@ProfessorNiggle This here. It is nice too see at least one user actually inform about this.
Also, I always find it funny how some users here give advice on what to do to these corporations as if they knew better. If they knew better, they wouldn't be in here (typing) in the first place.
"...Hey! I'm a random user on random website telling you what these big corporations should do.... why? because, of course, I know better... If it was me, I would be running this companies better by doing X and Y").... this same user will probably bankrupt a company (big or small) in less than a year.
Tencent buying companies (left and right) it isn't good at all and it won't end well in the long run. Especially foreign companies.... Anyone thinking otherwise, it is just delusional.
I don't care if Tencent says it "won't interfere" on how X company operates, because we know that is BS.
Honestly, if this was showcased by the now closed Japan Studios as their next new game most of the reactions here would have been more in the negative side about this game. Anyone thinking otherwise, it is just delusional.
At the end of the day, people ask for "unique" ideas like this and/or more AA games, but in reality they won't actually support them.... they will always find excuses not to, like price point, animation quality and jank, etc...
@Colt22 True.... most didn't buy Japan Studios actual games. Anyone saying otherwise is just a liar.
The fact is that most of their important titles (the ones that actually sold) were co-developed games, and not actually developed by them.
No one bought Gravity Rush I and II, but now the loud minority cry about wanting more... figures. Same as Puppeteer and The Last Guardian. Most aren't even aware a game series called Everybody's Golf exist. Knack II and I were made fun of and most didn't buy them. And the list goes on...
Rise of the Ronin is doing really well in Japan (Asia in general).... The game still top 5 in the Japanese PS store.... while Dragon's Dogma 2 is out the top 10 (Stellar Blade already top it in the store).
DD2 isn't a bad game per se, but it isn't a 9/10 and/or 10/10 game at all like some reviews make it out to be... also, the game combat loop isn't as fun and challenging as Rise of the Ronin.
@Matroska And how many of those Steam sales will turn into refunds? I bet you a lot.... especially with the negative reception it has gotten there (https://steamdb.info/app/2054970/). Refunding in Steam is really easy after all.
HFW was never going to do huge numbers in Steam (it is a 2 years old game after all). But it is doing fine for a late port. Also HFW port is exceptionally good and have a really positive reception in Steam. This might help the game in the long run there.
If DD2 takes too long to fix the performance problems, it might hurt the game in the long run. Steam numbers might start dropping rather quicker than usual. So Capcom... you need to start working on fixing that mess you call performance.
"Frame rate can get very rough" is a big no for me (it isn't slightly, but very rough).
It seems that the game is not well optimized anywhere (consoles and PC) period. Capcom is even looking into it as we speak. Capcom clearly knew this and that's why there wasn't an actual Demo for this game for people to try.
Right now, this game doesn't deserve 10s or 9s.... but 8s and 7s with this level of technical performance (also, get the uncapped framerate BS out of here).
Steam reviews are going to be a mess for this game.
@jorel262 That's fine and all... but not everyone likes to wait years to do that (especially with every game). With the amount of games that get release every year... doing so will just make you backlog insufferable to finish.
People usually wait for those games that they aren't actually interested in the first place.
For example, I can wait for P3R or Baldur's Gate 3 to go on sale, even if it takes years (great games, but my interested in them are not that high). I can't do that with Elden Ring or God of War Ragnarok.
Annual soulless game make even worse (Activition you did it!). It makes money sure, but soulless nevertheless.
The Twitter/Reddit/Forum bubble people keep complaining about it, but the Real world people don't care.... and the cycle continues (will it end? probably sometime in the far future, but not right now)
@rachetmarvel Most, if not all, 70$ remakes released have had some kinda outcry because you know... the Internet (mainly social media) is a cesspool of constant whining and negativity that is far remove from actual reality (most don't care about this redundant drama... those that want to buy it, will buy it... and vice versa).
So, the outcry for this remake isn't any different from the other remakes. And like usual, instead of just ignoring the remake (or wait for it to be on sale to buy it), they will keep coming to it to trash it whenever they got the chance.
Right now, PC-Steam players (social media) are the loudest because of missing/removed content and, especially, price.
