Comments 440

Re: Burnout Paradise Remaster Rumours Send the Web Wild


Burnout Paradise is one of my favorite games of all time!!! It was just such a blast to play. I already got the plat for PS3 and was planning on going through it again on XBox but a remaster would be even better! Still waiting for a direct sequel but I don't have high hopes for that.

Re: Review: Farpoint (PS4)


@Fluggy Yeah this game has always given me the Onslaught vibe.

Not really expecting too much from this other than the whole VR novelty factor but it looks fun enough. My order has already shipped though I'm currently addicted to Zelda: BotW so I doubt I get around to it any time soon.

Re: Poll: Will Your PS4 Gather Dust Now the Nintendo Switch Is Out?


I've been trying to buy one for a while now but can't seem to track one down at retail price and there's absolutely no way I'm paying more than retail. I almost don't even want to give Nintendo my money because of them pulling this again after the NES classic edition. The only reason I want the Switch is because I've owned most of Nintendo's consoles but I'm not really all that excited about it. I'm sure it'll just end up collecting dust but I still want it in my collection. PS4 and even Xbox One will still be my main consoles.
As for playing on the go, it's nice to have the option but I found it difficult to really get immersed in a game while on the go. I prefer to play at home on a big screen while laying back on the couch.

Re: Talking Point: Are You Enjoying Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4?


I was extremely happy to find my collector's edition waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday but I really don't have enough time to play it right now. I'm also planning on buying a new 4K tv this year so I kind of want to wait until then so I can really take in the graphics. Don't know if I'll be able to wait though.

Re: Review: Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)


Can't read the review because the blue box on the left hand side with all the game details keeps scrolling down and blocks the text.

Very happy to see it got a 9 though. Can't wait to get my copy!

Re: Review: Lara Croft Go


Just bought this off Google Play for 99 cents yesterday along with the other Go games since they were on sale. Looking forward to trying them out when I have some free time. Can't believe I didn't even know these were available on PS4/Vita.

Re: Poll: Do You Actually Use the PS4's Social Features?


I hardly have any playing time as it is so I usually don't spend any time using the social features. It probably doesn't help that my internet connection is terrible. I've tried checking out some live streams but my connection is just too slow.

Re: Here's Your Custom Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 PS4


I don't really like the console but the controller is kinda cool.

I know what you mean about these limited edition consoles. It's hard to pass them up when you already have a launch console. I couldn't pass up the Batman console but now I'm dreading the release of an Uncharted or God of War limited console.