Comments 1,317

Re: Blizzard Insists Overwatch 2's In 'Best State It's Ever Been' as Review Bombing Continues


@Northern_munkey No, I get the point you're trying to make. But let's not act like the good they do couldn't be improved 10 fold if they were pro-union, and/or paid their thousands of employees better wages. The "good" done to and through the economy by way of all that capital would arguably have much a bigger impact. And they could STILL afford to give millions to the charities of their choosing.

Re: Poll: Is 'Live Service' Becoming an Excuse to Release Unfinished Games?


@MikeOrator Sports games are so so ready for a live service overhaul.

Release the core game, allow for all sorts of single and multiplayer modes. And then sell battle passes that give players options for things like custom stadium/uniform options. It'd keep players engaged long term. Make it about creating an actual, thriving sports team for yourself.

Have stats and records wipe and update a few times annually, to mimic seasons and off seasons.

That ***** would sell truck loads, no gambling or anything required.

Re: Poll: Is 'Live Service' Becoming an Excuse to Release Unfinished Games?


I am historically a defendant of live service. It can be done well and to great affect for the consumer. But they are getting outright awful.

The issue, like any capitalist endeavor these days, is that it gets ruined by people/companies who have no understanding of what makes it work and when it makes sense to implement.

I am a long-time Fortnite player. Day 1 on PS4. I bought the first battle pass (and numerous since). It was a model I was okay embracing as it was a) a free title b) a multiplayer title and c) (this is the big one) the BP itself rewarded you for engaging with it by returning to you more than enough currency to continue to engage with it. Had Fortnite been stingy with the rewards, I almost assuredly never would have stayed as engaged as I did over the years.

What a LOT of big companies get wrong is exactly what you're alluding to with this criticism. Something like Fortnite wasn't necessarily incomplete or broken (your personal interest in the game aside). It was a title that knew exactly what it offered. It then used its model to invest in itself and grow to become something much more. Something few could have imagined on launch. And it continues to surprise.

But more and more companies see it as a way to just fix broken stuff later, drip feed content, and dip their hands into consumers' wallets forever and that's about it. Traditional single player titles should not have battle passes. Hell, many multiplayer titles (that includes co-op) shouldn't have them. It needs to make sense for the gameplay and the type of engagement the player base desires.

What's odd to me is that there are some big heavy hitters in the industry that SHOULD just go full F2P + battle pass but don't. And it's bizarre to me. For instance, I truly believe COD should have been flipped on its head years ago. Forget Warzone chasing the Battle Royale trend, COD's multiplayer core should have long ago been released as a PLATFORM for COD content, free of charge. Give away the multiplayer suite in its entirety and release new maps every season, new modes, etc. And if there's still a market for single player? Sell THOSE storyline as add-ons in a sort of soap operatic nature of growing storylines. Just flip the table and deliver stories the way they used to deliver map packs. (And sell cosmetics on top it all to fund the endeavor.) It would keep players even more engaged, and allow them to create a singular space instead of having countless teams with overlapping storylines, gameplay systems, and ***** clogging the brand's identity. How any COD players drops cash on cosmetics that, up until this year, disappeared after a year is beyond me. I have ***** from the first BP in Fortnite that I can display as a badge of honor. That cool COD skin you paid for a year or 2 ago or earned? Just gone forever once the next one comes out. That's bonkers to me.

I think the same could be said for something like Madden or FIFA (or whatever it's called nowadays) where the core competitive nature and seasonal updates would marry so perfectly with the real world sport the titles are mimicking.

It's wild to me that instead, what we get is good, solid games that should never have gone NEAR the live service model "embracing" it and then completely ***** it beyond belief (see: Diablo, Hot Wheels, NBA2K, countless others). THOSE games are the problem and until more keep failing, we won't see it stop.

Re: SEGA Would Like to Remind You Hyenas Exists


I don't understand why they took what seems to be a decent overall concept (near-future zero gravity space combat) and tied it to such absolute cringe details/design language/theming.

Yes. I want to play a zero-g sci-fi FPS.

No. I absolutely do not want anything to do with a cringe ass Sonic cosplayer as a "character."

Re: EA Sports College Football Is Making 'Incredible Progress' on PS5


@OCEANBREATHESSALTY Ok, so it's a new engine to... have the same basic gameplay systems? How can it be "totally different" when the outcome itself is supposed to be, more or less, 95% the exact same? That's what I'm asking.

College football is not "totally different" than NFL football. So how much work is possibly going into actual gameplay changes?

Re: EA Sports College Football Is Making 'Incredible Progress' on PS5


(I admit I don't play football games, but I AM a football fan...)

Legitimately: what "gameplay system" do they need to build to make this game work? Stadium creation? Team uniform editing?

Nothing on the field, surely, right? The game is the same as Madden outside some literal rules tweaks. How can they not turn this out pretty damn swiftly (all things considered)?

