Comments 724

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tops, But Doesn't Even Come Close to Remake


@UltimateOtaku91 @Flaming_Kaiser with the increasing cost of game development, and current volatility in the gaming market, I would assume they are thinking long and hard about their exclusivity strategy moving forward, as none of their games have hit the numbers required, only being on PlayStation.

This was true of FF16, Forspoken and now FF7 Rebirth. With the way the industry is going, something has to change. You have been able to pick up FF16 from Amazon for a little over £20 for months, its where I purchased it.

Maybe they have a different strategy, but they need to do something as their financial results have been on the decline for a while.

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Frame Rate Controversy Rumbles on as Previews Give Conflicting Reports


The uncapped framerate averaging 31fps is a deal breaker for me, and I own a VRR TV. That sort of no man's land framerate is awful to play and looks horrific

Consistency is king and they need to offer a properly frame paced 30fps cap or I won't bother wasting my time on such a technical mess and I loved the original and the Dark Arisen dlc.

I am not rewarding them for their incompetence and would prefer to send the dev and publisher a clear message that this kind of framerate is unacceptable.

Re: Reaction: What Is Happening to the Video Games Industry and Why Are There So Many Layoffs?


Some of us have been beating the drum about games costing too much for years, but everytime we have spoke, we got screamed at by the die hards. Shawn Layden was right all those years ago but nobody wanted to listen

Sony need to find their old self again and start releasing a wide variety of games with different, size, scope, genres, perspectives and cost like everyone else does.

This obsession with production values over everything has destroyed their own market and made their games boring and too similar.

I used to buy every Sony game day 1, but now I wait for deep sales most of the time, as they are way to safe and similar for my tastes, its like you have already played it before you switch it on, you know exactly what you are going to get.

And ontop of that their cookie cutter sequeals this gen do not do enough to freshen up the gameplay. Games like Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West, Spiderman 2 etc are good games that i have enjoyed but are not as good as what came before in my opinion after playing them. That's why the hype has not been the same.

I hope they learn from this and we get some of the old Sony back so we can fall in love with their games again.

Re: PS Plus Premium's Cloud Streaming Is Much, Much Better Than You Think


Both systems are not good enough

Input lag is just as important as everything else when playing a video game

140ms is borderline unplayable for any slightly faster paced game

Both Sony and Microsoft need to improve their streaming services if they actually want people to use it and for it be a viable alternative to playing a game natively

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


@TrickyDicky99 people are actually spending more with Sony as a company, not less, that's why they reported record revenue.

That is not the problem. The problem is their business model is unsustainable without changes, as explained by Hiroki Totoki the other week at their earnings call.

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


@TrickyDicky99 yes I know that, but even with all those sales from Fortnite, COD etc they are still making very little money, less than 6%. Hardly any industries around the world operate under those margins.

Sonys market is not increasing in size at all, but their costs have ballooned. This is why they increased the prices of their games and subscription, but it has not helped.

Selling more consoles at a loss due to an increase in manufacturing costs and the heavy emphasis on discounting the console price (which they have had to do the last 12months) means they are struggling.

It's not sustainable, something has to change. The CEO of Sony explained all this at their last earnings call

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


@TrickyDicky99 well yes but again what's the point to any of it if they are making such little money even after selling all those consoles?

Bank accounts have close to 6% interest these days, exactly the same margin as Sony is operating under. Its unsuastainable. Something has to change and fast, which Sonys CEO acknowledged during their last earnings call.

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


@TrickyDicky99 when they are making very luttle money and have alot of debt as a company? A very difficult sell to shareholders and investors. It's why their share price has dropped because its not a good look for the market.

Shareholders expect a return on investment and less than 6% profit from hundred of billions is very poor and hardly any industries around the world operate under such razor margins, its unsustainable.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


We've had one "double AA" game so far with Skull and Bones. Look how that turned out.

