Comments 1,317

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PS5 Patch Promises Improved Performance and Crash Fixes


People can justify how they spend their money all they want. But there is no denying waiting for patches and price drops is the way to go. Has been for years now.

You buy in the launch window (or pre-purchade) these days, you forego all grounds to bitch about things that will inevitably be addressed by patches, imo. There's no defending a single dev anymore. Ever.

Getting a complete game without massive issues early on has been shown to be such a rare occurrence, it's like winning the lottery. It ain't track record or anything, it's pure luck (for the consumer).

Re: Horizon Forbidden West (PS5) - Aloy Returns in Superior PS5 Sequel


The fact y'all didn't touch on how damn janky the climbing is, how much they downgraded the machine combat mechanically, nerfed stalwart assets like the ropecaster, how bizarrely ineffective you can be against machines while using melee... This game is tangibly worse feeling to play than the first. By a mile.

I've never fought so hard or tweaked so many settings to find the fun in a game, let alone a sequel to a stone cold classic. If this were the first Horizon game, or not a Sony 1st party title, it'd be forgotten, not just Forbidden. How the heck this score so highly is beyond my comprehension.

Re: Activision Blizzard's Player Numbers Have Taken a Tumble


Only game of theirs I had bought since D3 was CoD MW2 and I uninstalled that when they introduced P2W DMZ cosmetics.

Atrocious business and scummy payments? You won't keep milking me (or trying to in full priced titles). They're collectively dead to me save for Diablo. It's the only thing I'll give them a chance at. Otherwise they're just dead to me.

Re: Official Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Console Bundle Revealed


@RobN Seriously. They're high profit margin items. Sony is just leaving money on the table, if you ask me.

Xbox 360 had the face plates and I know people who bought half a dozen of those over the system's lifespan.

There's a whole cottage industry right now of supplying covers (I myself own a set). The market is there. Why Sony hasn't been pumping these out is beyond my comprehension.

Re: Diablo 4's Max Level Will Take Most Players 150 Hours to Hit


@SgtTruth Considering how popular games like Diablo are, I'm pretty sure you're not wrong in that the majority probably only engage through the story or shortly thereafter, but I can't believe only 10% play the story repeatedly. A loooooooot of people play into endgame and push into build crafting (or play through Adventure mode... or run Seasonal characters...). A lot of players in similar titles (Destiny, Division) will run into endgame on multiple characters, even.

Most of these games, especially D3, I mean... You're literally choosing to not partake in the meat of the game that way.

Your argument is like saying 90% of CoD players only play the campaign. I just can't believe that's true. It's not really what attracts people en masse to these titles.

You can play that way. But you're underestimating how much people love engaging with the power fantasy of these games.

Re: Destiny 3 Begins Trending on Twitter As Fans Are Fed Up with Current Game


I was intrigued when it went free (or came to PS+, I forget which came first) so I played through the base story and... it was a Bungie shooter. For some, that's enough. But for the life of me I could not figure out the hype.

I've played loads of ARPGs (D3 alone I have prolly north of 5-600 hours easy, having bought it on 4 platforms), all the Borderlands games multiple times, both Division games for multiple days worth of play time (especially Div 2)... I GET grind and replaying content.

But holy hell. There was nothing, and I mean nothing, I found special about Destiny 2. At all. Even in a genre I tend to turn my brain off for, Destiny just felt like it was written by tossing darts at a board of words chosen at random. I couldn't wrap my head around a single reason to do a damn thing once the dust settled.

The fact some people only play Destiny just boggles my damn mind. ESPECIALLY when Bungie has shown their ass multiple times with tweaks and policies and gameplay changes. Like holy hell, people. You're in an abusive relationship. Leave.

Re: SEGA Poised to Purchase Angry Birds Maker for $1 Billion


@nomither6 I don't know what to tell you. The movies both grossed more from international markets than US domestic.

There is a popular kids Netflix show.

The toys are all over Walmart and Target and other stores.

And I saw more Sonic costumes trick 'r treating this past year than any other year of my life and I grew up playing the games.

In the US? Yes. But also... does it matter where the $ comes from? Sega still makes hand over fist from all of it. THAT'S my point.

Re: Hot Wheels Unleashed Boosts Past 2 Million Copies Sold


I'm surprised, seeing as the game was super hard and not kid friendly at all. The advanced physics engine sucked all the fun out of it for me. My daughter's friend tried and quit before finishing a lap because he got launched off the side of the track and got himself lost. Poor kid loves Hot Wheels, too. I felt bad for even suggesting he play it.

I wish they would have taken a more reserved, arcadey approach to the feel of the game and mixed it with track-wide events a la Split/Second. Could have made an incredible, family-friendly title. It was just way too hardcore of a racer for the IP.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Care About a PS5 Remote Play Handheld?


