Comments 293

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


@McTwist Aside from a few tech wizards like Insomniac, Guerilla and ID Software, devs simply don't optimise anymore. They can shove a 75% finished game out there to 90% of its probable lifetime sales and save a significant chunk of change on optimising it. They may go back and finish the last 25% if they catch enough heat, but they rarely do. Square Enix are the absolute worst for this.

Therefore the PS5 base hardware is struggling with the recent jump in engine tech (especially to UE5) as the lazy dev approach they got away with in cross-gen games is butting up against the reality of the new tech.

Now they have PSSR to lean on so expect them to become even lazier at optimisation. Expect the base PS5 experience to get even worse going forward (less and less performance modes offered would be my guess).

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@Joabra01Swe It's anti-PC gaming circlejerk 101

  • Costs £1000s every few years
  • Games crash all the time
  • Constant updates and incompatibility errors
  • Windows breaks everything every update
  • You have to spend hours changing settings before you can play a game (when choosing a preset is no harder than picking 'fidelity' or 'performance' on console)
  • Keyboard and mouse controls suck

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@ZeroSum Yes, console-only fanboys being very disingenuous. Getting defensive because they are rapidly ceding the long term value proposition of owning a console over investing into the PC ecosystem.

If you build a PC shrewdly in 2024 instead of buying PS5 Pro, you're not going to need to buy a PS6 in a few years either. Wonder how many also drop £1000+ on laptops, too. Sure, if you need a portable computer for work/education etc, then that form factor is necessary. But if you just sit around your house 99% of the time you're using a computer, then you don't need that device either once you build a gaming PC.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@AverageGamer I don't know about that. My Dad is 58 and he was one building our home PC back in the 90s when he was in his mid to late 20s/early 30s. His generation came of age as the home PC emerged and became commonplace in most homes.

I'm mid 30s now and grew up installing stuff on DOS and having to deal with the various the wild west days of early 3D acceleration settings etc. Spent most of my 20s using Linux on my uni laptop.

I've read it's actually the younger generation who've grown up with touchscreens and walled garden OS who the ones who are mostly falling behind when it comes to knowledge of desktop PC hardware/operating systems.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


@PALversusNTSC You are not getting native 4k raytracing even on most 4000 series cards on the latest UE5 games. I have to turn off all RTX on Wukong on my 4070ti PC just so I can hit 60fps @ 1440p with DLSS Quality (then I turn on Frame Gen to reach 120fps average). What on earth makes you think a Playstation 5 could do it?

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


I find criticisms about updating drivers (basically all automatic these days) and "crashing" total nonsense. I've gamed about 50/50 PC and Console in the last six years and I've had far more crashes on my PS4/PS5 then I have my PC.

Consoles are just walled garden PCs these days with many of the complaints people used to have of PC (installing games, needing patches/updates, crashes etc). I understand building them can be intimidating, but just get a prebuild, or, better yet, watch the many easy to follow build guides online. I built mine totally from scratch aged thirty with zero prior knowledge, and have done a few complete rebuilds since.

I'm convinced that the most vocal haters of PC online are ultimately people who'd love to have one, but don't have the means to acquire one. It's such an important pillar of the gaming, that it's madness to dismiss it so roundly. PC, home console and handheld are all vitally important to the history of the hobby.

Re: PS5 Players Choose Performance Mode 75% of the Time


@30fps60fps I could still drink concentrate OJ, but in a world where freshly squeezed is available, I haven't had to for well over a decade now.

Playstation's chief architect has spoken and put on record what many have said for years: 30fps is choppy. It's only gotten worse as more move to OLED panels for their gaming. Bloodborne replays and some Switch games are the only time I have to put up with 30fps these days in modern games, and I usually complete a couple dozen a year.

Re: Despite Price Point, Analyst Firm Expects PS5 Pro to Sell Like PS4 Pro


@themightyant People keep mentioning phones but the vast majority are bought on 24-36 month cost spreading contracts with the option to upgrade to the latest models for token fees to retain you on the network's talk/data plans.