Re: Remnant II (PS5) - Dark Souls with Guns Still Has Room to Grow


I mean... You say all that about the story being a negative due to random generation of levels... But I'd argue story is never very well communicated or clarified in Souls-likes (at least the ones I've played). Part of their allure is being obtuse. At least in Remnant, the reasons for it are tied to the story.

I never felt, not once, during playthroughs of Ashen, Demon's Souls, or Elden Ring, that I objectively needed story clarification for anything whatsoever.

To hold that against this sort of game seems preeeetty absurd to me.

Re: Diablo 4's Huge Patch Backlash Prompts Damage Control Chat with Blizzard Devs


@ORO_ERICIUS I did stop. And I don't intend to come back until S2 at a minimum.

Also, about difficulty, this is ALSO Blizzard's doing. Diablo 3 had a near-limitless Nightmare level (equivalent to World Tier) system via the Greater Rift endgame activity. You could theoretically play forever based on its design. And people did. People played for ages.

The fact is, BLIZZARD made 4 too easy. BLIZZARD cut down on endgame, loot, and borked the endgame design. This patch does NOTHING to address any of that, hence players are rightfully pissed.

Know what they could have done, if they were worried about players being too powerful? Added a World Tier (or two)! Give strong players a place to GO and things TO DO. Instead, they cut us all off at the knees and want us to thank them for it.

Re: Diablo 4's Huge Patch Backlash Prompts Damage Control Chat with Blizzard Devs


@Northern_munkey @Triumph741 @ORO_ERICIUS

Y'all are tossing out some broad oversimplifications. It's okay if you're cool with it all. I agree if it STARTED this way, it'd be more palatable. But the fact is, it didn't start this way. The game was released, sold, and reviewed based on a flow and cadence, one that was already deemed slow by many.

There are issues to address, but going after the few fun builds that were discovered and undercutting everyone's ability to progress is just asinine. Especially when they didn't address things players have been begging for since beta.

The changes effect everyone. If only a few were implemented to slowly right the ship, then it could have been palatable. But, in classic Blizzard fashion, they took the nerfhammer to the game. If rolled out over 2-3 seasons, tweaking so players could adjust and bring builds up to new status quos, it would have been better. (The old adage of boiling frogs comes to mind.) Instead, they upset damn near everyone who put a lot of time into the game.

I mean...

Item drops have been slowed, as drops from Elites were nerfed.

The best Helltide chests were nerfed, making loot chasing harder. Cinders in Helltides were nerfed, making loot chase worse.

They gated World Tiers (but reverting this), so you couldn't get XP to progress as quickly fighting higher level foes.

They nerfed XP rewards from those harder enemies by a significant amount, ruining XP rewards for even trying to push, slowing progress to a slower crawl.

The net effect is slowing down gameplay. You take longer to engage lower level enemies, get less XP for doing so, and get killed more easily while doing it, costing you time and resources to fix your gear and complete your objective.

Heck, they made it take 66% longer to exit a dungeon! Why??

Those are all universal truths. You may THINK they "don't effect you" but they very much do/will. You may play similarly, but effectiveness has, undoubtably, been cut back. As will progress through the game itself.

Prior to the patch it was estimated a level obtained during endgame (roughly level 70+) should take 2-3 hours (aiming for fighting enemies +3 levels above you to optimize XP), depending on activity. I imagine that was increased by at least an hour per level, based on my limited post-patch play time.

My 86 melee rogue went from crushing Nightmare Dungeons and enemies +5-6 levels, to struggling to complete when the enemies were at my level. I could trade blows with the Butcher and beat him 9/10 times. Post-patch, he 2-shotted me before he finished saying his name.

That's a fundamental screw up, whether they intend it to be that hard or not, based on how DRASTIC it feels. It's not an understatement to say this patch is a shock to the system. This is dunking us all in ice water when we were begging them to heat things up.

Somebody else mentioned it, but Blizzard has a tendency to nerf, nerf, nerf instead of slowly tweaking, nerfing, buffing, etc. They see something "out of place" and they smash that thing (whatever it is) into the Earth's core from on high (see also: HotS, Overwatch). In this case, they made EVERYONE feel less viable. It's exhausting.

Why would I bother to rebuild myself (as I crest 115 hours in the game) if there's ALWAYS the risk of them undercutting me so severely at any moment? ESPECIALLY when their systems are expensive and not simple to respec/rebuild? It's obnoxious and tone deaf across the board.

Re: The Witcher 3 PS5, PS4 Update 4.04 Is Out Now, Fixes Ray Tracing Mode


What's the thinking behind breaking down entire patch notes for an upgraded version of a 8 year old game, but y'all don't look at patches for a big seller like Diablo 4 that released 2 months-ish ago (and is waaay more controversial based on your other article on said patch)?

Is the engagement on Witcher 3 articles that much higher?

Re: Diablo 4 Classes Nerfed to the High Heavens Ahead of Season 1 Launch


This was an overt effort to slow down the player from completing content too quickly.

