Comments 137

Re: Exclusivity Is the Achilles' Heel of Huge Blockbusters, Says Former PlayStation Exec


@jt887 I feel like I can’t comprehend why people don’t understand the simplicity of console exclusives. You want someone to buy your machine, not your competitors. So what do you do? Make a game that is so good and they can only play it on your console, thus they must buy your console. This has nothing to do with console warrior stuff, this is literally the basics of business.

Re: Mini Review: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (PS4) - One of the Greatest 2D RPGs of All Time


I honestly don’t get it, but it may be because people have nostalgia for it and played it at the time. My first was 7, which I still love, and I’m sure if people played that today they would also not understand it. I’d be curious if someone is trying to play this in 2023 for the first time (like me) and really loving it, because maybe I’m just missing something in it.