Comments 836

Re: Reaction: PS5 Needs a Price Cut


Just give me PS5 Pro I want the best performance for my Sony X95L 65” and Dolby Atmos system
And of course for the games.

As for the price of PS5 and Xbox Series x they are overpriced for coming up to 4 years old.
But isn’t everything to expensive at the moment in the UK.

Re: A Big Bungie Project Has Been Cancelled, But It Wasn't Destiny 3


Still can’t work out how a studio of that size have not produced another big AAA game over the years since destiny 2. I know they have been supporting and adding to destiny 2.
But to me with the shear amount of employees they should have produced another big game by now easily.

Goes to show when you swell a business and don’t manage it, it ends up producing nothing even with lots of employees.

Re: Bungie to Layoff 220 Employees, Will Be Further Integrated into Sony


Spread to thinly amongst projects is the key word for me.
A lot of studios do this and then end producing nothing or games of little value.
I do worry there is to much of this spread thinly going on and is why games are taking longer in development.
A Sony studio used to be good at making one game per studio, an amazing game and get it finished and done. Maybe not so much nowadays.

Re: Preview: Star Wars Outlaws Thrives in Its Rewarding Open World


Sounds like Star Wars version of the UBI Avatar game, looks gorgeous, catches the film effect and locations etc.
But has some muddy game play flaws and typical open world set up.
What gets me the team and dedicated developers have spent years on this game.
They must know about the two main flaws other preview mentions. The muddy shooting control and feeling and the bad slow down effect camera angles.
Please tell me why not sort these things out during production?
I shall sit back and wait for reviews and go from there.

Re: Astro Bot Continues Its Quest for PS5 Game of the Year with Sublime Gameplay Demo


Sony showing Nintendo how to do it almost in their own backyard, good for you Sony about time Nintendo had some platform competition.
About 4 years in the making and looking marvellous.

How long have we been waiting for a new 3d Mario platform game. Time we get there about 8 years and also it will be no where near Astro Bot graphics, sound and dualsense tricks wise.

Can’t wait for this game. And that’s coming from a day one Switch owner.

Re: Anticipated PS5 Platformer Astro Bot Looks Absolutely Outstanding in Gameplay Demo


I know gameplay is king but also being a Switch owner it does make we wish we could have a 3d Mario platformer and 3d Zelda with Astro Bot and say Horizon Forbidden West graphics a long with Nintendo game play.

But alas it will never happen, mainly due to Nintendos model of business, which is good, keep things a level or two down, keep costs down and production time and of course studio size, number of employees and make a profit.

And of course being hybrid console would bring some technical and cost issues.

Well at least we got this amazing Astro Bot game for my PS5.

Was hoping for the PS5 Pro release in time for Astro Bot and SW Outlaws but I don’t think that will happen.

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


Well going by results we definitely have.
It’s a shame as I have tried a few of them and what amazing games and design and gameplay.

Please give me an easier mode and I will buy and play the game for hours.

It’s a stupid stance and format if you ask me to take on games.

Imagine the loads of extra sales the games would get if they put some sort of easement into the games.

The main one is Elden Ring for me to miss out on.

Re: Deals: PSVR2 Price Gets a Hefty Cut at Numerous UK Retailers


At my work they would talk about gaming as they are sort of that way inclined.
It’s just not as popular and I have no one to talk a little about gaming to 🤣

I thinking in the future it will decline and possibly only room for two main stream consoles making it worth while for the companies.
Which I think we know will be Sony and Nintendo.

But they only have themselves to blame. They went to early with series and PS5 consoles, they keep cross generation games, charge higher prices for games and consoles and have not really brought much new to the table.

Stick your PS4 Pro or Xbox one x on and with a top tv doing up scaling magic as well it’s hard to tell the difference. And on a small bedroom tv there is no difference at all.

Developers taking an age to release big AAA games and games releasing with bugs and performance issues, then with what else I have mentioned you have a massive recipe for declining overall sales.

Re: Deals: PSVR2 Price Gets a Hefty Cut at Numerous UK Retailers


Continuing on about consoles sales overall.
I for decades have employed apprentices 16 to 20 year old and degree graduates 21 to 23.
Over the years I bust in on their conversations and say years ago roughly it used to be sometimes, consoles this and that any games this and that, also COD and FIFA chats.

