

I'm tall and sour. Sufficient?

Comments 5,821

Re: Rumour: Concord Cost $400 Million, Sony Believed It Was the 'Future of PlayStation'


@NEStalgia Whatever they're doing, it's working. The games are coming heavy and fast and it looks like they're not gonna ruin their momentum with more goofy experimentation next gen.

Good at running the gaming business? His hands-off approach to management led to Microsoft's teams wasting tremendous amounts of time on projects that went nowhere and/or turned out tremendously disappointing. Him pushing for gigantic acquisitions, day one PC ports, and Game Pass has ultimately ruined the brand as they pivot toward being a third-party publisher in order to balance the books a bit.

Xbox would've been better off if Mattrick had never left, lol.

Re: The Novelty of PlayStation's PC Ports Does Appear to Be Dampening


@naruball That's a big reason I never bought in to PS5. Sure, I have to wait on some games, but not being a huge modern Playstation Studios fan, I can game on my PC knowing pretty much everything I want on the platform) has released or will release on PC in time.

Nintendo is the only one of the big three fully invested in their own ecosystem and console playerbase, so they're the only company whose consoles I'll bother continuing to purchase.

I'm happy for Sony to pursue this course, since it means less hardware cluttering my home, but I do think, as with Microsoft, it'll increasingly dilute the appeal of their console brand.

Re: PS5's Building Insurmountable Lead Over Rival, Outselling Xbox Almost 3:1


@Matroska Anecdotally, most Switch owners I know (non-core gamers) have one Switch. Usually just the base model. Several don't own Mario Kart, although, unsurprisingly, all of them own some Nintendo games.

I'm not denying that there's a lot of the same people buying new models. There obviously are. 140 million Switches sold doesn't mean 140 million owners, as is the case with any console, really, but especially the ones with significant revisions.

That said, the base model, which has easily sold the most of the models, I think is predominantly going out to new owners. And even with the revisions, you'll have a more half-and-half split of new and established owners.

Overall, I think the base of Switch owners is still probably north of 100 million. That the same games stay so high in the charts all the time speaks to that as well.

Re: Hi-Fi Rush 2 Won't Make a Profit, and Krafton Doesn't Care


A simultaneous launch across PS5, XSX, PC, and Switch 2, without any Game Pass goofiness included will probably lead to much higher launch numbers. Especially considering how much good will was generated by the first game.

Just grabbed the original myself on Steam. If I like it, I'll make a point of buying the sequel at launch.

Re: Reaction: Why There Are So Many Unnecessary PS5 Remasters for Games That Don't Need Them


Switch ports made way more sense.

  • Wildly more popular platform than Wii U, so a lot of these games were like new games to a majority of the gaming public.
  • First fully portable versions of these games.
  • 3DS and Wii U eshops going down would've made way more game inaccessible without ports.
  • Switch wasn't backwards-compatible with 3DS/Wii U.

None of these are applicable to Sony's largely pointless PS4 game remakes. Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, Until Dawn, The Last of Us, etc. all looked and played great on PS5.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Is F**cked and PS5's New Firmware Is to Blame


@NEStalgia This conversation reminds me of one I had with a friend about being a pet (an animal one, not... nevermind). She remarked it must be wonderful to have all your needs attended to and taken care of, and all that's required of you is some basic loyalty and love. And I said, sure, that sounds good, until your owner neglects to provide water for some extended period of time, or he delegates the duty to his kid and the kid forgets, and you realize how utterly dependent you are on another entity for the most basic things.

Sure, it's nice on console for all your needs to be addressed without any real effort on your part, until they're not, for whatever reason, and suddenly you're reminded that you're funneling money into a walled-garden PC environment where you have no control of, influence over, or right to almost anything. And boy, do they make you pay for that privilege!

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Is F**cked and PS5's New Firmware Is to Blame


@naruball @NEStalgia Didn't Skyrim have a memory leak or something on PS3 that made it unplayable after you spent enough time in it? At least on PC, there's very little that isn't addressable somehow. Although, frankly, I've had way more game crashes on consoles than I have on PC in the last decade.

