Comments 9,594

Re: Sony Execs Seem to Think the Company Doesn't Have Enough Original IP


Theres plenty of games just from the PS3 era and even PS4 that haven't seen any love this gen, as someone mentioned above Infamous, second son was a really great and very fun game, ditched now because most studios are only a one game studio. There is plenty of scope for old franchises to be taken in different directions but again, studios lack flexibility and resources.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


New and innovative 🤣 ok, sure. That TV show episode will be interesting. They need to reach out to gamers that play different amounts of time gaming, and not just whichever clowns they employed as yes men to offer opinions. Sometimes I think they don't actually ask real people what they think. A bit like Bungie catering to streamers for years, it turned a lot of people off.