@ZhuckelDror Skull and Bones was the first AAAA quadruple AA according to Ubisoft. Literally the opposite of double A. The game had a massive budget and a protracted development, in no way is it double AA

A double AA game would be Palworld or helldivers 2, both of which are hugely popular

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


@TrickyDicky99 not really. With sonys profit margins being less than 6%, and investor would almost be better off putting their money in a bank than investing it with Sonys, less risk and the same reward.

This was all explained in their latest earnings call and Push just did an article about it aswell mate

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


With the cost of making the hardware not falling, and Sonys aggressive marketing and sales for 12months, being number 2 (behind the switch) in console sales is not enough, its a loss leader, even more so than in the past. It was mentioned by their CEO that part of their problem was that they missed their target by atleast 4million despite aggressive sales and discounts, something I mentioned about 4months ago on here and got shot down by alot of people.

With Sonys big high production value games barely being viable anymore, with their budgets going crazy, I think part of their answer is to start to make double AA games like Nintendo, MS and all 3rd party's make.

Some of us have been beating this drum for a few years, and we knew this was comming, but everytime it is mentioned we get shot down by the diehards who never criticize.

Sony used to have variety in the software line up and it was one of the things that made them special to us. They lost their way after the ps3 and its really starting to catch up with them.

A business of record breaking revenue of hundreds of billions but less than 6% profit is absolutely pathetic and very few industries in the world operate under those extreme margins, it is unsustainable.

Investors would almost get the same return if they put their money in a bank instead of Sony. That is very worrying and is is a huge problem

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


We have recently learned from Sonys latest financial results that their single player exclusives are not viable and cost too much money, so why does everyone think that they are now going to double down on those games, that we know are too expensive and risky. It makes no sense.

I really hope Sony start releasing some double AA games like Nintendo and Microsoft already do, it seems the most sensible approach from a business perspective

Re: 900 PlayStation Employees Laid Off, London Studio Closed


I hope everyone effected lands on their feet quickly. This is the second round of lay offs effecting Sony after the ones late last year.

The industry is in the bin right now and this was always comming after their latest financial results were so poor. They are in bad shape right now, along with alot of others.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 517


On Playstation i just finished Death Stranding, loved the story and the ending was really interesting. Enjoyed it alot more than I thought I would. Now playing Kena from ps extra after recently resubscribing due to a 59% discount offered by Sony.

On Xbox I am playing Tomb Raider Remastered. Just finished tomb of khamoon in TR1, up to Opera House in TR2 and finished the jungle first level in TR3. Really enjoying the nostalgia trip and the games still hold up today

Re: PS5, PS4 Is Losing the SEO War Against Its Rivals


Ignoring Nintendo and its library of culturally iconic intellectual property, PlayStation dominates the video games industry around the world. PS5, despite missing its lofty forecast, is by far the biggest home console on the planet – and its home to some of the most popular game franchises

Why would you just ignore the largest console on the planet, to try and pretend the ps5 is?

The switch is at 132.5million sales, a number the ps5 is very unlikely to get close to in its lifetime. To try and pretend otherwise wise is pretty disingenuous.

And yes the switch is a home console, it literally switches between being a home console and a handheld. It's the whole reason for the name

Re: Upgraded PS5 Pro Planning to Be the Best Place to Play GTA 6


With all the rumours stating that it will be using the same cpu cores. It's not going to be a 60fps on everything machine, much like the ps4 pro was not.

After Sony CEO said they can't really lower the price of the ps5, the ps5 Pro is going to be a very expensive bit of hardware that is not needed at all. The ps5 hardly has hardly got started.

If Sony really are going to release a pro console every gen, even when its not needed, I won't buy a ps6 at launch and will wait for the pro next gen.

Sony need to increase their profits, and releasing even more hardware
(Which you generally lose money on) is not the play they should be making at all. Infact it's quite literally the opposite releasing more niche hardware after psvr2.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 516


Death Stranding Directors Cut. Made it to edge knot city and just defeated the big BT. Think its act 10 or possibly 9? The story is very interesting and I have even found the gameplay fun. It may be a walking sim kind of, but I have enjoyed it none the less. Especially the firing range its been fun getting the S rank on them all.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Is Bringing Some Great Games to PS5, But Rumours Will Remain Rampant About What's Next


@Titntin that's a relief, I thought we came away with the same conclusions but I got confused there for a moment mate! Some of the reactions to last night have been funny to read!

