Comments 901

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 478


More Zelda TOTK I'm only about 25 hrs in and feel I've barely scratched the surface! I've not been able to devote as much time as I'd have liked...a genius game though!
Also playing the superb Age of Wonders 4 and Gran Turismo 7 ...the best racer around on any console right now
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 475


About 4 hours into Forspoken and enjoying it more now the magic combat is opening up. The main character is annoying though and the story is guff, but it's far better than I expected after its reception.
I'm also itching to start Age of Wonders 4 on PS5 this series and this has had great reviews
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 474


I tried mopping up trophies on Hogwarts Legacy for the plat but screw that. Life's too short ha ha. I enjoyed it immensely but could never replay it. It reminds me of the old Fable games on Xbox
So I started Forspoken I'm now 2 chapters in and I'm not sure what to make of it yet. It screams 6/10 though
Also loving MK11 ..a superb fighter and a great looker on PS5, nearly finished the Aftermath expansion
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 473


First time on here in awhile as i damaged my right wrist ( stop it ) !
Finally finished Hogwarts Legacy a fun game, not great and the usual open world guff but charming with great combat
Also carrying on with Star Ocean The Divine Force - the best SO game in years !
And the best multiplayer I've been enjoying Halo Infinite ...superb stuff and loving the ranked matches.
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 468


Just finished The Calisto Protocol ...very average. Its a looker but its repetitive and frustrating. Too much squeezing between cracks in walls, a slow upgrade system and fighting the same goons all the time.
So now I'll carry on with Hogwarts Legacy gotta be near the end now. A very good game with the usual open world guff but the combat is superb
Also back into Starcraft 2 in a big way, its gonna take over my life again
Have a great weekend guys and gals ❤️❤️