Comments 558

Re: There's Growing Concern Over Persona Dev's Metaphor: ReFantazio Being an Xbox Exclusive


@Nalverus Yea, like Nintendo doesn't have 3rd party exlusives, SMT V, Bayonetta, maybe others. You're just a PS hater.
Personally, if this is exclusive to MS, i'd hate it soooooo much, but that's life, and gaming.
I will no way in hell buy an Xbox, even is Sony goes bust. I'll just move to the crappy hardware Nintendo makes, that will for sure get all JRPGs if Sony goes bust.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of the Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Demo?


@Cordyceps How can anybody prove they played it? Anyway it seems like you guys want this so much to fail, but you'll be proven wrong by the time reviews are live.
Same on Gematsu, people are writing whole essays on how bad the game is, when it looks like an objectively great game, but maybe not perfect.
And too many cutscenes? Then it's perfect for the PlayStation audience. We will be in heaven.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of the Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Demo?


@Powerplay94 I've seen that, but honestly I don't think they will improve it much. Look at Elden Ring, same issue.
Japaneese developers have a problem with multithreading, they can't seem to balance the load across all CPU cores, and that creates bottlenecks.
Will play it anyway, as I did with Elden Ring, and will love it for sure.
People are running with this "but not stable 60 fps" just to discredit the game, but that didn't stop people from buying ER, as it won't for this.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Diablo 4 Unleashes Hell at Number One While Sony Exclusives Return


@Jamesblob I have over 1000 hour in B3 and 500 in D3, I know what type of games they are.
What makes a game live service is ambiguous, to say the least, but I would consider anything with weekly/monthly balance updates and content updates to be a live service game, even if the said content is free. Also, must include coop or some sort of multiplayer.
I even consider GT7 a live service game, as much as Sony doesn't want to admit it.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of the Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Demo?


@SplooshDmg You look like a Switch/Zelda fanboy coming here just to bash FF XVI.
It was known all along what this game is about. They said multiple times 15 hours of cut scenes.
We get it, you don't like heavy stories, don't need 5 comments about it.
People are already sold on the game through the demo (look at the poll), you ain't convincing many to not buy it.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of the Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Demo?


Ain't playing the demo, but a physical copy is already preordered.
To all people complaining that it's not stable 60fps, what did you expect? It's a Japaneese developed game, and they are known for not using all CPU cores, it's probably just pegging (overloading) 1-2 cores with rest of 'em idle, because it doesn't look that intensive on the GPU part.