Different products, different markets, different pricing models, different consumer base.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


@Raydog1108 Well, many were sold PS5 on promises of 4K/60 and look how they went. Notice how Sony didn't show any of the recent UE5 games that have struggled so far on base PS5. What about CPU bound games? They haven't upgraded that component other than a slight boost to the clocks.

As for the SSD capacity, do you not realise that many of us already own a 1TB SSD that we installed in our base PS5, and thus a 1TB Pro and lower price would have been better?

Re: Despite Price Point, Analyst Firm Expects PS5 Pro to Sell Like PS4 Pro


@EfYI I absolutely agree with you if PS5 is your central platform, you have no PC whatsoever, you'll be playing lots of thirty party AAA, and you're somebody who cares about the technical polish and performance of those games.

But if you also game even a little on PC and have a starter setup already, your money is much better spent on upgrades there once you sell your components.

Ultimately, I think they've still alienated many of the first group with the price and omission of basics like disc drive and stand. Leaving out a £2 bit of moulded plastic from a £700 purchase? Read the room.

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@MrMagic I didn't realise you could take the PS5 Pro on a plane and play games on an OLED screen off a battery. Cerny should have told us, might have softened the blow of the suggested RRP.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@bindiana The overwhelming number of comments across all PS5 Pro stories since 4.10pm have been critical + social media is a bloodbath. This is a Playstation enthusiast website where the most positivity should be found, yet it's scant. This isn't going to sell well at all unless they come out with a charm offensive and alter their value proposition (ie, cut out trying to nickle and dime us for a plastic stand, for a start).

What is it even for? So I can play Rebirth at 60fps without blurry graphics? Something that should have been the case on base PS5 in the first place. The devs even admitted to it, patched the demo to "fix it" and made it look even worse.

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


The Pro is not good value to somebody who already owns a PS5 (vast majority of us) just because an equivalent PC rig + setup is two to three times as much.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


@DaniPooo I'm fairly certain Sony would prefer readers of a Playstation enthusiast site to upgrade and not 'stick with what they have'. They have probably calculated that the people who only buy Fifa and CoD every autumn will be 'sticking with what they have'.

You and a dozen other posters on here may be Fry - Take My Money.jpeg on this, but that isn't going to translate into a sale success in Sony's eyes.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?



The PS4 Pro's market share was 20% of all Playstation 4 owners.

This is a poll on a site of Playstation enthusiasts and 80% aren't interested.

Re: All PS5 Pro Compatible Games


Wouldn't trust Square Enix as far as I can throw them to patch Rebirth competently so as to have 60fps w/ acceptable image quality.

At least we've finally somewhat of an admission from them that their excessively blurry performance mode was unacceptable.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


Concord and then this? Sony having a great week! People will say "but but they'll sell out", but how many are they producing at this price point?

Looking at £400-500 to upgrade to Pro with disc drive if you flog base model for £300 (that resell price will crater soon, too).


Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


@redd214 Base PS5 resell prices about to crash. Probably looking at £400-£500 "upgrade" price if you want a Pro and disc drive.

What were they thinking?

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny



Xbox has effectively tried that with the Series consoles, and it's causing all manner of problems.

30fps is the secret shame of the game development industry. The lowest accepted standard for getting a game out there if you're struggling with optimisation and/or your publisher insists you cheap out on dev budget.

Why would you ever market a console around such a known inferiority? 30fps is not a feature, it's a compromise. One that's being increasingly rejected by console consumers outside of the masses who only buy COD and Fifa every autumn (whose games are typically 60fps anyway).

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny



I agree to an extent. There are definitely going to be some who are saying such things because actually they'd like a Pro, but it's beyond their means.

But as somebody who could afford it with relatively ease, generally likes to be on the cutting edge of tech, and, to be frank, sometimes has poor impulse control — they really need to sell this thing to me. Of course, if I didn't have a very capable PC, it would be an obvious purchase. But there just aren't the exclusives there at present, in my mind.