Comments 414

Re: Movie Review: Borderlands - As Bland As the Brand It's Based On


@get2sammyb are you left handed? Random question but I noticed your watch is on your right arm lol and the Borderlands logo behind you isn't mirrored

Also while I largely agree borderlands as a series isn't funny or even necessarily fun, Tales from the Borderlands is actually the funniest game I have ever played!!

Re: Live-Action Tomb Raider Series Officially Ordered by Amazon Prime Video


@Lup both terms are acceptable to describe a female actor. Nowadays I think actress may be more common in America due to American award categories and actor is possibly more common in England. Unsure though.

There's a section on that page about the history of the term actress. It has flip flopped throughout history. I'd always tend toward actor unless someone specifically preferred to be referred to as an actress.

Re: Random: Yorkshire Tea Is Brewing Up a Custom PS5 Controller for Some Reason


Yorkshire Tea is the best brand of tea for it's price, hands down. It's got a decent strength to it.

Tetley and PG Tips are both shockingly weak teas, I will never drink them.

Twinings English Breakfast and Assam Teas are also very good but way over priced.

Stick to Yorkshire for a strong cheap cup of tea. Head to Twinings for your Earl Grey kick.

Re: We Predict a Riot! PS5 Down to $350 in Black Friday Doorbuster


I legit think that Argos has had the best deal so far with a ps5 + digital spider man 2 for 399 with a free game of your choice (including tlou remake), too bad it's out of stock

Shopto had console only on their eBay for 359 for a couple days but factor in the cost of some games, I had to pass on it

Re: The First Photos of the PS5 Slim Are Circulating Online


I hope somebody gets out a tape measure for direct comparison for the OG and the Slim. Important dimensions for me (and how it will fit into my TV unit) are the longest side and the smallest side (with the disc drive bulge and the horizontal stand on both systems)

It's important for both systems because I'll either wait for a decent sale on the slim if it's a really good fit or I'll get the original at clearance prices and work something else out for it

Re: Metal Gear Solid 4, 5, Peace Walker Ports are Almost Certainly Planned, Says New Evidence


I posted this on PX but it's relevant here too. I'd love to see at least 2 more collections, maybe with the following breakdown of games:

Vol 2 - MGS (game boy), Twin Snakes, Mobile, Portable Ops, MGS4, Ac!d and Ac!d 2

Vol 3 - Rising Revengance, Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain and Survive

If they could find a way to emulate Touch! properly then that would be a good get. Social Ops and the various versions of Online are probably a lost cause.

I really want a port of Mobile though, the interquel between mgs 1&2 because it was an N-Gage 2 game so it's quite hard to find/emulate

Re: Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection (PS5) - Three Classics in One Messy Bundle


@LiamCroft heya, I have a few questions if you don't mind...

I guess the soundtracks are bundled into one of the apps? Is it possible to copy the soundtrack onto USB like it is on some other soundtrack apps on the PS Store?

How are the pre order/day one tracks handled? Code in the box? On disc/part of download? Available separately on PS Store?

Finally, is the digital graphic novel just the movie version or is it interactive? I am suspecting the former

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


I think for movies and TV, streaming did take a while to catch on but I think it will probably have a moderate crash in the next few years.

For a good portion of its early life, the streaming industry offered a much easier and fully featured service for a reasonable price than both physical media and piracy.

Nowadays, there are so many streaming services, they have become so expensive, they've introduced adverts and cracked down on password sharing. I think the added difficulty of finding your shows split across different services on top of the inflated prices that many converters will probably switch back to piracy because it is easier and obviously cheaper.

I'm not sure about gaming, GPU was a really good deal if you were savvy about taking the different deals they had on offer. Now it is moderately less of a good deal and I am sure it will only get worse. I'd give it about ten to fifteen years at most before all that's on offer is a full priced service with the bare minimum of discounts and their only remaining customers will be whales and those with law-based morality and the rest of their customers will either duck out entirely, switch to piracy or dip their toes in every now and then when the companies have to put out a much better deal to boost dwindling numbers.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in the UK Following Price Cut


I'm kinda broke so a £400 ps5 is still off the table for me. That said, I am more interested in waiting for a slim/pro model at this point and if the difference between that model and the current one isn't too great then at least the original model will probably get a steeper sale in January next year.