Comments 1,317

Re: Things Are Getting Worse for Floundering PS5, PC FPS Concord


For comparison, Valve's unannounced (and invite-only) game Deadlock hit over 81k concurrent players during the same period.

Especially of note is it is also a multiplayer only competitive shooter (obviously with a few different things also going on).

Concord is dead on PC. No way around it. I don't even think going free will save it on PC.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral


@get2sammyb So which one of those revered IPs is this?

People want those classic, name brand multiplayer experiences. We are BEGGING for those. Have been for years!

So, yes. Sending a message we want THOSE and not THIS is still a very valid perspective.

I've yearned for a new Killzone, a new Twisted Metal, a new War/Starhawk, a new SOCOM, a new TLOU Factions (a new Jet Moto)... They announced 2 of those and cancelled them both. Then released dime store Overwatch while their classic IP sit and rot.

Sony deserves to have some cash lit on fire if they think THIS is what the market demands. Why are you white knighting for them? I know you're a big fan and your job depends on their success, to a degree, but... they don't need you defending their objectively bad business decisions. Investing heavily in THIS particular game in THIS particular genre for 8(ish) years DESERVES to be criticized. It was a bad choice. They now reap what they sow.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Concord?


I'd give it reps if it were free. Simple as.

The game wasn't worth $40.

They should have launched as free, with a $40 option to unlock every hero, forever. Like Smite does. Then let free players grind to unlock em.

This is going to pull a Battleborn right quick. And by then it'll be too late.

Re: Reaction: It's Time for Xbox to Tell Us Which Games It's Bringing to PS5, and Which Games It Isn't


Rich take coming from fans who have to put up with Sony not saying a gotdamm word about a gotdamm thing for years.

What's so bad about Xbox ALSO keeping its cards closer to the chest, huh?

"Oh BuT wHeRe ShOuLd I bUy ThEiR gAmEs?!"

Well, do you have the patience to wait a bit to maybe play them on your PS5? Or do you need every newest game on day one?

What's the worst that could happen? If a big Xbox release interests you and you wanna play it, cool. Can you wait a little while? If anything, it'll save you money and headaches because like every modern game, waiting will give it time to iron out kinks via updates and likely save you money by way of sales.

So how important is it to you to pay the most money for the (almost always) worst version of the game?

Answer those questions for yourself and circle back, because that'll be your answer.

Re: Halloween Is Getting a Pair of Games, Including Unreal Engine 5 Title from John Carpenter


Honestly, one of my dream games is a survival horror title where you play as a person (or people) surviving a home invasion. Where you can avoid confrontation or engage your attacker (making fights scarce, but meaningful - trying to evoke a Shadow of the Colossus "simple person against the odds" vibe). Using a super detailed environment and all the items in said home, you'd then fight to escape or incapacitate your intruder to escape.

Something like that with a classic horror villain twist could be super cool.

But I suspect this will be yet another asometric multiplayer horror title and not remotely unique outside the use of the IP.

Re: Splitgate 2 First Gameplay Footage Emphasises New Factions Feature


This looks real good. I liked what I played of the original, but didn't get too into it (stopped before all the community drama), so I'm really interested in what they're doing with this.

Shooters don't really interest me like they once did. But this looks different enough to what's out there to warrant some reps, for sure.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Helldivers 2: Escalation of Freedom?


All I've read amongst the community is that Arrowhead has once again gone and needlessly nerfed a system (fire) into the ground. This time, right ahead of a brand new fire-based warbond.

So, no. I'm not jumping back into HD2 until the devs get their heads out of their asses and focus on making their game fun. I'm not going to put up with their continued BS.

Re: A Big Bungie Project Has Been Cancelled, But It Wasn't Destiny 3


I'm not a Bugie devotee. Played base D2 but never played beyond that.

When I say I cannot WAIT to see what they do with Marathon... oh my. The look and feel of that teaser trailer just lit something inside of me. No shooter has an aesthetic close to it and I cannot wait to play it.

I want that game to be fun so badly. I think it looks (literally just looks) incredible. Something about the bright colors, blocky simplicity to the gun designs...

Re: Naughty Dog Allegedly Found Bungie's Feedback on Binned The Last of Us 2 Multiplayer Extremely Helpful


I just don't see how a developer as talented as ND could put so many resources into Factions' design and planning and realize THAT FRICKIN LATE that the resources needed to do what they explicitly planned to do would be far too great. Like... at some point, that's a failure of leadership/planning.

There are plenty of multiplayer games that release and get years of updates whose developers have A FRACTION of the resources ND has at its disposal. "It would have gotten too big" is not an excuse when THEY DECIDE HOW BIG OF A GAME IT IS.

ND may have created some of the best games of all time, but the failure to launch Factions is a huge black eye, imo. It speaks to some really poor decision making somewhere in their chain of command.

Re: Horizon VR Dev Still Recruiting for Its Big Budget PS5 Exclusive


I played The Persistence once it was playable without PSVR. It was a solid little game, although it didn't light my world on fire and I abandoned it (as I sometimes do with rogue-likes) before the credits rolled.

It'd be a shame for Sony to buy a studio with emerging FPS talent and then put them on something that didn't utilize it. Especially when you consider that such a small fraction of their exclusive portfolio is FPS titles (Concord ain't it, folks). It'd really help flesh out the broader portfolio by putting a team to work on something to compete in that space imo.

Re: Preview: There's Nothing Super About Marvel Rivals on PS5


Too bad they didn't make it a Smite clone. Having MOBA modes where you're smacking around AIM or Hydra goons, while building up to big team fights of classic heroes and villains would be super cool to me.

