Comments 724

Re: E3 Is Officially Dead


Not a fan of this news. The directs have just not been the same, nowhere near as good so far.

Me and the wife have so many good memories from watching E3 over the years, such a shame.

Re: PS5 Accounted for Almost Half of All Console Sales in the UK Last Month


PS5 sales were up 149% month-on-month, and up 126% over last November.

In second place for the month was Xbox Series S and X, which saw a hefty 231% sales jump month-on-month, again due to Black Friday discounting. Compared with November 2022, Xbox sales are up 4%.

Good to see both next gen consoles doing well, and I am really looking forward to next Switch

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Specs Could Leak Very Soon as Dev Kits Go Out to Studios


With the rumours indicating very little increase in cpu performance, just a minor clock boost, I really do not see the point in this or any other pro console. We have barely seen what the ps5 can do yet with cross gen games everywhere. The leaked specs are not a "4k/60fps" on everything machine

Last gen the increased gpu performance got you a 4k image for 4k tvs. We already have that with the base consoles. I will be waiting for next gen to upgrade

Re: Sorry Xbox, But Even PS Portal Is Outselling You in Spain


@PsBoxSwitchOwner I agree 100%, for example the Gt7 v Forza article on PX was horrendous the other week and I have said the same to them. They know exactly what they are doing, and always pretend to be oblivious in the comments sections, it's a really bad look.

It makes being multiplatform difficult as each side is as bad as eachother, and I feel I am constantly stuck in the middle of this sad little playground argument.

@Markatron84 100% this, Well said. They know exactly what they are doing with the way they frame the articles, and it has been mentioned countless times.

The comments sections need so much moderation because of the old saying; garbage in, garbage out

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


It's dissapointing, but not suprising at all, that so many are sticking up for the corporation and not the consumer. The usual fanboys are in the trenches defending their corporate overlords.

The reason its Sony is obvious; This has been on the cards since they stopped supplying game keys to 3rd parties, they created a monopoly for themselfs.

I thought everyone on here was dead against monopolies thr last 2 years, so why support this one?

Re: It's Utter Domination for PS5 in Europe as Xbox Continues to Lose Significant Ground


@MrMagic When people purchase something on Xbox, they make 30% on everything (Not just games they made)

Losing the console would lose them a lot of money, and could possibly make them not profitable, which is the opposite of what you are saying

Just because they have sold less consoles than Sony, does not mean they cannot make a profit, hardware is usually sold at a loss for a start

(Edit: I see mightyant has already mentioned the exact same thing to you - sorry for double posting)

Re: It's Utter Domination for PS5 in Europe as Xbox Continues to Lose Significant Ground


@MrMagic As their ecosystem encompasses all of it, it is bit of an irrelevant question.

@themightyant It is just picking statistics that suit your narrative (console sales) and leaving out anything that goes against it (The article you posted)

I agree with your post 100%, and you are correct it is PX aswell (You must remember the stupid GT v Forza article a few weeks ago)

They make being a multiplatform gamer difficult, as I am constantly having to search for the source of articles to get the correct, unfiltered version that is console war free

Re: It's Utter Domination for PS5 in Europe as Xbox Continues to Lose Significant Ground


@themightyant Its not worth it mate, I have tried to explain this several times over the last few months and they still post articles like this fanning the fanboy flames. Its why a lot of the comments are so ill informed (see above) as they are constantly fed this lopsided narrative.

You need a Playstation to play God of War, you need a Nintendo to play Mario, you do not need an xbox to play Halo, but they still think consoles sales are the only metric of success.

The article you linked perfectly articulates this, but they don't seem to care.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: PS5 Rockets to the Top as 'Slim' Model Arrives


This is why it was so obvious that the last few weeks were due to stock shortages, all you needed to do was look at the numbers. People were way off the mark calling push out on that.

@BaldBelper78 yes and no. Their console sales are obviously terrible when compared to Playsation and Nintendo.

But if you compare the series consoles to the Xbox One in Japan, they have already more than doubled the lifetime sales of the xbox one in 3 years, which is pretty impressive when you put it into perspective

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders


@Kevw2006 i think we can both agree that their will be an xbox next gen, but after that who knows. I just think it makes more sense to make their own console until cloud makes the whole xbox/nintendo/ps conversation irrelevant, because it will be streamed to your screen without the need for hardware.

Could you imagine the cost and time implications to release ports of all their games on PlayStation and Nintendo, just to make an inferior 1st party only gamepass on those platforms. It would be absolutely astronomical, just to.provide an inferior product with less games. It's a point that alot of people dont seem to take into consideration in my opinion.

With Cloud, the cost to reach those same gamers is practically 0. It just makes more sense looking to the future

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders



Microsoft went fully third party and released on PlayStation and Switch the increased sales and potential revenue through MTX would likely offset any losses from dropping out from the hardware side.

Are you sure? That does not sound accurate. Selling a few extra million copies of a game, would more than likely not offset the loss of 30% of every purchase on their store/hardware. Without that, Microsoft would only make money from their own games, and not everybody's games like they do now.

