Comments 44

Re: Guide: All PlayStation Classic Mini Games


I don't really mind, if the games haven't visually aged-well. My only problem is the lack of analog sticks. I'm probably in the minority here, but I never really liked the D-Pad on the PS1. In my opinion it always felt stiff unlike the SNES or Saturn's D-Pad. Although I'll probably still grab the PlayStation Classic as a collector's piece, I feel that they missed an opportunity with some fans who were more used to using the Dual Analog sticks, plus for probably not adding Ape Escape to it, since it requires the feature.

Re: Jak & Daxter's PS4 Re-Releases Can't Be Too Far Away Now


An embarrassing initiative indeed. The PS2 has a plethora of great games and it seemed something like this would be a great alternative to Nintendo's VC that has gone mum over the past year or so. Which would make it the perfect time for Sony to start rolling out PS2 classics for those with an nostalgic itch that Nintendo isn't scratching at the moment.

Re: We'll Always Back New Intellectual Property, Promises Sony


What I like about Sony is there willingness to make new IP's every generation, but it's also what I kind of hate about Sony, there semi-disinterest to non-blockbuster status of some IP's from the previous generation and sometimes the current generation.

It's good that there not always playing the nostalgia card like the Big N, but it would be nice to see more past IP's of Sony being given a little more attention then what they have now. With that being said, it's not like they haven't tried. Remastering the LocoRoco and Patapon series for the PS4 is definitely a step in the right direction and so is the PS2 classics on PS4 (when they remember to release any that is). And there's also the factor that some of those games aren't done in-house, but outsourced to other Studios who are either busy with other games or have closed down completely leaving the future of said IP in limbo.

Re: Review: de Blob (PS4)


I'm surprised that this game popped up onto the PS4. From my faint recollection of it, it was one of the few Non-Nintendo games I actually enjoyed on the Wii. It's good to see it again.

Re: Review: Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)


I'm not really into online gaming myself and I'm disappointed that the campaign seems to be a bit lacking then previous releases. Maybe later down the line they'll add more to the game, but for now it's a pass. I understand that Polyphony Digital wants to do something new and that's fine, but at the moment it's not something that interests me, since I preferred the "More of the same" characteristics that were found in the last six games of the series.

Re: Feature: 20 PSone Games We Want on a PlayStation Classic Mini


If Sony ever made a PS1 Classic, I wonder if they would ever bother to localize any of it's Japan only 1st party exclusives to the West (The short answer is probably never), but something like that would be pretty cool.

@SwitchGlitch To be fair, most of the 3rd party games shown on this list are usually known to be synonymous to the PS1, like Metal Gear Solid, FF7, and Tekken.

Re: Why Is Sony Turning Off Gravity Rush 2's Servers After a Year?


That's unfortunate and what makes it worse is that something like this is starting to become the norm. What I find the most shocking is that it's a First party exclusive, (granted, not as popular as it's contemporaries), but Gravity Rush 2 still was a game that had a lot of work put into it, even if the online mode is just a small part of the game. On the Brightside at least it doesn't effect the trophies.

Re: Review: Yakuza: Kiwami (PS4)


I honestly don't mind that this game scores lower than Yakuza 0, for some it might seem like an insult to give it that type of score (Since the game is pretty good on it's own), but it goes to show how well the series has progressed all these years with each sequel getting better and better.

Also I'm just glad that there are people discussing and arguing about the Yakuza series, which means that it's grown from a niche series that a scarce number of westerners played, to a franchise that's now finally getting the spotlight it deserves in the west. And I hope we see more of it, for better or for worse.

Re: Sony: Our Exclusives Are Big on Character and Story


@manu0 He has a Push Square account, it's not that hard to miss and he usually comments on some Push Square articles. I'm guessing you're new here, since you're accusing Sammy of being a fanboy, without knowing the fact that he's made articles and comments in the past where he's been critical on some of Sony's decisions. And this article isn't really evidence of him being a fanboy either, since it's just him quoting from an interview and bringing up some good points on why having more story driven exclusives are good commodities for Sony to have. If you're still bothered by him then try to actually reply to his account, but my advice to you is to bring real evidence instead of a meager accusation.

Re: PlayStation Japan Still Has Faith in the PS Vita


At least one part of Sony cares about the Vita...

It would be great if Sony did something similar to what Nintendo did with the 3DS, by having an updated version and revamping the brand with clever marketing, but that seems to be more like a dream than a reality it seems.

Re: Sony Is Finally Killing Off the PS3 in Japan


@Tasuki Oh yeah, I forgot the PS3's complex Cell Processing. Though very impressive for it's generation, it's achilles heel was it's complicating programming. It's a shame that'll never be backwards compatible, since it had a pretty good library, but there's no sense crying over spilled milk, it had a good run and that's all that counts, thank you for responding, cheers.