They designed an arpg with more of an end than their last game (paragon maxing out, gear maxes, and really only glyphs to enhance at the very end). This is a base issue for a live service title.

So instead of, say, adding a world tier (or 2) or enhancing systems, they rolled back the power of the players. That'll make it harder for them to progress.

They also scaled back and hard capped enemy levels. This will mean general XP gains from, say, traversing the world will be far lower than before. Again, slowing the player from attaining new levels and reaching the end.

They made helltide loot harder to obtain by nerfing XP AND cinder drops. Meaning the good gear drops for maxed builds will be harder to obtain.

They changed "bugs" where elites could drop more than one item upon death. Again, slowing down loot drops and obtainment.

They painted themselves into a corner of bad design decisions and at a moment in time their player base (one of the largest, if not THE largest in the series' history based on sales numbers alone) was BEGGING them to buff characters and systems to inject more fun into proceedings, they nerfed everything into the ground, effectively pulling the rug out from everyone already playing the game, souring them on it, and surely doing themselves no favors with general word of mouth. I mean, what current player whose build just got annihilated (like my melee rogue with 115 hours under his belt) is going to go recommend the game to their friends NOW when Blizzard has shown their hand and their design intent?

It is a fundamentally slower, less enjoyable game today than it was yesterday. I have no hope for the immediate future. Blizzard can ***** off. They tricked me for the last time. D4 is the last of their games I'll ever buy/play. They're terrible at designing for fun.

Re: Sony and Microsoft Sign a 'Binding Agreement' to Keep Call of Duty on PlayStation


I honestly don't see how Microsoft ever thought making CoD exclusive would be profitable for them. It's sooo much easier for people to stop playing a game than it is to buy hardware dedicated to that singular device. They would have seen a HUGE dip in sales and player numbers had they ever done so. And it would have made making back their investment that much harder for them. It never made business sense to me. At all.

I think Sony's concerns about bugs and all that... That's actually fair. Look at how Microsoft has handled ITS OWN IPS on its own platforms. They're not exactly consistently stellar. I think they had every right in the world to be concerned that Microsoft, barely able to manage its own content natively, would ever bother to dedicate necessary resources to make cross-platform titles a priority.

Microsoft is generally pretty ***** bad at the game making part of being a videogame maker. They think of all this ***** as content and services and that's rightfully quite scary to Sony, who still has a lot invested in games as a medium/experience/art form.

Re: Destruction AllStars Dev Gobbled Up by Tencent Subsidiary


@Jamesblob I understand your general point, but nothing Microsoft is doing is FORCING you to purchase a subscription. At all.

Making games available via subscription is NOT the same as ONLY making them available via that subscription. You can buy any title available in Game Pass independently of the subscription.

If you want to make a point, don't lie about it.

Re: Starfield, Redfall Exclusivity 'Powerful Evidence' Against Xbox's Activision Buyout, Claims FTC


@Fiendish-Beaver I always loved Microsoft's argument of "We tried to put GamePass on PlayStation but they didn't wantnit there."

Like yeah, no *****. But were you asking them to out PS+ on Xbox?! Saying getting their mits into/onto the PS platform is a sign of good intentions is laughable if MSFT weren't also willing to let the competition get their mits on THEIR platform.

Is Microsoft out here begging to let everyone play nice together? Doesn't seem that way. They think "Xbox on everything" is fair and goodwill, but anyone on their platforms is bad. Which... makes no sense.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for June 2023?


Finally got me sign up for Extra, so yeah. I'm finally stoked enough to give it a whirl.

Edit: Just saw the result. Oh, you poor people about to be disappointed by Farcry 6... just don't bother. Replay an old one you pikey already own. It'll be better. I promise.

  • a Farcry fan who platinumed them all from 3-5, but couldn't get past the first major region of 6 without being bored outta his skull

Re: Fans Think GTA 6's Imminent Reveal Is Being Teased in GTA Online


The second one is a HUUUUGE stretch.

"Frankie says relax" was a meme (before memes were a thing) back in the 80s thanks to Frankie Goes to Hollywood's hit song "Relax." They had shirts that, you guessed it, looked nearly identical to that second shirt.

Rockstar are nothing if not cultural historians and fans of paying homage to their favorite bits of pop culture. I'd put my money on that second shirt being nothing more than that.

They did something similar, back with Vice City, lampooning the classic 80s style tee "I [did a thing] and all I got was this t-shirt" as an in-game item as the reward for 100% completion. This is very much in line with that sort of Easter egg.

Re: Translucent Faceplates Finally Make PS5 Look Stunning


I've got their original white plates with the center sticker and blue light overlay... Looks super slick and my PS5 has almost never been over heated or needed the fans to speed up. I attribute that to the improved airflow of the plates themselves.

Can't say I like these particular colors, but for anyone wondering: their products are built solidly and seem to work as advertised.

Their packaging was also SUPERB for what you're buying. I was very impressed by their presentation in that regard. Clearly they didn't cut corners in that area like so many boxed products these days.