I just don't see them going 3rd party, dont forget the next xbox has already leaked from the FTC trial. If they had any thoughts of going 3rd party, why cancel Starfields PS version for example, which according to reports had years of dev time

I think it'ds much more likely they will release their own hardware until cloud is sufficient enough that they do not need hardware anymore. Why release gamepass on ps and Nintendo when they can stream it to your tv/phone and bypass the console

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS5) - Bloated, Undercooked, and Outdated All at Once


@Kevw2006 thanks for the additional information mate. But the streamers were saying they did not like last years MW2 as much as this years MW3? Why would that be if the last few COD have been designed specifically for streamers?

I still don't see how that can create such a chasm of disconnect to score it as low as gollum/redfall (2 games that were released unfinished and broken) but it at least helps explain it a little bit. Appreciate it

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS5) - Bloated, Undercooked, and Outdated All at Once


There seems to a very strange disconnect over this game. (And not the first game this year) I was watching stonemountain and a few other streamers play this the other night and he is really liking it, especially the zombies mode. And a few of the other streamers have commented this is the game last years MW2 should have been because of the movement and ttk is better. ( I don't play COD so I cannot confirm)

But then you read a review like this and you would think it was a gollum level of disaster

Re: UK Sales Charts: Everyone Hates Modern Warfare 3, But It's Still Number One


@TheCollector316 I'm not sure they will mind , as long as people subscribe to gamepass, they are making money. But i am sure Microsoft will be interested to see how it all pans out. I am sure they have smarter people than me monitoring it all and making their decisions.

Personally I don't care how they make their money, as I am a consumer and not a shareholder. That's how we should all be thinking

Re: UK Sales Charts: Everyone Hates Modern Warfare 3, But It's Still Number One


@UltimateOtaku91 yes you can, because Vanguard bombed and was widely regarded a terrible product and that is what the 42% increase is comparing it to.

Physical sales were actually down 61% when compared to Modern Warfare 2019 and not Vanguard. Now do you finally see?

It explains most of this in the very article you quoted me mate. Did you read the whole thing and not just the title?

You even edited your original comment again and now it makes even less sense than originally

Re: UK Sales Charts: Everyone Hates Modern Warfare 3, But It's Still Number One


@UltimateOtaku91 that's not what the stats are saying, at all. You know the 25% down was physical sales only, as you commented on the article. And we know that physical sales % have been shrinking for years, every year.

Edit: You edited your comment but it still makes no sense as you are still trying to say it sold less physical, so that means people are leaving the game. When it does not mean that at all. You seem desperate to paint COD sales in a bad light, i wonder why?

Just last week Sony revealed they make hardly any revenue from physical sales as a % of total revenue.

Re: Sony Takes Control of UK as PS5 Climbs to 51% Market Share


@Titntin dont get me started on the old ball n chain (wife) i know how you feel! Just don't tell her I said that lol.

I know deep down you are platform agnostic mate as i have had some previous conversations with you, especially on pure, and read some of your brilliant insight into the industry. Your first message took me a little by suprise that's all.

But after your explanation I can perfectly see your reasoning was not one of malice

Going to be a difficult game away to Bournemouth as we have so many injuries. I wonder if Jim Ryan will be tuning in! Howay The Lads!

Re: Sony Takes Control of UK as PS5 Climbs to 51% Market Share


@Titntin it was Sony who identified their profits as a problem, and noted it will be difficult moving forwards, not me. It is one of the reasons for their recent restructuring and lowering the M&A budget by 20%. They did not do those things because they were happy with the profit margins, that is why they are cutting costs.

It's hard to see past the warrior when your first assumption was some 'whataboutery' towards MS , while simultaniously dismissing their current business strategy, when they were not even mentioned, and then defending Sonys.

I was discussing Sonys earnings call and what they have told investors, and included a quote from Sony themselfs.

Enjoy your day mate, I'm off out to watch the football, fingers crossed the toon win!

Re: Sony Takes Control of UK as PS5 Climbs to 51% Market Share


@Titntin I didn't present it as a bad business move, I said profitability is Sonys current problem, which is effecting things like their M&A budget and their current restructuring. You can have a sucessful business strategy that still puts pressure on certain aspects of a business you know.

I was merely discussing the detail provided by Sony themselfs in their latest earning call. They are Sonys words not mine. Does everything have to boil down to Sony v MS for you?

Re: Sony Takes Control of UK as PS5 Climbs to 51% Market Share


@ChrisDeku @MrMagic yes but profits are down even compared to the first years of the ps5, as they are having to discount the console heavily to reach these numbers. That's what the earning call revealed.

Because of the lower profits, they actually cut their M&A budget by 20% for example, so you can see how profit has a big impact on a business, even in the short term

Re: Sony Takes Control of UK as PS5 Climbs to 51% Market Share


The problem Sony currently have is to reach these sales numbers they are having to put the Ps5 on sale. The aggressive promotions and pricing was the reason they gave for their poor profits in the last quarter and they predict profit margins will be difficult going forward. It's why they have been restructuring and increasing the prices of everything, as they are not really making much profit.

"Sony expects profitability for its latest console to deteriorate in the full year due to changes in promotions in certain geographic regions."

While Sony are currently hitting record revenues, the profit is actually down on previous years like 2019, 2020 and 2021. The devil is in the detail