After some of their comments last night and reading between the lines a little, gamepass on other hardware seems little more than pipe dream and very unlikely to happen anytime soon. I just don't think Sony or Nintendo have any interest in it, at all. Consoles may even be obsolete by then, but that's all just guesswork on my part and reading between the lines. Who knows what the future will bring!

Re: Reaction: Xbox Is Bringing Some Great Games to PS5, But Rumours Will Remain Rampant About What's Next


@Titntin I didnt actually state my opinion/conclusion. For the record i think that no doubt there will be a mixture of exclusives, timed exclusives and day 1 multiplatform releases for xbox in the future.

But almost all of the rumours turned out false and alot of websites and insiders have lost all their credibility in the space of 25minutes, let's not pretend otherwise. That's what I was commenting on

Re: Starfield, Indiana Jones Aren't Coming to PS5 Just Yet


After reading all of the countless rumours, that was about as underwhelming as it could have been. I wonder what the 4 games are, did they say 2 live service and 2 single player? I was playing Death Stranding at the time and missed a few minutes of the podcast

Re: Microsoft Allegedly Told Employees 'Every Screen Is an Xbox' Ahead of PS5 Port Speculation



Sony doesn't need to expand to other devices but microsoft sure seems to

According to Sonys CEO, they do need to expand their strategy on other devices like PC, due to their razor thin profit margins. It was widely reported yesterday

The solution, it seems, is taking Sony's first-part titles "multi-platform", by which Totoki appears to mean PC specifically. He explains: "In the past, we wanted to popularise consoles, and a first-party title's main purpose was to make the console popular". Times are changing, however, which the PlayStation chairman acknowledges, and it appears that Sony is prepared to change with them, elaborating:

"This is true, but there's a synergy to it, so if you have strong first-party content – not only on our console but also other platforms, like computers – a first-party [game] can be grown with multi-platform, and that can help operating profit to improve, so that's another one we want to work on proactively. I personally think there are opportunities out there for improvement of margin, so I would like to go aggressive on improving our margin performance."

Re: 13 More Games Coming to PS Plus Extra, Premium This Month


I actually resubscribed to extra last week as Sony offered me a year for £46, less than half price.

@Grumblevolcano The Outer Worlds Spacers choice is published by Private Division, and nothing to do with MS, who are publishing the sequel.

But it is possible, maybe we will learn more tomorrow

Re: PS5 Sales Touch 55 Million As Sony Breaks Revenue Records


They need to find a way to make some actual decent profit margins. No point selling 100million consoles if they are barely breaking even due to increasing costs.

Its something I mentioned at their last earnings call, which a few of the diehards took offence to, but was right on the money, as explained by their CEO. Like I said then, the devil is in the detail always, you need to read beyond the headlines as they are always sunshine and rainbows

Even if they reach 21million and not 25million, they have had to heavily discount the console worldwide for almost a full calendar year. This is a far from ideal situation and leaves them with very little room to manoeuvre.

This is a problem that needs addressing sharp by the bigwigs as they have already increased the price of games, the console and the subscription and its still nowhere near enough to move the neeedle

Re: PlayStation Chairman: There's Room for Improvement When It Comes to Business


Improving the business side of things due to razor thin margins was exactly what I said was their issue at the last earnings call, which I got some kick back about from people on here, that do not understand the business, because all you ever see is headlines of Sony selling consoles and celebration on push. But to do that over the last year they have had to heavily discount the system, and they still missed their target by several millions.

The gaming industry is in a difficult position right now and its something Sony needs to get on top of fast. No point being one of the top selling consoles if you are making hardly any money from it, even after increasing game prices, console price and subscription price very recently.

I am not sure what the answer is, as Sonys business is so reliant on selling consoles, which as a market is not growing and has not been for years. With their costs ballooning, this is a very bad place to be in.

I am sure some brainiac at Sony will be beavering away at a solution and I wish them the best of luck