Especially for a multiplayer game (live service) that was released in basically all platforms (except Switch). A game that was also added (day 1) into a sub-service so for many was almost "free" to play-try.
1 million players (not games sold) isn't impressive at all. Lets see if the game can retain its player-base too (in the long run); that's where the success of games like this actually lies.
If 60+ metacritic overlay score makes a game like this a good game (a $60 price game also available on GamePass).... then Destruction AllStars is also a good game when it was released 3 years ago then ($40 price game also available in PS+).
@Martsmall The difference is that Sony never claimed that "When we all play, we all win" (or something like that) phrase. Phil Spencer did…. And that's why many are tired of MS and their BS kumbaya statements about exclusivity.
Since you guys are clearly getting this information from gamesindustry, you should credit it at the bottom.
Also, it would be nice if could also mention what gamesindustry said, which is that even though Dead Space was No.1, launch sales were lower than The Callisto Protocol. That it sold less than half of what The Callisto Protocol managed in its first week back in December.
It is good context to have when doing this sales charts posts.
@viciousarcanum Here is the thing, he doesn't... he just wants his name on there because the show is highly successful (critically and by fans). He couldn't care less about the others that worked in the game having their names in there too.
As right now, he comes as an opportunist, simple as that, and anyone that thinks otherwise is delusional.
@palmab and I predict no one will care about your PS5 gathering dust.
If Resident Evil 4 (Remake) wins Push Square Game of the Year for 2023 that would be BS and one of the most controversial things in here. I hope you are all joking with this.
@Blackmagehobbit MS isn't going to purchase Square, so lets stop with this nonsensical take.
The Japanese government will never allow it, simple as that. Not to mention Square will need to be willing to sell (which they aren't), and even if they do, I assure you it won't be to an American company like MS.
If possible, they need to stop using Unreal…. It is always the games using this engine the ones having optimization problems. Maybe Unreal 5 will fix this, but I doubt it.
Nowadays you have to appreciate PS studios and their proprietary engines. I’m pretty sure now that Housemarque is owned by PS, it will be switching to another engine for their next game.
@rachetmarvel At the end of the day it was the right choice to move the HQ and become more global, simple as that.
No one is defending anything, those are just facts that people love to ignore because they believe that Japan is some kinda fictitious utopia of a country, when in realty isn't. Lost of problems in there, and those that live and work there know it, especially those that work in the entertainment industry (VA, animation, gaming, etc.).
The same way it was the right choice to disbanded the money-pit called Sony Japan (to make Team Asobi and xDev Global).
@racinggamefanatic better leadership? their studios struggling releasing games isn’t synonymous of a better leadership, but the contrary. The fact that they are relying in buying big ass third party publishers for games isn’t better leadership either…. Just stop with the BS already.
@Max_the_German wtf are you even talking about? Only PS5 games been more expensive has nothing to do with this. This in on Atlus/Sega, so don’t deflect the blame somewhere else.
@nomither6 This would be more about poor game optimization than anything else, so stop deflecting the blame elsewhere and giving WB a pass. It is their studio.
Also, if it is locked at 30fps on PS5, then it is locked at 30fps on Xbox Series X (and who knows about Series S, that thing is already obsolete).
I remember when Disney was more than Marvel and Star Wars... Sad, really...
Indian Jones will probably be multiplatform, Disney doesn't care about MS endeavors with GamePass, they care about their games making actual profits for them.
The truth is that most people that own a Switch do not actually bother buying games on that system that aren't the usual suspects (aka Mario, Zelda, or Pokémon). It is quite sad to be honest.
I some way, it is also Nintendo's fault. The way they handle the promotion of those games is lackluster. Again, if it isn't Mario, Zelda, or Pokémon, Nintendo doesn't not really care.
I fear for Bayonetta 3... I see underwhelming sales for that game (on par of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 or worse), especially after how long it is being in development.
Lets be honest here.... most of their games have been average at best. No bad, not outstanding, just average.
Their games are fun every now and then, only if the story of the game is at least decent. If not, then the games become a chore to "play" and finished.
