Comments 312

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


@MrMagic I didn't realise you could take the PS5 Pro on a plane and play games on an OLED screen off a battery. Cerny should have told us, might have softened the blow of the suggested RRP.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@bindiana The overwhelming number of comments across all PS5 Pro stories since 4.10pm have been critical + social media is a bloodbath. This is a Playstation enthusiast website where the most positivity should be found, yet it's scant. This isn't going to sell well at all unless they come out with a charm offensive and alter their value proposition (ie, cut out trying to nickle and dime us for a plastic stand, for a start).

What is it even for? So I can play Rebirth at 60fps without blurry graphics? Something that should have been the case on base PS5 in the first place. The devs even admitted to it, patched the demo to "fix it" and made it look even worse.

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


The Pro is not good value to somebody who already owns a PS5 (vast majority of us) just because an equivalent PC rig + setup is two to three times as much.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


@DaniPooo I'm fairly certain Sony would prefer readers of a Playstation enthusiast site to upgrade and not 'stick with what they have'. They have probably calculated that the people who only buy Fifa and CoD every autumn will be 'sticking with what they have'.

You and a dozen other posters on here may be Fry - Take My Money.jpeg on this, but that isn't going to translate into a sale success in Sony's eyes.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?



The PS4 Pro's market share was 20% of all Playstation 4 owners.

This is a poll on a site of Playstation enthusiasts and 80% aren't interested.

Re: All PS5 Pro Compatible Games


Wouldn't trust Square Enix as far as I can throw them to patch Rebirth competently so as to have 60fps w/ acceptable image quality.

At least we've finally somewhat of an admission from them that their excessively blurry performance mode was unacceptable.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


Concord and then this? Sony having a great week! People will say "but but they'll sell out", but how many are they producing at this price point?

Looking at £400-500 to upgrade to Pro with disc drive if you flog base model for £300 (that resell price will crater soon, too).


Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


@redd214 Base PS5 resell prices about to crash. Probably looking at £400-£500 "upgrade" price if you want a Pro and disc drive.

What were they thinking?

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny



Xbox has effectively tried that with the Series consoles, and it's causing all manner of problems.

30fps is the secret shame of the game development industry. The lowest accepted standard for getting a game out there if you're struggling with optimisation and/or your publisher insists you cheap out on dev budget.

Why would you ever market a console around such a known inferiority? 30fps is not a feature, it's a compromise. One that's being increasingly rejected by console consumers outside of the masses who only buy COD and Fifa every autumn (whose games are typically 60fps anyway).

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny



I agree to an extent. There are definitely going to be some who are saying such things because actually they'd like a Pro, but it's beyond their means.

But as somebody who could afford it with relatively ease, generally likes to be on the cutting edge of tech, and, to be frank, sometimes has poor impulse control — they really need to sell this thing to me. Of course, if I didn't have a very capable PC, it would be an obvious purchase. But there just aren't the exclusives there at present, in my mind.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


May consider it next year if there is enough justification. To begin with, Rebirth finally being at acceptable image quality @ 60fps.

I have Astro Bot and Stellar Blade to play, and they run fine on base PS5. Other big games this year (Silent Hill 2 & Metaphor:ReFantazio) I plan to play on PC.

Re: 80s Synthpop Stars Heaven 17 Resist the Temptation of PS5's GTA 6



I played V on release for PS3. Took about forty hours to complete and never really thought about it again after. Previously played III, Vice City and San Andreas back on OG Xbox back in the early 00s. I mainly enjoyed just screwing around on those older titles with cheat codes enabled, although did finish their stories.

Not sure even one of them would make it into my personal top 50 list, although I appreciate the series' seminality. People can get so angry when you suggest you've very little interest in playing GTA6.

Re: Soapbox: I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum


@the_sultan999 I'd suggest most people on this site have an obsession that others, even within the hobby, would look at as a little too laser focused.

I really like shmups. I have a spreadsheet that catalogues about 300 of them at last count (high score/furthest stage reached on 1 credit/how many credits used to complete etc). When I went to Japan this year I went to Taito Hey! so I could play Senjin Aleste (only in JP arcades) and get a score for it!

I also have spreadsheets for all my favourite genres (survival horror, visual novels, metroidvanias etc). In many ways marking games as 'complete' on those is my platinum trophy.

Actual PS trophies, I can take or leave. I usually play a game and if I'm enjoying it look near the end to see how many I can get to maximise my percentage, but don't really care. I have 18 plats since 2019 when I started my current PS account.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@donv2135 Your asserting something blindly and quite frankly sounding a little silly. Please provide evidence that single player games published by Sony Interactice Entertainment like GoW: Ragnarok, HFW & Spiderman 2 have lost money. Maybe Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin earlier in the year? You can take it back further to R&C: RA & Demon's Souls etc if you want. Maybe Astro Bot will be a financial loss?

We do know the likes of Destruction All-Stars and Concord absolutely have lost Playstation money. A LOT of money. Helldivers 2 has done ok. Sony do not need live services to fund single player games. If anything, it's the reverse.

Not a fanboy. I've owned every home console and a PC since the PS2/XB/GC and I am perfectly entitled to express my dissatisfaction with Sony's direction as a long time customer. If you cannot handle contrary opinions than perhaps consider logging off yourself.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@donv2135 I suspect you're the type of person who wanted posters to be quiet about their views on Concord, too.

You can stick your fingers in your ears all you want, but when people who've owned Sony consoles going back thirty years are starting to consider moving on it's a sign that something's not going right with the direction of the PS brand.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


Hulst either needs letting go by his bosses or he needs to make quick, decisive pivots and communicate that to the PS install base. That has to start with the cancellation of Fairgames.

I've already made my mind up that I won't be buying a PS5 Pro. After Astro Bot I cannot see what my next PS5 game will be other than the small catalogue of PSVR2 titles I have/are out soon (newish £350 price drop PSVR2 adopter).

The likes of Metaphor: Refantazio/Silent Hill 2 and MGS3: Delta will be played on PC and I'm even going to sell the physical Stellar Blade I own and wait on the PC release, too.

My Series X has already been effectively mothballed by Microsoft's strategy and Sony aren't doing much better. PC and Switch mostly for me nowadays.

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


@StrickenBiged Thank you for a sensibly written, straight forward take on this. Irregular pronoun use is exceptionally rare and you basically never see/hear of it outside of social media bios or people arguing online. I saw them suggested last year on a Specsaver's staff member's name tag and that's the only example I can think of.

This game did not fail because the developers included pronouns on the character selection screen, but it is extremely revealing of the type of bubble the dev team live in that they thought it pertinent to put them in there.

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


This is a soft cancellation, it won't come back in any form. Herman Hulst needs to address the Sony fanbase and tell them in what ways he intends to regain their trust and reverse the Ryan legacy. The immediate cancellation of Fairgames would be a good start.

Buy Astro Bot and let's show Sony what we really want. The first live services were lightning in a bottle that became separate industries all unto themselves as for many of the younger generation, they are gaming. Nothing can ever hope to replicate the success of Fortnite, CoD and Roblox et al. The bubble has burst. Sony need to learn this.