Comments 312

Re: Concord Pre-Load Available Now on PS5, Post-Launch Roadmap Revealed


@JP80 In our uni house many years ago, our mate passed out drunk and left his debit card on the living room table. Being owed a prank back from a few weeks prior, he may or may not have had delivered a £50 lifesize rubber fist.

If this was August 2024, he'd be the proud owner of a digital copy of Concord.

Re: Unsurprisingly, the Borderlands Movie Has Completely Bombed



Never really put my thoughts down about this, but why not.

For me the two biggest turn-offs to going to the cinema nowadays are the easily distracted kids/teenagers on their phones/chatting and the fact that I have a pretty decent movie viewing setup at home. Add to this that the wait from cinema to home availability is near minimal and the price and why would I go?

The first can be largely mitigated by going during school hours if your job allows (mine does), but watching a film on my 65" OLED with a decent home sound system isn't like watching a 19-21" CRT with tinny speakers from across the room used to be in 2003. My home setup isn't that as diminished an experience as a cinema auditorium once I'm immersed.

Lifestyle habits change, and cinemas are on the way out, at least for me.

Re: Dead Rising's PS5 Remaster Will Strip Bonus Points for Erotic Photos


@LordAinsley I mentioned it because of your suggestion that something should be banned because it rewards the player with points. That was exactly her line of argument in that infamous article.

Anyway, no point debating this: I think things that upset some modern sensibilities are absolutely fine so long as they are couched in an absurd and satirical context as everything in Dead Rising 2006 is. You clearly don't.

Re: Dead Rising's PS5 Remaster Will Strip Bonus Points for Erotic Photos



You remind me of a daft Anne Diamond Daily Mail article from back in the day where she claimed Modern Warfare 'rewards the player with points for throttling dogs'.

Dead Rising was satire and Frank West a caricature of a chauvinistic American everyman who still enjoys all his foibles — doesn't mixing alcohol reward you with some of the best health items? — even when the world is falling apart around him. Nobody achieved that particular bonus in the game and saw it as condoning IRL harassment then, and I doubt they do now.

Re: Dead Rising's PS5 Remaster Will Strip Bonus Points for Erotic Photos


Taking a photo of a female zombie or survivor in a swimsuit and getting an 'erotic' bonus score is part of the campy humour that pays homage to horror b-movies. Nobody who actually plays the game is remotely offended by it.

Leave the original experience intact or don't bother remastering it. I'll stick with my version on Steam.

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Studio Really Will Try and Port the Game to PS4


Really enjoyed the first one, even though it did suffer from shader comp stutter pretty awful on PC. The second had all kinds of performance issues. Bought it just after launch and refunded. Bought three months later after several patches and refunded. Bought one last time at £25 after their DLSS patch...and refunded. Dead series to me now.

Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Dev Asks Fans to Give It 'a Chance'



'Questionable messaging from the company aside, I think it's probably best to regard the remake as its own beast and not freak out whenever it doesn't slavishly imitate the original in every way.'

Couldn't agree more: as somebody who's replayed 1-4 in the past few months for the umpteenth time, the Team Silent games stand alone.

I've never replayed Origins, Shattered Memories, Homecoming or Downpour, but I don't consider their existence a detriment to the originals, and neither should Bloober's game (which I plan to get, but don't have much hope for).

Re: Queen's Blood Confirmed for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Sequel, CCG to Be Expanded



Not played Rebirth yet due to the reasons in my earlier post, but no, I personally don't need silly mini games and open world mechanics padding the game out unnecessarily. Like many I have a large backlog, diminishing time for gaming and earn a living so am not interested in "value".

Intergrade was about 52 hours for me and ran a perfect length IMO. You have to think that in the future people will play all three parts as one cohesive whole game. Does anyone need the middle part hanging around that long.

Hopefully most of these games are brief or skippable. I'll find out when we finally have a clean looking 60fps version.

Re: Sony Subsidiary Aniplex Ignores PS5 for Fate/Stay Night Remastered


@RiotShieldsHurt If it works for you than that's awesome.

I just don't see any benefit other than maybe price or trophies to read a VN on PS over Switch. I do so almost exclusively in handheld mode, so prefer having them run natively than needing to fiddle around with remote play/buy a Portal/leave my PS5 on when I leave the house.

