Comments 558

Re: Horizon's Burning Shores Are Vast, Roughly a Third of the Size of Forbidden West


I love both games, but I do see why it's hard for some people to get into the games.
HZD story picks up hard and fast towards the end. If you don't reach that point, I get why you'd say it's not very good.
Also the combat, it's not mindless hack & slash like AC, so I get why more casual people will not get well with it. You gotta learn how to kill each machine individualy. Also, the HFW human combat is miles better than HZD now. It's almost impossible to get through a rebel camp without melee combos.

Re: Hunt the Night Might Help with Zelda FOMO on PS5, PS4


@Uncharted2007 I think everyone is aware that Nintendo makes the most fun games out there and Zelda is the peak, but this game deserves much much better hardware.
I imagine in 10-20 years some sort of merger between Sony and Nintendo or MS and Nintendo will occur and we'll be able to enjoy these their games in High Fidelity.
And the Switch is 2 gens back, not 1.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


I knew it wouldn't sell more, but I see the PSVR2 as a long term investment by Sony, pretty sure they'll support it on the PS6 and beyond. No real reason why they sould make a new VR anyway.
The display is already future proof, and by the time PS6 comes it will sell for 250$ or less.