I'm pretty sure most game developers (not PR people and/or studios heads) prefer to show their stuff whenever the feel comfortable instead of being force to do it in June every year because E3 is coming and they need to show something.
Also, it is still a waste of money and doesn't give your product more exposure than doing it online (anyone that thinks otherwise is deluded). Most of us do no attend (psychically) these showcases either because of money, time, and location.
Anyone saying that HFW is doing poorly is delusional, simple as that.
The game was released in February and it's still within the top 10 digital PS downloads (PS5 = #8-US, #9-EU. PS4 = #10-US). The game is also still selling well on online stores such as Amazon.
Just because ER is doing better doesn't mean the other one isn't.
@Curbstomp12 Moronic take, but what can you expect from a fanboy.
Forza Horizon 5 is not the equivalent of GT7, that would be Forza Motorsport 7... And last time I checked, Forza Motorsport 7 had a metascore of 86 (with even less reviews that GT7).
@Matroska You have not played Elden Ring yet to come to that conclusion.... It is an open-world, so expect all the bugs that come with these type of games (there is no need to be naïve regarding that). Also, just because you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they are not there. Expect to see lots of them when it releases.
@Roqka For what I have been reading from those playing on PC.... the optimization of the game is mediocre to say the least (with long loading screens, freezes, pop-in, and lots of frame-drops).
Love FromSoftware, but I can't deny that most of their games, especially the PC versions, are usually badly optimized. They need help in the department to be honest. They need to improve their game-engine.
You can see how outdated the Switch is when Atlus know it will have a hard time running this game there, therefore they decide it is better for it not to release it there... at least not until Nintendo decides to release a better console (which by the looks of it.... it will not be anytime soon).
It is Nintendo own fault, simple... This is something that will keep happening more often than not as years passes too... Funny thing, if you want to play this game on the-go, you will still be able to play it using the Steam Deck instead (for any that buys that system).
@Ralizah 3D Mario games at their core are the same games (Mario Odyssey is Mario 64 improved. The only "new" noticeable things on that game is the magic hat mechanic, a bigger world, and nicer graphics). The same way the next Zelda will be (if you expect the new Zelda to change a lot from the previous one, you are for a disappointment). I guess the next Zelda is a DLC as well.
The propose of sequels is to try to improve from the previous one, not to completely change it to something that's not for the sake of change. They keep being improved by adding new gameplay mechanics to them, but they don't change completely at its core. Now is that bad? No, it is not.
Resident Evil 1-6 are basically the same games with slightly improvements each iteration. Same as Resident Evil 8-7. Same as Doom and Doom Eternal. Same as all the Metroid Prime games. Same as God of War 1-3 (and then it reinvented itself, but that was after 2 more games and years of no new games). Same as Persona 3-5 (anyone expecting Persona 6 be completely different from 5 is just delusional). And the list goes on...
Gamers nowadays just love to whine and have unreasonable expectations when it comes to game sequels, simple as that. To the point of annoyance.
Comments 352
Re: Tencent Increases Stake in FromSoftware Parent, Closing the Gap on Sony
@ProfessorNiggle This here. It is nice too see at least one user actually inform about this.
Also, I always find it funny how some users here give advice on what to do to these corporations as if they knew better. If they knew better, they wouldn't be in here (typing) in the first place.
"...Hey! I'm a random user on random website telling you what these big corporations should do.... why? because, of course, I know better... If it was me, I would be running this companies better by doing X and Y").... this same user will probably bankrupt a company (big or small) in less than a year.
Re: Tencent Acquires Controlling Stake in Dev of PS5's Wuthering Waves
Tencent buying companies (left and right) it isn't good at all and it won't end well in the long run. Especially foreign companies.... Anyone thinking otherwise, it is just delusional.
I don't care if Tencent says it "won't interfere" on how X company operates, because we know that is BS.
Re: Slitterhead Dated for 8th November on PS5, PS4 in First Gameplay Trailer
Yea... no my cup of tea.
Honestly, if this was showcased by the now closed Japan Studios as their next new game most of the reactions here would have been more in the negative side about this game. Anyone thinking otherwise, it is just delusional.
