love PlayStation, Xbox, PC..I have them all - I'm not interested in great consoles, or great publishers, I just love great games. Of which there are plenty on EVERY console

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 488


So back from my summer hols and ready to blitz some gaming in !
So I bought and downloaded Baldurs Gate 3 on Steam Deck so looking forward to digging deep into that
Will also squeeze a lot of SF 6 in too, I'm addicted to this game like crack ( not that I'm addicted to that lol ) this is really the pinnacle of fighting games. Superb
Will also play more Age of Wonders 4 of the best strategy games around
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Diablo 4's Huge Patch Backlash Prompts Damage Control Chat with Blizzard Devs


I've been a hardcore Diablo fan since the 1st game released the 90s. D2 and 3 will always be among my favourite games ever. Now, I'm playing D4 a lot but struggling to love it. I've got a 48 sorcerer and man, this game is haaarrrddd. Struggling to solo bosses, the Den Mother is a bitch, clearing strongholds is almost impossible.....bosses spawn adds, AoE attacks, only 4 health potions, level scaling....its all making the game not fun at all but more a frustrating slog. Admittedly D3 was a bit too easy but D4 is a hard, unenjoyable slog

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 484


Just finished Miles Morales on PS5 or should I call it Generator Power Simulator 2 ? I jest but it was great fun but repetitive like the first game
Will carry on with FF16 ...only a quarter of the way through but I'm 50/50 on my opinion of it so far. Simple doesn't half describe it ! But it's taken my attention off Zelda TOTK which i want to divert ALL my attention too again soon
Back into Gears 5 multiplayer in a big way too, its absolutely outstanding !
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 483


A little bit more of FFXVI only around 10 hrs in and have mixed feelings so far. All I will say is this : "And people hated FFXIII for being too linear !!??"
Not much to time to game this weekend as tomorrow we fly to Rome for a well deserved holiday baby !! Woohoo
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️❤️❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 482


FFXVI....finished the long prologue, 3 bosses down. Loving it so far and loving the Game Of Thrones inspiration
I'm also trying to crack on with Diablo 4 but FF has stopped me in my tracks and Diablo 4 stopped me playing Zelda TOTK which i was utterly engrossed in for around 45 hrs .talk about an embarrassment of riches !
I've also got the superb Age of Wonders 4 and Company of Heroes 3 and the brilliant Streetfighter 6 feeling unloved and Jedi Survivor sat crying still in its shrink wrap.
What a wonderful time to be a gamer eh ?
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 480


Diablo IV ...playing as a female sorcerer and she kicks ass ! I loved Diablo 3 but I'm glad to see that IV is more challenging and punishing. 3 was way too easy even solo on hardcore
StreetFighter 6 ...stunning. just stunning...and not just Chun Lis thighs 🤣
Will also find more time for Zelda TOTK which is GOTY so far
What a time to be a gamer eh ?
Have a great weekend guys and gals 😘😘