Comments 137

Re: 80s Synthpop Stars Heaven 17 Resist the Temptation of PS5's GTA 6


>From our perspective, getting your music in a game like GTA 6 would effectively guarantee future royalties from an entire new generation – especially with a song as undeniably catchy as Temptation.

>Ware, to his credit, does acknowledge this: “Ah, but think of the exposure,” he continued. “Go f*ck yourself. I’ve worked in artist rights advocacy for 20 years [and] I know the game. This is iniquitous.”

He's not acknowledging it in a good way here...

Re: Space Marine 2 Already Struggling With PS5 Server Woes, Days Before Its Full Release


@ZeroSum Wrong, wrong, and wrong again.

Again - this isn't "play early". It's not some broken alpha build or a hobbled together beta. It's (at minimum) v.1.00 and they've deemed it to be in a saleable condition. They could have released it to everyone, but instead they've released it only to those with people suckered in by FoMo (which is a classic marketing tactic that) and/or more disposable income.

On what planet is giving regular users who don't want to pay a premium the product at a later date to when it's first officially availabile not dicking over them?

Re: Space Marine 2 Already Struggling With PS5 Server Woes, Days Before Its Full Release


@ZeroSum The connection is clear as day. The game is available now if you want to pay a premium. The game - despite being in a fit enough state to be released by the publisher - is not available if you don't want to pay the premium and prefer to pay "just" the launch price.

And the premium gets you it over the weekend, whereas the regular schmoes have to wait until Monday (which is when most people's free time dwindles). The publisher using FoMo in this instance is clear as day as well.

It's also another example of publishers pushing their luck to see what they can get away with.

Compare and contrast with most other games that don't pull this garbage - everyone pays the regular price and gets it on the same day.

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum


@get2sammyb Unhealthy and obsessive - definitely.

I recall that dude Hakoom (the guy with the obscene trophy level) bitching about how people lacked the willpower to follow through on trophies, and all I could think was "that's a bit rich coming from the guy that is quite clearly addicted to popping trophies and plays multiple versions of complete garbage to facilitate his addiction".

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum


Trophy hunters sure know to suck the fun clean out of something that's supposed to be fun. If I see that Plat on anyone's profile, all I'll think is they spent a few days of their life using an entertainment medium in such a way that wasn't particularly entertaining.

Then there's the crowd who feel entitled to Platinums just because. I recall one dude who had a meltdown in the Street Fighter 6 Battlehub because he couldn't get the ten wins in a tournament to secure the Platinum and was begging anyone who came up against him to throw the fight. I dunno dude, if you can't fulfil the criteria to unlock the trophy, ever stop to think that you don't actually deserve it?

Re: Space Marine 2 Already Struggling With PS5 Server Woes, Days Before Its Full Release


@ZeroSum What people do with their own money isn't my issue, rather it sets a precedent for publisher's to say "yeah, a chunk of your audience are willing to pay an extra 30%, time to get milking". Which at the same time dicks over the regular player base who will buy at "launch" (I put that in inverted commas because the game has in fact launch, it's just the publisher has seen fit to gate it off and charge extra to access it now instead of next week).

Re: Street Fighter 6 Still Kicking, Over Four Million Copies Sold


Delighted, it's an almost perfect fighting game and is much deserved. I've been playing fighting games since Street Fighter 2 in the arcades (sheesh), buy almost all of them that are worth a look, but Street Fighter 6 is shaping up to be my favourite ever made - 450 hours and counting. I'm so engrossed in it I even find myself watching high level replays and that (watching footage of a game I already own and play lots of) is something I never do.

Looking forward to Terry in a few weeks!

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Is the Best Game of the Year So Far


@Sequel A lot of retailers stick it in the post to ensure launch day delivery at the latest. My local retailer does this - I was just short of halfway through through Spider-Man 2 before the game unlocked at midnight for other people (I opted digital for Astro Bot though as I'll be replaying this game repeatedly).

What's funny is the same retailer is also a bricks'n'mortar store (Smyth's), and if I were to walk in and ask for a copy to be sold over the counter on the same day their delivery arrives I'd be told to sod off as that'd constitute breaking street date lol.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


@RubyCarbuncle There's around 60 million PS5 consoles in homes vs. 2 to 3 million PSVR2 units. At one point Sony apparently halted PSVR2 production in order for the backlog sitting in retailers to sell.

Astro Bot is now looking like Sony's best reviewed game this generation, being called "as good as the best Mario games", has become the mascot that they've been looking for for a long time.. again, there ain't no way that these games going forward are gonna be bespoke VR titles.