At the end of the day, people ask for "unique" ideas like this and/or more AA games, but in reality they won't actually support them.... they will always find excuses not to, like price point, animation quality and jank, etc...
Re: Anticipated Horror Game Slitterhead Debuts First Gameplay at SGF
Cautiously optimistic about it. I didn't really like what I saw in that pre-alpha test video from 2023.
Re: Fans Positively Review Bomb Hi-Fi Rush in Wake of Xbox’s Closure of Tango Gameworks
@Colt22 True.... most didn't buy Japan Studios actual games. Anyone saying otherwise is just a liar.
The fact is that most of their important titles (the ones that actually sold) were co-developed games, and not actually developed by them.
No one bought Gravity Rush I and II, but now the loud minority cry about wanting more... figures. Same as Puppeteer and The Last Guardian. Most aren't even aware a game series called Everybody's Golf exist. Knack II and I were made fun of and most didn't buy them. And the list goes on...
Re: Rumour: SEGA Wants Persona to Be an Annual Franchise Alongside Like a Dragon, Sonic
Re: Japan Sales Charts: Rise of the Ronin Has a Surprisingly Strong Second Week, Dragon's Dogma 2 Drops Off
Rise of the Ronin is doing really well in Japan (Asia in general).... The game still top 5 in the Japanese PS store.... while Dragon's Dogma 2 is out the top 10 (Stellar Blade already top it in the store).
DD2 isn't a bad game per se, but it isn't a 9/10 and/or 10/10 game at all like some reviews make it out to be... also, the game combat loop isn't as fun and challenging as Rise of the Ronin.
Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Slated for Adding Sinister PS5 Microtransactions at Launch
@Matroska And how many of those Steam sales will turn into refunds? I bet you a lot.... especially with the negative reception it has gotten there (https://steamdb.info/app/2054970/). Refunding in Steam is really easy after all.
HFW was never going to do huge numbers in Steam (it is a 2 years old game after all). But it is doing fine for a late port. Also HFW port is exceptionally good and have a really positive reception in Steam. This might help the game in the long run there.
If DD2 takes too long to fix the performance problems, it might hurt the game in the long run. Steam numbers might start dropping rather quicker than usual. So Capcom... you need to start working on fixing that mess you call performance.
Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PS5) - This Could Be the Apex of RPG Adventuring
"Frame rate can get very rough" is a big no for me (it isn't slightly, but very rough).
It seems that the game is not well optimized anywhere (consoles and PC) period. Capcom is even looking into it as we speak. Capcom clearly knew this and that's why there wasn't an actual Demo for this game for people to try.
Right now, this game doesn't deserve 10s or 9s.... but 8s and 7s with this level of technical performance (also, get the uncapped framerate BS out of here).
Steam reviews are going to be a mess for this game.
Re: Significant Discounts Suggest Ubisoft's PS5 Pirate Game Skull and Bones Is Already Struggling
@jorel262 That's fine and all... but not everyone likes to wait years to do that (especially with every game). With the amount of games that get release every year... doing so will just make you backlog insufferable to finish.
People usually wait for those games that they aren't actually interested in the first place.
For example, I can wait for P3R or Baldur's Gate 3 to go on sale, even if it takes years (great games, but my interested in them are not that high). I can't do that with Elden Ring or God of War Ragnarok.
Re: Mini Review: Pentiment (PS5) - A Slow-Burning 16th-Century Murder Mystery
Funny seeing people whining about the review of an old niche game that probably most won't buy, even less at $20. This game should have been $10.
Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's First PS5, PS4 Campaign Review Is a Massacre
Annual soulless game make even worse (Activition you did it!). It makes money sure, but soulless nevertheless.
The Twitter/Reddit/Forum bubble people keep complaining about it, but the Real world people don't care.... and the cycle continues (will it end? probably sometime in the far future, but not right now)
Re: Persona 3 Reload's Battle System Gets Some Great Upgrades from Persona 5
@rachetmarvel Most, if not all, 70$ remakes released have had some kinda outcry because you know... the Internet (mainly social media) is a cesspool of constant whining and negativity that is far remove from actual reality (most don't care about this redundant drama... those that want to buy it, will buy it... and vice versa).
