Comments 836

Re: Reaction: PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand


I was one of those that helped build the brand all the way back to the PS1 days.
I think the best for me so far was the PS3 once it got going to PS4 of course.
Being brought up on some totally amazing Sony studio AAA campaign games.

Even this PS5 generation has been a lot of cross generation as well and some remasters.

Seems my Sony glory days have passed for now, but hopefully they will be back one day.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play for May 2024?


Well me thinks we won’t see the PS5 Pro in 2024 if it does exist.
No new big Sony studio AAA game to show it off with.
Maybe 2025 who knows with these companies.
I thought last years wasn’t good for my Sony Studio campaign AAA games but this year must be so far unless we get a major surprise my lowest ever PlayStation year I can remember.

Re: Sony Invites Public to Play Insane, Massive PS5 Pinball Machine


I don’t think we will know the real reason, some used to say because of the ABK deal going through.
Though god knows what the excuse was before that started.
I just think they don’t want to and that is that.

Will be interesting to see if they advertise COD for Xbox and console bundles etc and main stream tv advertising like Sony used to do with COD, making the game almost look like a PlayStation exclusive.
If we see none of this for COD this year then Xbox advertising and PR is sort of lost in space.

Re: What Time Is PlayStation's State of Play?


This year with all three major players I’m keeping my expectations low and in check.
I’m a big AAA single player campaign player, so we shall just have to wait and see.
I definitely don’t have any hopes from the big 3 on this and it’s seems third party will be the only ones delivering on AAA single player campaign games this year 2024.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


I don’t understand why any PlayStation gamer on this site is bothered or concerned if it is day one on game pass.
Nothing has changed for PlayStation gamers, they just buy it as before. So can Xbox gamers buy the game if they want as well. Or have or join game pass.
No one needs to be worried if it’s good or bad for Microsoft, that’s not of any PlayStations gamers concern.

The only very very very tiny thing for Sony is some like me that have all three consoles and game pass, will probably just play on Game pass and not buy for their PS5, which they may have done.
But that will be very far and few and not really a concern at all.

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


Well they might as well get more for producing game that will definitely sell well on PS5, probably be a switch 2 version further down the line.
I own all three consoles so I don’t really mind.
I have game pass so I get it day one with my subscription and I think releasing on other platforms will help game pass keep getting those games day one due to the returns on investment releasing on PS5 and maybe switch 2.

I know Sony make money selling consoles and it’s different for them to keep their exclusives tight to their console base.

One day in future we might see all games all consoles, but I definitely can’t see Nintendo doing it.

Re: Rumour: Full Astro Bot PS5 Game to Be Announced Very Soon


I guess I got a PS5 on the expectations from the PS4 days. And so far the PS5 overall has been lacking those big AAA studio games especially just for PS5 and not cross generation.

Yes just because I paid for it doesn’t mean I can’t complain so far it hasn’t meet with my expectations.

Re: Key Sony Exec Gives Eye-Opening Quotes on the Future of PlayStation and Gaming


God knows what it will do to the games that get made.
But all call me old fashioned but I want the best graphics etc and best gameplay like Sony used to make for this generation.
Give me, uncharted, GOW, HFW, last of us, ghost of T, ratchet and clank etc. The list goes on, the reasons I had a PS3, PS4 and a PS5. Don’t change too much Sony.

Just make amazing looking games with amazing spot on gameplay and precise controls.

Don’t waste your time with half the stuff you think we want, just like you did with GAAS.

I’m currently playing whilst writing this Uncharted 4 PS5 enhanced version.
This is why I’m with PS5 get back to basics, that made you great in the first place.

There are a few reasons while you 5 million behind PS4 same time line in Europe.
One is, give us those games and the Sony advertising and PR like you used to.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


Well I have a PS5 slim now but I’m always day one anyway.
In the UK I think the PS4 at the same life cycle as the PS5 was about £290 not £480 like the PS5 is.

Also being honest, where are the PS5 only games that take full advantage of the PS5.
By now we should have one amazing Naughty Dog PS5 only big AAA title to amaze us and maybe more from other Sony studios.
They made some wrong choices a few years ago GAAS etc and now they paying for it.

Give gamers a reason to upgrade to PS5 then they might do.

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


It definitely won’t make any difference at all in the UK, Germany and Europe.
The only way Xbox could gain a small amount of ground console sales wise on PS5 is if COD was exclusive to Xbox consoles etc and not on PS5
Then it would be a small amount.

Xbox would have to totally also need to cut the series x price to about £350, COD exclusive to Xbox and advertise very well and do bundles.
Then they might gain a bit more on PS5 console sales.
The poor Xbox console is almost dead in Europe.

In the USA they would stand a far better chance of gaining ground on PS5 sales.

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


They were PS4 then moved to PS5 of course.
I just asked about 4 of them for fun, as I saw them together one day.

Xbox lost the FIFA and COD crowd at the PS4 era as Sony very cleverly took the advertising rights of Xbox after the xbox360 era. So lots switched to PS4 because Sony advertised well on TV and with bundles making it look like COD and FIFA were PS4 only. That was pure Sony advertising genius.