System-wide console firmware issues like this will be fixed by daddy eventually, but for individual games, you just have to hope the developers are competent. Whereas most games on PC will have mods and unofficial fixes to address issues.

@Nepp67 Yeah, I'm not saying an issue doesn't exist, just that the game isn't "f*cked." I'm sure Sony is scrambling to address this.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Is F**cked and PS5's New Firmware Is to Blame


Hyperbolic headline. It's not good, but it'll surely get resolved sooner than later; especially if other games are being affected. "F*cked" would apply more to something like Concord, lol.

@Yousef- Right after the "Bungie Getting Its Head Pulled Out of Its Ass" headline, too.

It's like when you first allow your kid to swear where appropriate, and then they start trying to muscle fun naughty words into everything.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


I'm pretty sure planning on a new console starts almost immediately after a new one comes out. R&D takes time, lol.

But yeah, backwards-compatibility is pretty much an industry standard between XSX and PS5. One of the few really good things about this generation, frankly.

@Bingoboyop Calling it: The Last of Us Part I - Definitive Edition as a timed launch exclusive on PS6 in 2029. The wait will definitely be worth it.

Re: State of Play Rumoured for This Month As Sony Looks Set to Skip PS Showcase in 2024


@PuppetMaster Some people will always be unhappy. That doesn't mean Sony can't improve their approach, though.

Oh yeah, there's no lack of games coming that are playable on the console. It's not about that. It's about Sony's communication with their base. Which is more frustrating considering how many potential live service blunders they have in the making, and how few original PS5 games they've released overall this generation.

@NEStalgia That's true. I did. I have to say, whatever executive thought it was cute to replace the 'S' with a dollar sign deserves a good smack in the face.

Re: State of Play Rumoured for This Month As Sony Looks Set to Skip PS Showcase in 2024


@PuppetMaster There must be a middle-ground between teasing the same 2 - 4 games for half a generation and announcing a game mere months before release, lol. Nintendo does the latter a lot, but that's because they actually publish a ton of games every year.

Sony should find a middle-ground between what they're doing now (total silence on almost everything a year or more out) and teasing games that are practically a generation away. Assuming they actually have stuff coming in the next year or two other than Marathon.

@NEStalgia It is remarkable how quickly a multi-hundred-million dollar game/planned franchise went from the future of Playstation's AAA focus to "burn it with fire!"

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


I mean, if it was $599.99 and came with the disc drive included, I'd probably opt for that over the standard one if I was to get one. Why not? Generally paying a small premium for better hardware is preferable in the long run.

@SterlingEyes Do it. The OLED version, specifically, which has a far better battery life and gorgeous display. There's some really demanding AAA titles that won't run well on it (the Final Fantasy XV demo was... rough, let's say), but most games you throw at it run fine. Cyberpunk runs shockingly well.

The thing has almost completely replaced my Switch.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


Genuinely makes me wonder what Sony's plan is for next-gen. The PS6 is gonna need to be more powerful, but how are they going to keep costs down? You can only loss lead to a point.

$700 hardware (sans disc drive lol). $70 games. Jacking up prices on controllers worldwide. Expensive paid online. And, really, barely any games to even begin to justify all of this (that isn't available to the competition, anyhow). It really feels like Sony is testing its luck as much as possible.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Fans Wonder Where All the Square Enix Characters Are


@UltimateOtaku91 I guess we'll see, but their change in strategy sounded like a broader shift in general away from timed exclusivity. Although didn't they also announce they were going to focus more on core properties and have less of these smaller projects in the pipeline?

We'll see what happens. Hopefully, in the future, their games launch across all platforms capable of hosting them.

Re: Concord Will Remain in Prime Video's Secret Level Anthology Series


Makes you wonder how much money Sony wasted overall trying to push this game as some instant classic of the live service genre. Funny stuff.

This tells me enough about the factors involved in selecting games to adapt for this show that I don't really feel the need to ever watch it.

I'd absolutely watch a documentary on the factors leading up to Concord's failure, though. Like a postmortem.