I got a game controller over Christmas that slots my phone in and makes it like a Switch. Allows me to play some phone stuff or link up to my PC via Steam and my PS5 via Remote Play. I use it around the house when my basement is occupied. I also use RP on my laptop when I'm in my office. Been playing a lot on it recently, actually.

Even as what probably qualifies as a heavy RP user, I'd be hesitant to dedicate funds to a device that is solely for streaming titles via RP. If it's Vita-like device that can run native titles? Sure. I'm almost assuredly onboard. But JUST streaming? I already have a phone and laptop for that. And would rather get a tablet in the future that can do more than just stream PS5 games over a RP-focused device.

Sony wants to re-enter the mobile market? I'm all for it. But in this manner? No thank you.

Re: Saints Row Outlines Three Expansions, Three Major Updates Through August 2023


@KidBoruto Exactly. I have a buddy who bought it on a whim after being a fan of the old titles. He literally said it's the same game but a bit prettier.

That doesn't scream "spend $60-70" to me. If it had been released at a lower price point, it prolly woulda sold better.

But now I'll just wait. These games always see steep discounts a year or 2 after release. I have patience.

Re: Marvel's Avengers Will Add War Machine for Free on PS5, PS4 Before Waving Farewell


@Deoxyr1bose Seriously. Their pipeline for heroes was so poor. Why would I want to play this, with its stunted roster, when games like Ultimate Alliance 3 have insanely broad ones??

Of all the characters to pull in that could offer varied mechanics/move sets, where is Daredevil? Dr. Strange? Vision? Scarlet Witch? Quicksilver? Ant-Man or Wasp? Moon Knight? A Guardian or 2 like Rocket, Groot, or Star Lord? Maybe pull from Young Avengers with the likes of Wiccan or Hulkling? What about classic X-Men who have served on the team like Beast or Wolverine? The possibilities were near endless and we got... mostly copycats.

The whole game was just one giant missed opportunity imo. The moment they showed their pipeline with multiple copycat characters, I knew it wasn't gonna be for me.

Re: Hero-Ki Is a Sonic Cosplayer with a Magic Camera in SEGA Shooter Hyenas


Serious question: who is this trying to be for?

'Cause I love shooters, but this being absolute dogshit levels of cringe will mean I never touch it.

You want a character who loves Sonic? Cool. Throw some badass retro tees on someone under their tactical gear. Give 'em a gnarly tattoo or a backback patch or something. Make it subtle and a cool Easter egg.

But no one, and I mean no one, wants to play as someone in a gotdamm Sonic onesie costume from Spirit Halloween.

Re: Hands On: The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR Is Massively Underwhelming So Far


Stuff like this solidifies my belief most game developers do not, or cannot, understand what makes their hits popular. So so many are bad at improving upon what works, choosing more often to reinvent systems and introduce all new design choices than to refine the things fans liked.

They seem to always be chasing the people who didn't play the last thing, introducing new stuff that just to dilutes what made it popular to begin with. Always chasing the unknown, not sticking to what worked.

Sorry. Maybe this doesn't entirely fit Supermassive as much as other devs. But this reminded me of that.

Re: The Last of Us' Naughty Dog Already Working on Next PS5 Exclusive


I'm not convinced TLOU pt 3 is as easy of a sell (or surefire hit) with how divisive pt 2 was.

It may make sense for the TV show to feed the hunger for the IP (it's not like the existing games won't still sell well alongside new seasons), while they shift to new IP development to broaden Sony's portfolio.

You have to imagine Sony wants a surefire hit maker like ND to be introducing more IP so they have a stronger, broader portfolio. Anything with the ND logo slapped on it is gonna garner more interest (and higher sales) than anything the majority of their other studios would be putting out.

Re: Preview: Dead Island 2 Makes Up for Lost Time with Fun


Did you get to experience the card-based skill system at all? That's my biggest hold up about this, a game that is otherwise right up my alley. I hate the limits such systems put on the player. The clothing-based skills ruined Far Cry 6 for me and I fear this will be similar.

Re: Remnant 2's Gunslinger Class Brings Devastating Firepower to Bear on PS5


@Bunchesopuppies Yeah, I hope it's a bit better balanced. I earned the platinum with about 5-10% co-op gameplay hours, but it was the hardest gaming experience of my life. And that's as someone who has since platinumed Elden Ring.

That being said, it was 100% my kind of shooter. I'll take this over any other sorta mainstream shooter these days. CoD, Farcry, series I used to love... nothing they do holds a candle to what Remnant did. Just so so engaging and satisfying.

Re: This Android App Will Transform Your PS5, PS4 Remote Play Experience


Y'all act like remote play is difficult or broken.

I've got a mobile game controller my iPhone slots into, fire up Remote Play, and I'm playing my PS5 anywhere in my home.

No major hardware purchase required.

That being said, I've never understood why Sony doesn't push RP on other platforms. Release it on Switch. Put out a dedicated Android TV, Fire TV, and Roku app. Let people play wherever. It'd be awesome. I'd def use it.