Fast forward to the last two years and especially now, absolutely nothing from the new in takes.
It’s a little bit PC, news, work or tv programmes, other hobbies, cars chat. Not gaming now and again.
This wonderfully amazing console hobby of ours is in and heading for decline.
Obviously this is just my experience UK.

Re: Deals: PSVR2 Price Gets a Hefty Cut at Numerous UK Retailers


Totally agree but I did sort of enjoy it at times.

It was interesting reading overall console sales for 2024 across the board yesterday.
Sort of showing overall how it’s definitely in a small decline.
Will be interesting to see if it levels off, gets lower or increases over many months

But it’s definitely because overall this new generation has really done nothing new compared to last generation and cross generation games also yet again for FIFA and COD this year. Also the cost of the big two consoles is expensive especially in Europe. Also the lack of big AAA game franchises.
Also the Switch is near to end of life of gone past it almost, not helping.

Re: Deals: PSVR2 Price Gets a Hefty Cut at Numerous UK Retailers


Sorry not strictly correct. The WII U which I had could be played in a handheld mode sort off as we know, so it had a unique selling point against the other home consoles.

Switch is also selling well because NIntendo have taken away their hand held consoles so Switch is the only option.
Nintendo of course planned this, so only one hardware device had to made and one lot of games produced.
However Nintendo especially during the WII era sold far more consoles and games having both home and held devices. Only Nintendo will know financially if it is better to have both home and hand held console or just the Switch hybrid.

The Switch has done well but one reason is because Nintendo took away the hand held console option.

Re: Deals: PSVR2 Price Gets a Hefty Cut at Numerous UK Retailers


Very true I have one but always play docked of course for those Nintendo AAA studio games only.
I will preorder a Switch 2 the second I can.
The only thing that will stop me is if it doesn’t release with big Nintendo AAA games, but the time they are taking releasing the console we should have a good couple of them on release.
If it doesn’t it will be a rubbish release for me and also make me wonder what the hell have Nintendo been doing, as that seems to have been one of their excuses for not release Switch 2 earlier.

Re: Deals: PSVR2 Price Gets a Hefty Cut at Numerous UK Retailers


When they have had demo pods in Currys many years ago they seemed ok.
I found it’s more if they fail and need resetting, they don’t get reset so sit there in limbo.

Sony should use the Sony TV rep in Currys store to keep the demo pod looked after.
That’s all they have to do as they already pay for the Sony tv rep to be there like LG have a tv rep.

There are solutions if Sony really wants to do it, it’s just they probably don’t want to.

Re: 'PlayStation's Blessed with Marketing Budgets We're Not Able to Enjoy,' Xbox Bigwig Bemoans


What a cock up of a company Microsoft have been with the series consoles and games pass and cloud gaming.
No wonder they hardly sell much and get noticed in UK and Europe nowadays.
The more than comes out about Microsoft and gaming, I’m glad I switch a few weeks ago to PS5 as my main console and eco system.
Along with my Switch as well.
When our pets get ill and past repair we can put them down sadly. Maybe we should take this stance with Microsoft console gaming and get it over with.

Re: PS5 Simply Can't Match the Pace of 2023 in Europe


Sometimes it has a price cut in the UK for a couple of weeks by about £80, they then fly off the shelves.
The problem is once the price goes back up to normal price some wait for the next price reduction sale before buying.

I do think both consoles are over priced in the UK though generally.

Re: Doubt Cast Over PS5 Pro Actually Releasing This Year


Yes I said a while ago in line with GTA6 special bundle deal. The only console to play the game full native 4K etc, all the good PR.
Also I can’t really see the point without a big flash exclusive to show off the power.

Maybe they having second thoughts, look at Switch and the sales. Switch 2 won’t be all that powerful either.

If Xbox release next generation Xbox 2026 are Sony going to do the same with PS6.

It’s not a normal generation this generation either to me.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


Like I have said before just over 50% of game pass subs are on Xbox consoles.
That means the rest is across all other billions of devices.
So the console up take is good and all other devices is poor.
3 years ago I put on here. Sell a console where you biggest up take is you stand a very good chance of selling a game pass.
As of today Microsoft have done absolutely nothing to sell consoles, advertising wise etc and are totally outsold everywhere.
Microsoft when it comes to Xbox consoles and Xbox really seem to want it to die. All the evidence is there. They are taking Xbox brand down.