So, the outcry for this remake isn't any different from the other remakes. And like usual, instead of just ignoring the remake (or wait for it to be on sale to buy it), they will keep coming to it to trash it whenever they got the chance.
Right now, PC-Steam players (social media) are the loudest because of missing/removed content and, especially, price.
Re: Exoprimal Attracts One Million Players, Free Skin to Celebrate
@Cutmastavictory Agree.
Especially for a multiplayer game (live service) that was released in basically all platforms (except Switch). A game that was also added (day 1) into a sub-service so for many was almost "free" to play-try.
1 million players (not games sold) isn't impressive at all. Lets see if the game can retain its player-base too (in the long run); that's where the success of games like this actually lies.
Re: Exoprimal (PS5) - One of the Most Promising Online Co-Op Shooters in Eons
If 60+ metacritic overlay score makes a game like this a good game (a $60 price game also available on GamePass).... then Destruction AllStars is also a good game when it was released 3 years ago then ($40 price game also available in PS+).
Re: Vampire FPS Redfall Was in Development for PS5, But Was Canned After Xbox Buyout
@Martsmall The difference is that Sony never claimed that "When we all play, we all win" (or something like that) phrase. Phil Spencer did…. And that's why many are tired of MS and their BS kumbaya statements about exclusivity.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Dead Space Remake Outpaces Forspoken in Debut Week
Since you guys are clearly getting this information from gamesindustry, you should credit it at the bottom.
Also, it would be nice if could also mention what gamesindustry said, which is that even though Dead Space was No.1, launch sales were lower than The Callisto Protocol. That it sold less than half of what The Callisto Protocol managed in its first week back in December.
It is good context to have when doing this sales charts posts.
Re: Bruce Straley Wasn't Credited in HBO's The Last of Us, Calls for Unionization
@viciousarcanum Here is the thing, he doesn't... he just wants his name on there because the show is highly successful (critically and by fans). He couldn't care less about the others that worked in the game having their names in there too.
As right now, he comes as an opportunist, simple as that, and anyone that thinks otherwise is delusional.
Re: 15 PS5, PS4 Predictions for 2023
@palmab and I predict no one will care about your PS5 gathering dust.
If Resident Evil 4 (Remake) wins Push Square Game of the Year for 2023 that would be BS and one of the most controversial things in here. I hope you are all joking with this.
Re: Square and Enix Joined Forces 20 Years Ago Today
@Blackmagehobbit MS isn't going to purchase Square, so lets stop with this nonsensical take.
The Japanese government will never allow it, simple as that. Not to mention Square will need to be willing to sell (which they aren't), and even if they do, I assure you it won't be to an American company like MS.
Re: Evil West (PS5) - Dumb Vampire Slaying Fun Certainly Doesn't Suck
With GOWR just released and Callisto Protocol coming relatively soon, this will have to wait.
Probably getting it when it goes on sale. It looks fun, but not full-price fun...
Re: Evil West's PS5 Performance Mode Is a Bit of a Kicker at 1080p, 60fps
If possible, they need to stop using Unreal…. It is always the games using this engine the ones having optimization problems. Maybe Unreal 5 will fix this, but I doubt it.
Nowadays you have to appreciate PS studios and their proprietary engines. I’m pretty sure now that Housemarque is owned by PS, it will be switching to another engine for their next game.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Sonic Frontiers?
6/10.... a slightly above average game.
Fun to play between other games, and that's it. Not really a must play though.
Re: Sonic Frontiers (PS5) - Bold New Gamble for the Series Pays Off
@somnambulance yes it is weird… there I said it. But to each their own.
For me, it looks decent at best. Unpolished, but alright… Something I will probably get on sale, but not at full price.
Re: Persona 5's Huge Success Is Down to Western Sales, SEGA Report Reiterates
@rachetmarvel At the end of the day it was the right choice to move the HQ and become more global, simple as that.
No one is defending anything, those are just facts that people love to ignore because they believe that Japan is some kinda fictitious utopia of a country, when in realty isn't. Lost of problems in there, and those that live and work there know it, especially those that work in the entertainment industry (VA, animation, gaming, etc.).
