Comments 724

Re: Microsoft Beats US Regulator FTC in Activision Blizzard Buyout Battle


Looks like the CMA are backing down already and have asked for a stay of litigation to try and settle this without the CAT.

"In a further development today, Microsoft president Brad Smith has said the FTC's decision has prompted it and the CMA to agree that a "stay of litigation" is now "in the public interest" - sparking further hope for Microsoft of a breakthrough on these shores.

"After today's court decision in the US, our focus now turns back to the UK," Smith said today in a statement shared to Eurogamer. "While we ultimately disagree with the CMA's concerns, we are considering how the transaction might be modified in order to address those concerns in a way that is acceptable to the CMA.

In order to prioritise work on these proposals, Microsoft and Activision have agreed with the CMA that a stay of the litigation in the UK would be in the public interest and the parties have made a joint submission to the Competition Appeal Tribunal to this effect."

CMA are going to agree to remedies and it will be a big win for the UK regulator. This is what the FTC should have done the whole time but unfortunately ideology got in the way, and now they look stupid.

Probably worth an update to the article

Re: Microsoft Beats US Regulator FTC in Activision Blizzard Buyout Battle


It would not suprise me if after this, the FTC dropped their trial in August, as no matter what, they need a federal judge to side with them. And that's not going to happen based on this judgement.

The FTC does not have the power to block or divest, a federal court does.

It's a really bad day for the FTC, especially as they failed on every one of their points. It's also a really bad day for the CMA, who now have no support from any regulator or judge around the world.

Re: Rise of the Ronin Leak Suggests a Q1 2024 Launch on PS5, More Details


Team Ninja are my favourite developer, love ninja gaiden, nioh and wo long. Wo long was maybe a little too easy. But 2 things got me sweating a little

1. "Numerous side-quests that are more like Ubisoft side-quest designs" - That doesn't sound good, at all

2. The map full of map markers/map vomit has got some serious Ubisoft vibes about it - again not good, at all

I would prefer if this wasnt open world but I have faith this will be good. Team Ninja don't let me down too often.

Just please don't make it some casual friendly, barely-a-team-ninja-game, open world collect-a-thon with icons and fetch quests everywhere. For the love of god no!

Re: Microsoft's Potential Game Plan in 2020: 'Spend Sony Out of Business'


@GodofCapcom I didn't give my opinion on anything. I never said if I am pro or against the merger. I present some facts about the topic that were missing from the article to help people. @UltimateOtaku91 is a friend on here who I talk with alot. If that's your idea of being a fanboy I don't know what to tell you lol. What a wierd comment

Re: Microsoft's Potential Game Plan in 2020: 'Spend Sony Out of Business'


@UltimateOtaku91 I believe the email was already dismissed by the same Judge in the Gamers Lawsuit. It's just one guys thoughts in a court of law.

When Booty was in court last week, he had to testify about this email. Pete Hines also had to testify about some of his emails aswell.

Not sure why the email has blew up again today, when it was discussed ad nauseum last week

Re: UK Sales Charts: PS5 Exclusive Final Fantasy 16 Debuts at Number One


74% seems like a huge drop, but until digital is included we just won't know the full picture.

But I can see why Square were concerned before launch of low preorder numbers, 74% is huge, probably should have cut the marketing budget in half at least

Il be picking up my copy after I finish Zelda and Ragnarok

Re: Final Fantasy 16 (PS5) - Final Fantasy's Triumphant Return to the Top


I guessed 85 on metacritic and its currently 88, so I was not a million miles away, just a little lower.

I will be buying this as my next game, when I have finished Zelda and Ragnarok, but that could take a while!

