Comments 254

Re: Poll: So, What Are Your Thoughts on Dragon Age: The Veilguard?


@colonelkilgore I'd definitely recommend playing through Inquisition. The story for Veilguard seems to be intrinsically tied to Inquisition; much more so than the first two games. Inquisition has a lot of filler/fetch-quest design, but the story is actually really great.

Also, @Maubari, I agree - the debate on the art style is pretty overblown. Dragon Age 2 had a cartoony/watercolor art style too that had blowback when it first came out. We all got over it.

Re: Big New PS5, PC Shooter Concord Has an Uphill Battle Ahead of It


I really don't understand how people can be this judgmental about a game that they haven't played yet. The aesthetic is definitely a little more generic than I was expecting based on the 70's-style title-card, but the gameplay looks like it could be pretty fun.

I think it's completely reasonable that Sony would want a competitor to Microsoft's Overwatch. I actually find the visuals to this game more appealing than Overwatch, so I will definitely be checking out the beta, when it comes around.

Re: Rumour: LEGO Horizon Adventures Is Reportedly Real, a 'Realistic' Horizon Game But with LEGO


@Porco I beat HZD, thought it was good, and the world very intriguing, but found Aloy pretty wooden and uninteresting as a character. My suspicion is that many people felt the same way, which is why there was a steep falloff in sales in the sequel (I recognize that its inclusion in PS+ Extra was also a large factor). Her origins and the circumstances she finds herself in are very cool, but she's just not a particularly emotive or sympathetic character. Sure, there are plenty of people in the real world like that (myself, included), but they make for pretty poor protagonists.

Maybe if they move away from her in subsequent games, there will be more of a drive to return to that universe, but I still think all these games and cross-media plans are oversaturation to the point of overdose.

Re: Live-Action Tomb Raider Series Officially Ordered by Amazon Prime Video


@Silenos I think No Time to Die is firmly in the top half of the pack. Definitely not great, but far from terrible. In my opinion, all of Moore's movies are way worse and Brosnan's films haven't aged all that well, apart from Goldeneye. Even Quantum I thought was worse, though No Time to Die doesn't even come close to the heights of Casino Royale or Skyfall. Gadget quantity goes up, film quality goes down.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows the Actual Name of AC Red, Reveal This Week


I'm actually super stoked for this! Been playing Mirage the last few days and have been reminded how cozy the gameplay loop of this series is. I thought Odyssey and Valhalla were wayyyy too big and a bit underwhelming, but Origins is probably my favorite of the franchise. Non-Western settings are just more interesting for me to explore.

Also, if they perplexingly remove cloth physics from the game again (like they did in Valhalla), I'm gonna throw a fit.

Re: Helldivers 2 May Turn Negative Steam Reviews into a Fashionable In-Game Cape


@KoopaTheGamer Broadly speaking, I totally understand your point, but the amount of vitriol that was pointed at Arrowhead/Sony just for asking for an additional login (something that was stated would happen from the very beginning) was absolutely insane. The review bombing shows that. There's a difference between voicing your opinion to cause change for the better and cyberbullying developers to capitulate to a small nitpick.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for May 2024 Announced


@Uromastryx I actually think @Member_the_game has a point. There are plenty of casual soccer fans or casual CoD fans that may not want to drop $70 annually for an iterative new release. Putting these bigger annual titles in a PS+ lineup is a great way to keep online actively thriving and get some more people in that wouldn't necessarily shell out the cash for the game. For example, I haven't purchased a new NBA2K game since 2K12, but appreciate 2K24 being offered in a prior month. I'm definitely not a big enough fan to keep buying every new release, but am more than happy to jump in if it comes with my subscription.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for May 2024 Announced


This is actually a really solid lineup. FC 24 is not really for me, but is arguably one of the biggest video games in the world. Both Ghostrunner 2 and Tunic and pretty well received as well. No surprise seeing the next D2 expansion on the list, too. Seems Sony have been releasing each expansion sequentially over the past few months.

Re: Fallout 4 (PS5) - Timeless Gameplay Loop Stuck in an Outdated RPG


I love this damn game, warts and all. I downloaded the PS5 version and basically intend it to be a continuation of my post-apocalypse Vault simulator. On PS4 I spent hundreds of hours in the Vault 88 DLC, meticulously crafting a custom vault, hand placing cigarettes in ashtrays, books on shelves, and newspapers on café tables. PS5 will be no different.

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Hexe Out in 2026, More Linear Than Open World


AC Robin Hood would definitely be interesting. Though they just did England as a setting (for the second time), so you might have to wait a while for that one.

I'd honestly want them to continue setting games in non-Western locales. Egypt was great and even while I don't think Odyssey or Mirage were great games, I think the settings were.

After Japan, top of my list would be something in South America/Mesoamerica. Maybe Inca or Maya? Super rich cultures/history that don't really get any love in video games.

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Hexe Out in 2026, More Linear Than Open World


@LordAinsley I actually think Origins is my favorite of the bunch. I love the Egyptian setting and thought Bayek was one of the best protagonists in the series - charismatic, empathetic, but wrathful.

I thought Odyssey and Valhalla were just wayyyy too bloated for their own good.

My hope is with Red they slow down the combat, lose all the supernatural/Animus abilities, and just focus on grounded swordplay.

Re: Video: Is Fallout 76 Worth Playing in 2024?


@kirkn For clarification, if you're referring to Wolfenstein: The New Order or The New Colossus, those were published by Bethesda, but actually developed by MachineGames, the folks making the new Indiana Jones game. Totally agree, though - incredible games that don't get their flowers nearly enough.

