Comments 216

Re: Random: God of War Ragnarok PC Mod Removes Thousands of 'Helpful' Dialogue Lines


I have played DMC and Bayonetta. They're fine. The combat feels super repetitive to me. In every battle you're generally just throwing out as many different combos as possible, not in any intentional way based on situation, but instead to increase variety and run up the score. It rarely if ever matters what you choose to do at any given time. GoW on high difficulty requires me to be incredibly intentional and thoughtful about using my full tool kit and making sure to use the right moves in the right situations.

I would tell you to try GoW on high difficulty so that you can experience how perfectly designed the combat can be but some of the things you wrote make me feel like you have a skill issue. You can be in complete control of the action in GoW as long as you're smart about spacing and flexible in your approach. The things you wrote make it sound like you struggled with both at standard difficulty and like you're mad at the game for asking you to master these skills.

Re: Random: God of War Ragnarok PC Mod Removes Thousands of 'Helpful' Dialogue Lines


@R_L_Stine I played the game on give me god of war difficulty. Almost all enemies have more poise than you so it fundamentally changes the game. It becomes like a more dynamic version of souls combat. And I beat all 72 bosses. It was a ***** load of very challenging and fun gameplay. Gna alone took almost four hours. For me the puzzles were just busy work for me to get back to the part of the game I liked.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


8 - Its fun and has a lot of cool ideas but it never does anything compelling with them.

The chicken rocket and balloon power are really only used as high jumps. The time stopper and octopus are used to create mindlessly easy platforming sections. The lights you carry cast to such a wide area that the platforms being invisible becomes completely irrelevant. Other better platformers have used these same powers to create incredibly fun levels specifically built around the skills but in Astro they rarely lead to anything more than rote platforming.

Re: PS5 Players Choose Performance Mode 75% of the Time


@30fps60fps I played 90 hour of Tears of the Kingdom and never stopped seeing the choppiness so no it is not something I get use to.

There was a study earlier this year showing that some humans have less ability perceive high frame rates. If you’re not noticing you probably just don’t have as good of visual perception as other people.

Re: Mini Review: Pepper Grinder (PS5) - Sprightly Platformer Is Well-Drilled


I thought this game was a disappointment. Even with the extremely short run time they were not able to come up with enough smart level design ideas for the drilling. And two of the bosses are so poorly designed that the best strategy did not include drilling. There are a few good ideas in there but they're shockingly spread out for such a small game.

Re: CYGNI: All Guns Blazing Knows What It's Doing with This PS5 Trailer


@CallMeDuraSouka So I will take that to mean that no you cannot name a single instance of the thing that you feel persecuted about. People like you want to play victim when you're really just projecting.

Also your response to me makes literally no sense. That idiom doesn't apply at all when the problem with the initial statement is that it is a strawman arguement.

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for Summer Game Fest 2024?


@NEStalgia Personally I don't miss any news on games I am interested during the noraml news cycle. I think lumping everything together at once makes it harder for the types of interesting game I want to play to stand out from the crowd. All the coverage ends up focused on a handful of big AAA games and indies. Everything else is just kind of shotgun blasted at us in poorly currated "everything we saw" lists.

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for Summer Game Fest 2024?


@nessisonett Part of that sounds a bit like nostalgia. It's hard to get as hyped for commercials as we did when we were kids and the world had so much less happening. But I do completely agree with you on the impersonal nature of the current events. It felt like before there was room for gaming journalist to be surprised by the games they encountered on the show floor whereas now they only cover the handful of games they get access to and those tend to be known titles from prominent AAA/indie publishers that typically already have hype. I feel like with E3 I would always come away excited for a bunch of smaller games and that doesn't really happen anymore.

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for Summer Game Fest 2024?


My problem with both this mess and E3 is that they are not adding anything and just condense a bunch of news into a one week period with the months around it being slow on news. I would prefer to just have news and hype rolled out at a steady cadence.

Re: Poll: Will the Rumoured PlayStation Showcase Be Announced Soon?


@Jacko11 I listen to literally all of his podcasts. If you listen to the words he is saying he very rarely claims to know exact information and instead is very clear about the level of certainty he has in anything he is talking about. The problem is that websites and Twitter trolls misquote or take his statements out of context. He is the best insider in the business. Incredibly entertaining, well Informed, and knowledgeable.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


@themightyant wouldn’t that thinking also imply that there are multiple monthly users on PS4 consoles as well. In fact it stands to reason that users still on PS4, who either cannot or are not willing to spend money to upgrade, are even less likely to have multiple consoles in their home for each individual user.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


@themightyant I don't understand your disbelief? They used extremely simple math to determine that half of PS users are not on PS5. What is the alternative explanation? Who are the other 59 million active users if not people playing on PS4?