Comments 171

Re: PS5 Exclusive Rise of the Ronin Is Koei Tecmo's Best-Selling Game


Koei Tecmo have some games that are really underrated, like wild hearts, so much better than monster hunter in any aspect do you want and still dont are recognized as much. The same can be told about ninja gaiden, much better than souls games, hard games with actualy good gameplay instead of minecraft like characters that from put in their games. Ronin already a hidden gen of this generation.

Re: Any Hope of Vampire FPS Redfall Biting PS5 Appears Dead


its hard to admit but we need more games like redfall. I know those type of games are full of live service content but we have just a few multiplayer campaing games and thats sucks. Multiplayer campaing is the new couch coop and a lot of peaple like to play coop games that arent pvp. Games like monster hunter or remnant that you can enjoy with friends, i miss that and i know a lot of peaple miss too. So maybe surf the hate vibe can seens like be cool but its simple be dumb.

Re: Best Final Fantasy Games


13-1 and 13-2 are really bad but 13-3 its 10-2 made it right, also type 0 is a good game.
Some games old poorly like final fantasy 8 and final fantasy 1-3 but i think remakes could put them in better place.

Re: Yoko Taro Puts Square Enix President on Blast, Potentially Teases NieR 3


I played automata and love it, but replicant is pure trash, the world, design, sons, story its all good but its all behind a repetitive and tedious grindly wall that made you do the same thing in the same places for hours, never finish the game and dont want to. The mobile game its the same, good content behind a gacha and some tedious grind, if the next game is gona be like that then its better dont make the game at all.

Re: Game of the Year: John's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


Good list! My top games this year are:

horizon forbbiden west
god of war ragnarok
yakuza 0
no man sky
marvel guardians of galaxy
jedi fallen order
darksiders genesis

yeah i know none of then are games that release this year but my backlog is extense and i play what im in the mood.