Re: Sony Subsidiary Aniplex Ignores PS5 for Fate/Stay Night Remastered


I only buy VNs on handheld capable platforms anyway (Switch and Steam).

Will pick this up on the JP eshop as it's only ¥3100 and I stocked up on credit for my JP account when I was over there in the spring.

Didn't expect it to launch so soon, so now I'll have to figure out whether to play this or Tsukihime first.

Re: Pour One Out for Iconic US Gaming Mag Game Informer


@LifeGirl Like most, I always picked it up for the demos when my pocket money allowed, but would more often than not get the cheaper mags like Play and PS Max.

I used to pour over those things for hours getting excited for games I'd probably never even be able to find in the local shops even if I did have the cash for them!

Re: Bungie to Lay Off 220 Workers, Will Be Further Integrated into Sony



The Ryan plan was to scale back the traditional single player first party games, move on from all those boring old retro games and IPs, and then focus on several concurrent live service cash cows to rival the industry's juggernauts.

It underestimated the rise of the Chinese gacha, and gamers' stubbornness to move away from long established titles, while overestimating Sony's ability to actually bring to market an ongoing and engaging product. Helldiver's 2 may be a success, but what of Concord, Fairgames, Marathon and the others they've announced?

Re: Talking Point: Is It Finally the Right Time to Buy PSVR2?



Ok, so I've done a total 180 based upon yours and other's enthusiasm last night and I'll give VR one last shot at this price point.

I've ordered the headset through Playstation Direct as well as bought 7th Guest VR, The Dark Pictures - Switchback VR and Madison VR. I think Metro Awakening looks good too. Will finally play Half-Life: Alyx on Steam, too once I get the adapter.

I still maintain it's just another experience, however, and cannot ever hope to replace "pancake" gaming.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Finally the Right Time to Buy PSVR2?



Like I said, broad church (and the discomfort IS a salient factor, yes).

Will a VR game ever leave me feeling like Symphony of the Night; Silent Hill 2; MGS3, Wind Waker; or Bloodborne do every time I roll their end credits? Unlikely.

Maybe I'm just getting older and too set in my ways, but just like the 3D movie craze, I've tried "the future", and I'm content enough enjoying the medium through the way I always have.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Finally the Right Time to Buy PSVR2?


@WaveBoy Just goes to show the broad church that is our hobby. Give me "pancake" any day.

I experimented with PSVR for three months in 2019 and a Oculus Rift S for a summer in 2021. In almost thirty years of gaming — and years of dreaming about it growing up — VR turned out to easily be my least favourite way to experience video games.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Finally the Right Time to Buy PSVR2?


I think it's the beginning of the end for PSVR2 over at Sony HQ. They repeated past mistakes with this product.

Regardless, the flash sale is good if you've seriously had your eye on one and identified at least a handful of games you'd play on it/will get use out of it on your PC.

If your main reservations are borne from your experiences with the first PSVR or a perceived lack of must play PSVR2 titles, then it doesn't really change anything. You shouldn't drop £350 on an accessory just because it was £200 more a week ago.

Re: Deals: PS5 Price Cuts Continue with Savings on Consoles, Games, and Accessories (Europe)



Never understood this line of thinking. Price drops are part of the accepted risk of being an early adopter, alongside future hardware revisions or early batch defects.

I was the Fry from Futurama meme when it came to the first wave of 27" OLED 240hz monitors released at the end of 2022/beginning 2023. I ordered at £999 as soon as they went up, knowing they could drop in price later in the year. Saw mine for £799 six months after I bought it. Shrugged. I was an early adopter, I knew the risks. Similar thing happened with the OLED Steam Deck just over a year after I got my LCD one.

Re: Deals: Sony Goes for the Jugular with Humongous PS5, PSVR2 Discounts in USA



I think the "vast majority of naysayers", among which I'd include myself, had experience with PSVR.

I experienced that initial wow factor. I suffered from the motion sickness in certain titles. I went through the discomfort of trying to use my glasses, before giving up and accepting I'd need to wear my contacts (if I didn't go to hassle of ordering custom inserts from Germany). I played through the three or four titles that appealed to me in three weeks. It then sat in a box for three months as I realised having a helmet on my face and feeling mildly queezy wasn't the most relaxing gaming experience. I sold it.

It's never been a money issue for me, I just don't see the point of getting it to play a few Resident Evil games I already played one and three years ago no matter how transformative it is.