Comments 576

Re: Fortnite Attracts 14 Million Concurrent Players to Hip-Hop Concert Event


These events are so awesome, but its like a monkey paw for me.

It's such an awesome idea to do these insane, huge budget, virtual concerts that defy your average concert experience but just:

its in fortnite, a game I dont like. I hate the art style. the artists they pick are always so middle of the road.

Its so good they do them and I'm sure there are people out there who have an absolute blast with them and I'm so happy for them, but I always watch them and it just feels like it could be so much better.

I'd love to see one of these experiences in VR, which a different art style. I think first persons the way to go as well

Re: 'No Plans' for Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 Pro Patch, CD Projekt Red Confirms


@Cerny @Rich33 I think that was case for PS4 Pro but I dont remember anything about it this time. Hopefully you're right. To be fair, last time you didnt have to backdate games for Pro. I do find it surprising for CDPR to not take a chance to show off their game looking good, but maybe they're burnt from the whole Cyberpunk thing and ready to just stop thinking about it

Re: Alan Wake 2 Trapped in Financial Dark Place, 'Most' Development, Marketing Costs Recouped


i get your point. however this is a sequel, with 2 previous games in the franchise and is also billed as part of the Control universe, a game that won numerous GOTY awards and was highly reviewed. The studio made Max Payne. At what point are you being won over?

If I was making games, I wouldnt bother catering to you as it requires releasing numerous games that you will not pay for before you'd consider dropping any money, in which case you're going to wait for a sale. You are basically only going to accidentally have games targeted to your taste through luck.

People complain about Concord, but sales figures probably showed Sony that game was worth making. Your opinion (and I reckon there are loads of great games that you like) doesnt register to companies looking for game ideas because you dont pay for anything!

They certainly dont read our various gripes on message boards like this! They look at the Fortnite bar going up and sell to those customers.

Re: Slitterhead (PS5) - Inventive Horror Is Essential for Japan Studio Fans


Yeah seems fair. This is honestly on the high end of what I was expecting, this could have easily been a 4/10 experience based on the gameplay I've seen.

The pedigree here is amazing but man, the footage they've put out of honestly looks awful. Clunky movement, dodgy jarring unfun looking combat.

I love Deadly Premonition but the gameplay makes the game a real slog.

Re: Alan Wake 2 Trapped in Financial Dark Place, 'Most' Development, Marketing Costs Recouped


@themightyant sure but its nebuleus. i recommended this game to a few people and I think one person bought it.

I recommended titanfall 2 to a bunch of people and noone bought it.

I mean, maybe I'm not very persuasive but I dont think it pushes the dial.

I am pro-physical by the way, and pro-second hand game sales!

I just unfortunately dont think if they launched physical the small market of people who are:
people into survival horror, people who are interested in the niche alan wake franchise, people who buy physical, people who are so anti-digital they will refuse to buy something if they don't offer a physical version and people who only buy second hand games and dont buy them new...its got to be like a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of sales you're missing out on.

Re: Assassin's Creed Boss Says Series Is Inherently Diverse, Just Like History


They've never really said the games are historically accurate have they?

I know they put a few modes in the recent games that let you just walk around the city and give you historic facts etc

In the second game, Leonardo DaVinci makes you a flying machine that you fly about in and theres also a magic apple that the Pope uses to gain magic powers, noones playing these and thinking that actually happened are they?

Re: Alan Wake 2 Trapped in Financial Dark Place, 'Most' Development, Marketing Costs Recouped


@thefourfoldroot1 the game is financially unsuccessful, if only the released it in a way that allowed me to pick it up second hand, allowing them to get zero revenue for my purchase, it could have been a success!

i wish they had released physical also but your argument is one of the reasons they did the digital only release lol. I'm not even completely convinced that a physical mass release would have helped. I'm a physical buyer and I just got it digitally anyway. plus it would have increased the budget that they already are struggling to make.

also, if you're not willing to put £42 in to try something that cost the studio 70 million to make, I dunno, just kind of a weird way to be. either stuff is worth your time and money or it isnt, seems like you've made your mind up that this isnt.

Re: Sony's Guerrilla Sounds Completely Done with the Killzone Series


I'd say "Good" but I dont particularly like Horizon either.

Guerilla have some amazing tech and make beautiful looking games, but they cannot create a new interesting play experience or story in my opinion.

Killzone chased the AAA FPS trend present in the 00s, Horizon chases the AAA Open World trend present now.

If you enjoy these games great, but they've never done anything remarkable.

Re: Ghost of Yotei Is the Ghost of Tsushima Sequel We Needed, Slashing to PS5 in 2025


@MrPeanutbutterz Off the top of my head, Shinobi, Jeff Grubb, Colin Moriarty. It's hard to retain all of their names honestly, because a lot of them go by aliases like "duskgolem", "danielKPK"etc.

I'll say outright, there are voices in the space that I do trust. Jason Schrier, Jez Corden, Tom Henderson are all good voices and have been proven time and time again to have sources on the inside.

But a lot of these anonymous sources just cater in pure guess work based on existing knowledge.

Re: Ghost of Yotei Is the Ghost of Tsushima Sequel We Needed, Slashing to PS5 in 2025


@MrPeanutbutterz Literally its a guess.

And if its a guess, what is the value of it?

For five quid I'll tel you that Activision are working on a new call of duty, there'll be a new Uncharted eventually and there'll be a new god of war. It's just a guess but it'll all come to fruition.

I cant tell you anything about the setting, protag or anything on the above games, because they're guesses. But I'll be proven right on my initial statement in the next 5 years. So I guess I'm a leaker now, I better start up a Patreon and start tweeting

Re: Ghost of Yotei Is the Ghost of Tsushima Sequel We Needed, Slashing to PS5 in 2025


So...are we able to gather from this that all the "Playstation insider leakers" are full of rubbish?

There was rumblings from your grubbs and other oracles that there was a Ghosts of Tsushima 2 in production. But literally none of them pertained to the change of the name, the massive time jump,the female protag or the fact they were moving the series to be a Japanese history anthology rather than an ongoing story.

You just have to conclude from this that all those leakers were just guessing (because of course you'd expect a sequel from a massive game that sold like hotcakes) because there's no way you don't find out some of these details with insider knowledge