Re: Interview: Final Fantasy 16's DLC Director on The Rising Tide, 16's Success, and What Makes a Great Expansion


@DaniPooo I think the reasoning is just financial returns. I just don't think traditional JRPGs bring in the revenue that would justify the production budget of a modern AAA game. I think they're seeing that right now with Rebirth (not a traditional JRPG, but you get my meaning).

That said, I would love for them to make a more traditional FF game in the AA space, so all the old-school fans could feel satiated. Maybe something akin to their HD-2D games, but an original FF story, rather than a remake of 1-6? Of course, if they made that game a numbered entry, that would cause a commotion, in and of itself.

Re: Interview: Final Fantasy 16's DLC Director on The Rising Tide, 16's Success, and What Makes a Great Expansion


@NEStalgia @DaniPooo I understand where you're coming from, though I don't agree that 16 is a such a genre-bending, tradition-breaking entry. I would argue that 16 is an RPG - a very casual, action-driven RPG with relatively minimal stat systems, but an RPG, nonetheless. Is it for everyone? No. But neither are any of the prior entries.

The entire series is rife with fans decrying changes made, whether it was 15's change to real-time combat, 7's change to 3D, 11's take on an MMO, etc.

I suppose the point I'm trying to make is: even if you're not a fan of how 16 took their shot, I wouldn't worry too much about it. There will no doubt be another entry for you in the future.

Re: Interview: Final Fantasy 16's DLC Director on The Rising Tide, 16's Success, and What Makes a Great Expansion


@DaniPooo Because you can't play the DLC without playing the main game. You can; however, play Final Fantasy 16 without having played any previous entries and new players should feel very welcome to do so, especially since there's no narrative threads that link the games together.

If you have prerequisites to jump into a new entry, then you'll just have diminishing returns on your player base, as old players would fall off with each subsequent game and new players would feel prohibitively overwhelmed when jumping in.

This is a problem, broadly speaking; not just in this franchise or gaming as a whole. If you only appeal to a hardcore base, then you alienate everyone else and forego any opportunities to expand your pool. Since each "hardcore" fan has a different opinion of what makes their favorite games great, it's impossible to please them all. It's better business sense to seek new fans and not only try to appease those who are already here.

Re: Interview: Final Fantasy 16's DLC Director on The Rising Tide, 16's Success, and What Makes a Great Expansion


@NEStalgia As a slight counterpoint - with 16 numbered entries, I think there's room for one of the games to be an action game and not an RPG. Since Final Fantasy is an anthology series, I don't think there's any huge need for the games to be consistent from one entry to the next (unless you're staying within the same number, such as X or XIII). I would actually hope they branch out even further with genre experimentation. They may find the next big hook to get in a whole new swath of fans!

Re: Bungie Might Be Making Destiny 3, Its Fanbase Speculates


@Mostik Yeah I put probably 1000 hours into D1 and was probably the most fun I've had playing a video game with others. Those D1 raids = chef's kiss. I played D2 through the first year, but fell off after that and just could never get back into it. When Sony started giving some of the expansions out as monthly PS+ games, I tried to give it another go and just got soooo overwhelmed. That said, I might just be too old for those grindy lifestyle games now, but would absolutely give D3 a go if they ever made it.

Re: Talking Point: What's Your Favourite PS5 Game of 2024 So Far?


Dragon's Dogma 2 has definitely captured me since it released a couple weeks ago. I can't get enough of just wandering the landscape looking for new caves or secrets to uncover.

That said, the best game so far can't be anything but Helldivers 2. Just too much fun blasting communist robots and anarchist bugs. For Democracy™!

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Patch 1.060 Isn't the Update You're Waiting For


@Uromastryx Respectfully, toxicity often comes down to language and not necessarily the information behind it. Hyperbole often leads to toxicity because you're diluting your argument with deliberately inflammatory statements; statements like, "The game is junk" or "if this was a new IP it'd be forgotten already."

This game obviously isn't for you and that's totally fine, but you seem hellbent on making sure everyone else thinks the game sucks too - even to the point of calling out @Silenos for enjoying the game and asking for details, as if he's somehow lying about his enjoyment?

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Patch 1.060 Isn't the Update You're Waiting For


To the folks complaining about fast travel - this game hands out so many ferrystones and portcrystals that you can pretty much fast travel to anywhere of import. You can even decide where you think is the most optimal spot to place a fast travel point. No, you cannot fast travel willynilly, but that is the point. It's a more deliberate act and you can find some pretty hilarious solutions to quests via fast travel. There was a quest where I needed to deliver an item to someone, but couldn't fast travel while holding the item. Instead, I went to the person, picked them up and fast travelled back to the item! Hilarious!

Re: Most PS5 Players Say 60fps Is a Must


@Anke @ILikeStake I was one of the 19%. I prefer 60fps, but 30fps really isn't a huge deal for me. Your eyes/brain can adjust to either pretty quickly if you're not putting up mental roadblocks for yourself. Been playing Dragon's Dogma 2 at 30fps and I love that game. Would I like 60fps? Sure. But honestly, not at the expense of the ray tracing they implemented. Seriously, some of the best lighting in an open world game I've seen and it adds a TON of visual depth to the world. While I think most visual garnishments can be a bit superfluous, especially overall resolution, some really do add a ton to the overall experience, just as much as increased framerate.

Re: Helldivers 2 Is Selling at a Faster Rate Than Spider-Man 2 in the UK


@JohntheRaptor People just love to bash things, especially something popular, like SM2. I haven't played SM2 myself, but I can't fathom it being anything less than great. Also, don't really understand why normal-looking people in video games is considered a bad thing? Just cuz MJ doesn't look like a supermodel doesn't make her unattractive. And even if she was, who cares? Peter Parker is in a relationship with her, not us.