But then... I liked Paragon, Titanfall, and Battleborn, so what do I know? Lol

Re: Training Modes, No Battle Pass, More Details Confirmed for Concord in Post-Beta Q&A


@RBMango This is the sort of game that could have set itself apart by not having a battle pass, but have a specific challenge in-game for every little tchotchke/reward. Make it a game where playing the game and playing it in certain ways automatically rewards you with stuff to SHOW how good you are with characters.

"Oh damn, that person has [such and such a skin]. Damn. They really pulled off [crazy challenge]!"

Then they could have added more and more as the game went on, but still kept it fundamentally tied to in-game performance.

The biggest problem with battle passes is they're JUST a grind. There is no skill involved. You can suck and still slowly grind them out. But a challenge-based system could keep players engaged for hours and play better to the sort of game/community they're trying to build.

Re: Training Modes, No Battle Pass, More Details Confirmed for Concord in Post-Beta Q&A


And this is sort of a perfect encapsulation of my true problem with the game: this is a studio with lots of talent. Loads of shooter veterans, many of whom had a hand in numerous competitive multiplayer titles.

And yet, DESPITE ALL THAT TALENT, they still didn't design a solution for a blatant problem that ANYONE could see coming in regards to leaver penalties (or AT LEAST provide a backfill system in matchmaking).

How THE FCUK are you, a month or so from release, only looking into solutions to something people could tell you would be a problem IMMEDIATELY?!?

This stuff has been an issue for YEARS in other titles. Solutions to leavers have been implemented in COUNTLESS other titles. To not have one is fundamentally showing your ass as a team that doesn't fully understand their product, nor their target player base. It's a bigger problem than anything else with this game, as it is a failure of the team at its core.

Re: Publishers Bail on Live-Service Flops Too Quickly, Says Warframe Boss


@Ainu20 Yeah, but I think the point is, the very nature of a GaaS means it should be built to have a longer tail than a traditional release. Their structure is that of a title that should be allowed to more slowly accrue their sales targets. It's improper/unfair for these titles to have all that effort put into them and then be shut down before they're given the chance to evolve and grow. Which, again, that is the point of these games. How do the publishers release them and not understand these matters?

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


@naruball I don't see your point. Those games sold decently and attracted audiences larger than Concord is managing.

Those titles, even if they end up having sold fewer copies, will have made back a larger portion of their budget than Concord will in the end. Guaranteed.

Re: There's Already Concern Over Concord's Player Count as Open Beta Begins


@zekepliskin No problem.

To hammer home my point, as negative as it was... I redownloaded the beta and played another hour last night. It's solid. It's just not "pay $40 up front" levels of good.

It makes some REALLY anti-player design decisions. The entire Crew system is absolutely bonkers dumb. "There are 16 characters (and more to come) but you're only ever able to choose 12 maximum. Enjoy!"

Or the rolling bonuses. "Hey, here are some obscure, passive buffs that are poorly explained and entice you to swap characters, thereby never allowing you to quickly master a single character OR get in a proper groove, because it actively hurts your team to do so."

Also, for a multiplayer-only title... WHY THE ***** DO YOU NOT AUTO-QUEUE INTO A MATCH?!? And why are game modes not just... game modes that can be filtered (a la COD, a la Xdefiant, etc.).

For a dev team with so many supposed multiplayer/shooter veterans, they made some MASSIVELY moronic decisions during development. And it sucks. Cause the moment to moment gunplay is GOOD. Really good. Made by Destiny/Halo veterans good. But it's all wrapped up in a package that, under no circumstances, warrants its pricing model.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing the Concord Open Beta?


The idea of this being about a "crew" of space vagabonds makes me wish desperately that it had some larger scale modes like 3/4 person teams in an extraction sort of mode. (Think COD DMZ in spaaaaaaaaaace.)

PvPvE with space heist/extraction shooter vibes would have been super cool and far more original than this.

I have no interest in a generic arena shooter.

Re: Mini Review: Asphalt Legends Unite (PS5) - Over-the-Top Arcade Racer Serves Up Some Free Fun


There was one of these (I think) on Switch that I got into for a bit a few years back. It wasn't bad, it's just you definitely hit a wall with the way you unlock stuff. If all you want is a little bit of taste for some absurd arcade racing, have at it. It is free, after all.

But, yeah, it's sad when the companies get SO GREEDY you can't just casually pay here and there and still enjoy yourself. They don't want $5 from you. They want your whole wallet. They want whales. And if you're not one, you can ***** right off. It's aggravating as a consumer.

It's sad so few companies chase the Fortnite money, but don't do a better job copying the way they entice people to pay by - here's the shocker - being a well-built, fun game. Instead they choose to copy mobile F2P ***** to milk people's wallets dry. It's exhausting.

Re: There's Already Concern Over Concord's Player Count as Open Beta Begins


I mentioned this before: the subreddit for the game, prior to the first beta, had less than 700 people in it. Across all of reddit.

The number more than doubled after last weekend, but last I was there, it was still under 2000. For a first party AAA shooter releasing in a month.

That's not good.

Popular games tend to have subs in the hundreds of thousands. Or at least tens of thousands. Concord isn't anywhere CLOSE to that and its sales will reflect it, mark my words.

IMO, having played it, it's well made. It's just not a good game. It has fewer options than some multiplayer suites attached to full story-driven games. It is doing absolutely nothing new. Why would people put down $40 to play a game they've effectively played before, but better and more original?

It desperately needed something to separate it from the pack, and the crew system is NOT it.

Won't be surprised if it's dead within a year.