Comments 156

Re: Would You Pay $100 for GTA 6?


I'm the minority who doesn't care about GTA 6. I wait for a sale. I played the GTA 5 solo campaign and tested online but the community was so toxic that I didn't have any fun online. I guess this won't change with GTA 6. And if GTA 6 doesn't run with 60FPS in performance mode (on a pro) I won't buy it at all.

Re: Bloodborne PS5 Pro Comparison Appears As Consumers Receive Console Early


Wow, the haters come out in the comment section today. A mixture of having no clue of technical aspects of game programming and just jealousy. If you don't like a hardware just don't buy it but leave the people who like it alone with comments. It's like: Why the hell do they sell chocolate ice cream at the supermarket - I HATE CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM

Re: PS5 Pro Packaging Flaunts Its Disc-Free Nature


@BrettAwesome It sucks but try to buy a car for the price of 10 years ago. And don't even look at high end graphic cards for PC.
When I stopped upgrading my PC every 2-3 years the very good graphic cards cost under 500€, now it's way over 1000€.

Re: Poll: Did You Pre-Order a PS5 Pro?


I was never mad about the price point. I also don't complain about iphone prices - I just don't buy it because I prefer other phones. But I bought the pro because I really liked the concept. That's is.

Re: Everybody's Golf Dev Skips PSVR2 for New VR Golf Game


I own PSVR2 and Quest 3 but I always hope and wait for a game on Quest to come to PSVR2 as I prefer the system. So it's a sad thing. I really hope Sony wakes up and at least brings us Astro Bot 2. If Astro Bot 2 will be flat only it would be a HUGE blow.
Quest as the leading platform vor VR is a horrible thing. I like the quest but the graphics are so poor. Imagine Switch would be the leading platform for AAA games.

Re: Elden Ring Update 1.09 Adds Ray Tracing on PS5, Here Are All the Patch Notes


@ORO_ERICIUS You will NEVER get 4K60FPS with our without raytracing if the developers CHOOSES not to implement it. Framerate is not a hardware problem. It is a CHOICE of the developers. Always! Because even with a PC and a 4090 a developer could use so extensive graphics, details, bad programming skills that 60FPS could not be possible. So, yes, fast hardware is necessary but not enough if the developers chooses not to go for 60FPS. Nevertheless a Pro version of the PS5 is always a good thing, especially for VR

Re: Reaction: We Need to Talk About PS Plus Premium


I bought so ridiculous many games the last couple of years for the playstation that there're hardly any games available on playstation extra or premium that I didn't already buy. So I stick to essential for the foreseeable future.

Re: Elden Ring IP to Expand 'Beyond the Realm of Games'


The only thing interesting for me would be DLC's and sequels. I'm not interested in the story and the characters outside of the game at all. Game developers often think that their story is good. 99% it simply isn't. The story of most games hardly have the depth of a B-movie to be honest. And the character models in Elden Ring are perfect for a game but not for a movie, comic or whatever. At least not for the majority of gamers, only for hard core fanboys.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West PS5, PS4 Graphics Modes Analysed by Digital Foundry


@Fiendish-Beaver The difference between 60FPS and 30FPS is crucial. In games like Horizon you see it immediately if you move the camera with your right stick. It is very smooth. If you are ok with 30FPS then NEVER play it with 60FPS as you cannot go back - in platformers it is even more important as the whole jumping is much more fluent and feels natural.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West PS5, PS4 Graphics Modes Analysed by Digital Foundry


@munstre You are absolutely correct. Some people simply don't understand the 3 basics in game programming: There are three factors: Resolution, Frame-Rate and Picture Quality. If one reaches the maximum of the hardware possibilities, one or two of the others have to be lowered.
Even the NES back in the 80s had a lot of 60FPS games but the resolution and the picture quality was poor. So if a game wants to show you the absolute maximum picture quality even a 3000€ gaming PC might not run it in 60FPS or 4k. But on PC not the developer decides, the user does. Because every PC is different. Some users go for 20FPS with super picture quality, others want 120FPS with very poor picture quality. On consoles the developer has to decide (or gives 2-3 options like performance mode).
But I can't stand if somebody says "the console cannot run the game in 60FPS". Of course it can. But if the developers doesn't give you the choice it's their fault, not the consoles.
And for the price of the system, the hardware is crazy capable in my opinion.

Re: CDPR Still Confident It Can Turn Cyberpunk 2077 Around


Typical PC developers. Make a game that hardly runs on current hardware and tell the customers to invest LOTS OF MONEY in new PC hardware or wait for a new console generation. Optimizing a game? Oh, that's a lot of work. Good developrs do that but it's very time consuming and difficult.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart?


@RBMango A six in my opinion is not ok because a test score is not a matter of if a person/reviewer likes the game or not but you have to consider the technical quality, the gameplay, the artstyle, everything under an 8 is like saying the godfather 2 is an average movie. You might not like it but as a reviewer you have to admit it's a great one.

Re: Doom 3: VR Edition Reimagines the 2004 FPS Classic in Virtual Reality


If it supports the maximum headset resolution on PS5 I will buy it. I still love PSVR because it just doen't make my head and neck hurt like the other headset I own: The Quest 2. Yes, I love to play Half Life Alyx streaming wireless to the quest but it is so heavy and uncomfortable that I still prefer the PSVR, even in 2011. Can't wait for PSVR 2.