The same way it was the right choice to disbanded the money-pit called Sony Japan (to make Team Asobi and xDev Global).
Re: Persona Fans on PlayStation Get Sold Short Again as Xbox Deal Reveals Native Ports
@racinggamefanatic better leadership? their studios struggling releasing games isn’t synonymous of a better leadership, but the contrary. The fact that they are relying in buying big ass third party publishers for games isn’t better leadership either…. Just stop with the BS already.
Re: Persona Fans on PlayStation Get Sold Short Again as Xbox Deal Reveals Native Ports
@Max_the_German wtf are you even talking about? Only PS5 games been more expensive has nothing to do with this. This in on Atlus/Sega, so don’t deflect the blame somewhere else.
Re: Gotham Knights Gets 4-Player Co-Op Mode Heroic Assault a Month After Launch
@nomither6 This would be more about poor game optimization than anything else, so stop deflecting the blame elsewhere and giving WB a pass. It is their studio.
Also, if it is locked at 30fps on PS5, then it is locked at 30fps on Xbox Series X (and who knows about Series S, that thing is already obsolete).
Re: Official God of War Ragnarok PS5 Bundle Announced
@JustPlainLoco agree… the amount of whining here is laughable to say the least. Just the loud minority, like usual.
I remember when people used to whine about the amount of redundant costume consoles and how hard was to get them, figures.
Re: Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden Get January 2023 Release Date on PS4
@koffing 20 years form now you won't be playing these games, so stop it. Most of us aren't. And stop acting like you know the future that far ahead.
Also, 20 years form now, you should probably worry about bigger things than playing 20-30 year old games.
Re: Check Out Overwatch 2's Action-Packed Launch Trailer Ahead of 4th October Release
This game has fallen hard... good luck making it relevant again.
Also, the more I read about this new version (not calling it Overwatch 2 because it really isn't), the worse it gets.
Re: Disney & Marvel Games Showcase to Spotlight New and Upcoming PS5, PS4 Releases
I remember when Disney was more than Marvel and Star Wars... Sad, really...
Indian Jones will probably be multiplatform, Disney doesn't care about MS endeavors with GamePass, they care about their games making actual profits for them.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Horizon Forbidden West Back on Top, GT7 Sales Improve
The truth is that most people that own a Switch do not actually bother buying games on that system that aren't the usual suspects (aka Mario, Zelda, or Pokémon). It is quite sad to be honest.
I some way, it is also Nintendo's fault. The way they handle the promotion of those games is lackluster. Again, if it isn't Mario, Zelda, or Pokémon, Nintendo doesn't not really care.
I fear for Bayonetta 3... I see underwhelming sales for that game (on par of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 or worse), especially after how long it is being in development.
Re: Until Dawn, The Quarry Dev Acquired by Nordisk Games
Lets be honest here.... most of their games have been average at best. No bad, not outstanding, just average.
Their games are fun every now and then, only if the story of the game is at least decent. If not, then the games become a chore to "play" and finished.
Re: E3 2023 Returns with the Promise of Titanic AAA Reveals and Earth-Shaking World Premieres
I'm pretty sure most game developers (not PR people and/or studios heads) prefer to show their stuff whenever the feel comfortable instead of being force to do it in June every year because E3 is coming and they need to show something.
Also, it is still a waste of money and doesn't give your product more exposure than doing it online (anyone that thinks otherwise is deluded). Most of us do no attend (psychically) these showcases either because of money, time, and location.
Re: We Told You Not to Get Your Hopes Up for The Persona 25th Anniversary Stream
@BeerIsAwesome you are just a massive clown, you know that?
I don’t even know why are you even here troll.
Re: Gotham Knights' PS4 Version Has Been Cancelled
@Durnford52 you just wrote a lot of nonsense to the point of being laughable.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, fanboy.
Re: PS Store Sales Charts: Gran Turismo 7 Laps Elden Ring in Europe as Horizon Falls Off a Cliff
Anyone saying that HFW is doing poorly is delusional, simple as that.