Shame the performance was not fixed from the demo, as it was my friends biggest issue. He said performance mode on the demo was awful, but he was probably exaggerating a little, he likes to do that

Re: God of War Ragnarok Sales Are Increasing in the UK


Ragnarok was on sale at various places like Game in the UK for £35 and less, so I suspect that had a lot to do with it hitting 4th again. Still yet to finish Ragnarok due to Zelda, but enjoyed what I played, even if it doesn't quite hit the same heights as 2018 so far

Re: Final Fantasy 16's PS5 Marketing Hype Peaks with Official Exhibition at Tower of London


@Cordyceps Got to agree. I am looking forward to FF16 and its my most hyped PS5 game this year, but even I am sick of hearing it over the last few weeks. Its been well over the top and some of the costs must be huge.

@4kgk2 Whoever is footing the bill, its excessive. But I hope you are correct, I have not heard anything like that.
Last I heard they were really worried as Pre orders were low, even when considering only releasing on PS5, as reported on this very site.

Re: Devil May Cry Designer Crafts Magnum Opus with Final Fantasy 16


Is the combat like DMC where you have several weapons and several guns and you switch between them all regularly to extend combos etc? Like DMC has all the swords, nun chucks, and even a motorbike to swap between....

I skipped the demo and I am waiting for the full game to come out. But was just wondering exactly how close the combat is to DMC. In my head I imagine it more as "DMC lite/my first DMC" if that makes sense. Can anyone confirm

Re: Sony Under Fire for Allegedly Abusing Its Dominance in the Industry


@UltimateOtaku91 i buy all my games on ps5 physical, so I am not as informed on the various intricacies as some others may be.

Maybe they can use that psn credit argument you mentioned in their defence, but it could just be labelled as whataboutism and not really helpful to them. We will just have to see how it all plays out.

Re: Sony Under Fire for Allegedly Abusing Its Dominance in the Industry


@UltimateOtaku91 i believe that if it is sucessful then UK gamers will be able to make a claim of their share of the £5billion, depends how many games etc they have purchased from Sony. The £5billion was an estimate from Neil and consumer group Which?. The codes available to buy online for Playstation are from bundles i believe, not made available from Sony. Its an illegal grey area are not the same as what Microsoft and Nintendo do. Its why everyone is only after Sony, i believe, but until these cases play out, nobody really knows but Sony and the people claiming. I sure dont

@Kidfried Nintendo and Microsoft supply keys to other sellers, direct from them, so its only Sony in the firing line unfortunately. The only keys available for Sony games online are from console bundles and other similar methods, that are then resold. This is also a legal grey area i believe, but I could be wrong. Just going off what i have read.

We will just have to wait and see what happens really

Re: Sony Will Have More PS5 Presentations This Year, Sources Say


The copium has been out of control since the showcase. So many insiders trying to save face, and failing miserably. Its OK, your not an insider, and now we know it. No need to make up more stuff, yet again. Switch pro anyone?

Sony had a bad show, it happens, making games is long and hard. Things are just not ready yet. Why so many people can't seem to accept that, is crazy.

Re: Bungie’s Marathon Trailer QR Code Leads to ARG with More Hidden Information


I was excited when I thought Bungie was finally returning to single player gaming, since Halo Reach (that was years ago now, but a great campaign)

Then somebody told me its a pvp extraction shooter and it just instantly killed my hype dead. It could be awesome, but these kind of games are just not for me, at all. Hope you all enjoy it as Bungie rarely miss

Re: Speculation Claims Sony Opted Not to Include Some Major PS5 Games During PS Showcase


Copium, copium everywhere.

If Sony wanted to go second, they would not have arranged for their showcase to go first, after Microsoft had already announced their showcase months ago. Makes no sence, absolutely zero.

Alot of first party studios have recently released a game, or have only recently started making a game. It's a simple case of nothing is ready yet. People just need to relax a little, making games is hard

Tom Henderson and all the other "insiders" are just trying to save face, as they kept saying how amazing and stacked the show would be. That they had seen the lineup. Now everyone knows they are not really insiders, dont really know anything, and just throw mud at a wall.
A broken clock is correct twice a day. Say enough stuff and eventually they will be right about something. I don't know how many times they have to be wrong, until people stop listening to them. It's tragic