Comments 558

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster for PS5 Reportedly in Development


@MrXinaThong, You cand already play TLOU1 and HZD at 60 FPS and high resolution on PS5 if you own a PS4 copy. I don't plan on buying any of those 2 remakes until they are under 20 Euro. What I don't get is this ridiculous outrage on social media. Sony can remaster whatever they want, I don't care, but they are not forcing anybody to buy them. It's your choice alone. People should just stop crying about this.

Re: Sony Wasn't Interested in New JRPG from Ex-Wild Arms Devs


I was just thinking, what if Kojima started making a JRPG? That surely would be a AAA game. I think we need a competitor to Square Enix. They are taking too long with their Final Fantasies.
The other AAA RPG franchise is Tales of from Bandai, I think, and maybe Persona.

Re: Temtem (PS5) - A Refreshing, Modern Take on the Monster-Battling RPG


Wanted to get a physical copy but the Online Only on the box just screams NO to me. What's the point of a physical version when the game is dependent on a server to be played?
Same issue with Babylon's Fall, ESO, Destiny, Gran Turismo 7 and Godfall, even weirder with this one, being a mostly single player game.
Anyway, will probably get the digital copy if discounted to ~10$.

Re: Resident Evil 4 Remake Is Now Coming to PS4 as Well


@TheArt they stopped manufacturing and selling PS4s a long time ago.
You can only buy a PS4 on second hand markets.
It's a weird decision though. I think Sony should have made a PS5 S, 4.5 TF machine like the Series S. They would have sold 30-40 mil consoles by now. I guess MS were smarter this gen.

Re: Valkyrie Elysium Demo Lined Up for PS5, PS4


Already have the PS5 copy preordered. A local retailer is selling PS5 copies for 25€, if someone from EU is interested, I can link the store.
I surely hope they don't cancel it before release saying it was a mistake.

Re: Sony Sued £5 Billion for 'Ripping Off' PS5, PS4 Players


Well, if you take away their cut of the sales, no platform can survive. No cut, means no console market. If they succeed with the case, only PC gaming will remain, unless Steam will also be targeted.
Sony, Nintendo and MS cannot survive on first party alone.

Re: Soul Hackers 2 (PS5) - SMT on a Budget


I think reveiwers are too spoiled by SMT V and P5. Also from what I understand all Persona games before 5 had bad dungeon design, so it's on par for the series.
Anyway I will be getting a physical copy soon after launch. Most Sega games get discounted shortly after launch.

Re: Spider-Man PC Attracts Over 60,000 Concurrent Players at Launch


To all the PC elitists. I tried PC for about 2 years, but I am not loaded with money to upgrade my cpu, mb, gpu, ran, ssd every 2 years, so I sold it and returned to console. I prefer spending my money on games, rather than on PC parts to keep up with the newest graphical settings. I suffer from big FOMO, if I spend big money, I want to see all ultra settings ticked.

Re: Nearly 80% of All PS5, PS4 Games Are Bought Digitally


The big problem with this is that publishers are starting to put much lower stock in store. I'm already seing this for a lot of games, which in the end means only one thing, the retailes will keep prices high for a long time, and if you wait a few months for a game to get discounted, you will not even find a copy available to buy anymore.

Re: Sony Strengthens Indie Bond by Loaning PS5 Devkits to Smaller Studios


@sanderson72 I don't know why you say this, but every worthwhile indie is also on PS platforms, apart from that 2d isometric one, I forgot its name, sorry.
I mean, every good indie that released on Xbox, also came or will come to PS, The Ascent, Tunic, Death's Door.
PS still has some Indie games which are exclusive on the console space, The Pathless, SIFU, Stray, Salt and Sacrifice, etc.