The game was released in February and it's still within the top 10 digital PS downloads (PS5 = #8-US, #9-EU. PS4 = #10-US). The game is also still selling well on online stores such as Amazon.
Just because ER is doing better doesn't mean the other one isn't.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Settles for Second as Kirby Conquers
Re: Ghostwire: Tokyo (PS5) - Not the Bethesda Swansong We Hoped For
Re: Ghostwire: Tokyo (PS5) - Not the Bethesda Swansong We Hoped For
The game looked average gameplay-wise. That should have been enough to realize this wasn't going to light the world on fire.
Not bad, but not outstanding either... It is an average game with some cool art-style.
For now, I will pass. If I ever buy it, it will be deep on sale.
Re: PS5 Mascot Astro Bot Is Double-Jumping to Fall Guys
@BoldAndBrash Sackboy is old news. Astro is the future.
With time, it will become bigger especially with more games coming out.
Also, the Japanese seem to love Astro a lot (and I mean a lot) more than Sackboy.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Elden Ring?
Re: Gran Turismo 7's Eight-Minute Opening Movie Charts the Long History of Cars
@Curbstomp12 Moronic take, but what can you expect from a fanboy.
Forza Horizon 5 is not the equivalent of GT7, that would be Forza Motorsport 7... And last time I checked, Forza Motorsport 7 had a metascore of 86 (with even less reviews that GT7).
Re: Playing Elden Ring's PS4 Version on PS5 Might Be Your Best Bet for a Stable Framerate
@Matroska You have not played Elden Ring yet to come to that conclusion.... It is an open-world, so expect all the bugs that come with these type of games (there is no need to be naïve regarding that). Also, just because you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they are not there. Expect to see lots of them when it releases.
Re: Elden Ring (PS5) - Likely Another FromSoftware Great
@Roqka For what I have been reading from those playing on PC.... the optimization of the game is mediocre to say the least (with long loading screens, freezes, pop-in, and lots of frame-drops).
Love FromSoftware, but I can't deny that most of their games, especially the PC versions, are usually badly optimized. They need help in the department to be honest. They need to improve their game-engine.
Re: Call of Duty Will Take Time Off Next Year
@Phostachio This decision was made completely independently of Microsoft...
Re: Soul Hackers 2 Brings Shin Megami Tensei to PS5, PS4 in August
You can see how outdated the Switch is when Atlus know it will have a hard time running this game there, therefore they decide it is better for it not to release it there... at least not until Nintendo decides to release a better console (which by the looks of it.... it will not be anytime soon).
It is Nintendo own fault, simple... This is something that will keep happening more often than not as years passes too... Funny thing, if you want to play this game on the-go, you will still be able to play it using the Steam Deck instead (for any that buys that system).
Re: Elden Ring's PS5, PS4 Overview Trailer Is the Extra Hype Your Weekend Needs
HFW and this are my games for this month. Love it! Lots of different experiences to play and have fun with. Can't complain.
Re: God of War Ragnarok PS5, PS4 Still Pegged to Release This Year
@Ralizah 3D Mario games at their core are the same games (Mario Odyssey is Mario 64 improved. The only "new" noticeable things on that game is the magic hat mechanic, a bigger world, and nicer graphics). The same way the next Zelda will be (if you expect the new Zelda to change a lot from the previous one, you are for a disappointment). I guess the next Zelda is a DLC as well.
The propose of sequels is to try to improve from the previous one, not to completely change it to something that's not for the sake of change. They keep being improved by adding new gameplay mechanics to them, but they don't change completely at its core. Now is that bad? No, it is not.
Resident Evil 1-6 are basically the same games with slightly improvements each iteration. Same as Resident Evil 8-7. Same as Doom and Doom Eternal. Same as all the Metroid Prime games. Same as God of War 1-3 (and then it reinvented itself, but that was after 2 more games and years of no new games). Same as Persona 3-5 (anyone expecting Persona 6 be completely different from 5 is just delusional). And the list goes on...
Gamers nowadays just love to whine and have unreasonable expectations when it comes to game sequels, simple as that. To the point of annoyance.