Re: Failing Manufacturers Are Pushing the Narrative That Consoles Are Dying, Says Ex-Xbox Exec


"Meanwhile, the Nintendo Switch is expected to eventually overtake the PS2’s record, a feat many thought previously impossible."

More context for the scale of Nintendo's victory this generation:

it'll achieve this with a device that has virtually no multimedia capabilities. I think you can watch Hulu on it, but it's pretty much a pure gaming machine. There's no browser, no blu-ray playback, nothing. Whereas PS2 sold heavily on its value as a DVD player back in the day.

It'll achieve this with no price drops (or will come very, very close to doing so if they decide to drop the price when the successor drops). PS2 was discounted quite heavily later in life, as I recall.

It'll achieve this, most likely, very close to its active lifespan as a console, whereas the PS2 was sold for many, many years after the PS3 dropped before it achieved its current numbers.

Perhaps most incredibly, the Switch generation has generated more profit for Nintendo since launch than all of its other generations combined. In other words, more profit from 2017 till now than 1981 to 2016.

I have no idea what'll happen with Sony and Microsoft long term in the console space, but Nintendo will be just fine.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Sales Estimates Are Somehow Even Worse Than We Thought


It's not a complete waste. The amount of schadenfreude generated by news of this game's failure seems to be pretty immense.

@B0udoir I was thinking the same thing. If even 10,000 people bought it on Steam... where are they? I get people can't be on games all the time, but the game is struggling to host a few hundred players at a time not long after launch. Heck, I just checked and the player count is 96 right now!

Re: How Much Would You Pay for Your PS5 Games? Dev Says Industry Is Waiting for GTA 6 to Hike Prices


"The problem is there’s a huge disconnect between the cost of making games and the prices fans are willing to pay. Sony’s giga budget single player games demand many hundreds of millions these days, and while it’d be fair to point to the platform holder’s record-breaking profits, that’s still an enormous amount of money for a publisher to spend on a title that could, potentially, flop."

Movies and TV shows can cost hundreds of millions and flop as well lol. That's just the risk of doing business.

These big companies rake in more and more money and still keep arguing for bleeding the customer drier and drier.

I've never paid $70 for a standard edition of a game, and I won't start now. Jacking it up even more in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis sounds like a good way to kill launch day sales.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Design Seemingly Leaked


@NEStalgia Eh. The PS5 has always looked like a cheap, needlessly gigantic router that also inexplicably has a popped collar. It's possibly the ugliest console I've seen since some of the really early, pre-NES consoles.

I don't mind the PS4. It's a bit annoying how you need to remember which pressure-sensitive spot is eject vs power down, but I always liked how it looks like a stealth jet or something.

Re: Fill the Advance Wars-Shaped Hole in Your Heart with Warside on PS5, PS4


@Haruki_NLI I mean, I acknowledged that in the words IMMEDIATELY preceding that remark, lol

It's been a dead IP for more than a decade. Them farming out some cheap remakes to a Western dev doesn't constitute doing much with it.

Still bought them, though. I've been desperate for more AW for a long time. It kills me that Days of Ruin tanked the series, because it's an incredible game.

Re: Incredible Looking Trails in the Sky Remake Is Real, But PS5, PS4 Players Will Have to Wait


Considering the long-strained relationship between Nintendo and Falcom, the idea of a Trails game being exclusive for any period of time is incredibly funny to me. They've long gravitated toward handheld consoles, and I feel like, to them, the Switch is the new PSP/Vita.

Anyway, it'll probably be ported to everything before the Western release. Except Xbox, which will, as usual, get absolutely nothing.

Re: Fill the Advance Wars-Shaped Hole in Your Heart with Warside on PS5, PS4


I remember this.

Yeah, Wargroove is a good example of a game "inspired by" Advance Wars, but still manages to do its own thing.

This is... just a rip-off, lol. Even the unit types are almost identical.

That said, if they can replicate the excellent map and mission design from Nintendo's series, I'll give it a chance. Apart from those remakes, it's not like Nintendo is doing much with the IP anyway. I have strong doubts they really understand what makes that series so good, though.

@Qu1n0n3z Advance Wars 3 already exists. It's called Advance Wars: Dual Strike.