I don't really mind, if the games haven't visually aged-well. My only problem is the lack of analog sticks. I'm probably in the minority here, but I never really liked the D-Pad on the PS1. In my opinion it always felt stiff unlike the SNES or Saturn's D-Pad. Although I'll probably still grab the PlayStation Classic as a collector's piece, I feel that they missed an opportunity with some fans who were more used to using the Dual Analog sticks, plus for probably not adding Ape Escape to it, since it requires the feature.
An embarrassing initiative indeed. The PS2 has a plethora of great games and it seemed something like this would be a great alternative to Nintendo's VC that has gone mum over the past year or so. Which would make it the perfect time for Sony to start rolling out PS2 classics for those with an nostalgic itch that Nintendo isn't scratching at the moment.
What I like about Sony is there willingness to make new IP's every generation, but it's also what I kind of hate about Sony, there semi-disinterest to non-blockbuster status of some IP's from the previous generation and sometimes the current generation.
It's good that there not always playing the nostalgia card like the Big N, but it would be nice to see more past IP's of Sony being given a little more attention then what they have now. With that being said, it's not like they haven't tried. Remastering the LocoRoco and Patapon series for the PS4 is definitely a step in the right direction and so is the PS2 classics on PS4 (when they remember to release any that is). And there's also the factor that some of those games aren't done in-house, but outsourced to other Studios who are either busy with other games or have closed down completely leaving the future of said IP in limbo.
It embodies the same charm and spirit that mid-to late 80's action manga like Fist of the North Star were, Giant disproportional muscle men saving the damsel in distress. But seriously I do love the art, but I know well enough that Sega's probably going to change the cover art to something else over here in the west, if not that'll be awesome to see.
I'm surprised that this game popped up onto the PS4. From my faint recollection of it, it was one of the few Non-Nintendo games I actually enjoyed on the Wii. It's good to see it again.
Poor Vita. It deserved better honestly. Maybe one day, the rest of its 1st party line-up will be given some type of remaster akin to Gravity Rush and LocoRoco.
I'm not really into online gaming myself and I'm disappointed that the campaign seems to be a bit lacking then previous releases. Maybe later down the line they'll add more to the game, but for now it's a pass. I understand that Polyphony Digital wants to do something new and that's fine, but at the moment it's not something that interests me, since I preferred the "More of the same" characteristics that were found in the last six games of the series.
If Sony ever made a PS1 Classic, I wonder if they would ever bother to localize any of it's Japan only 1st party exclusives to the West (The short answer is probably never), but something like that would be pretty cool.
@SwitchGlitch To be fair, most of the 3rd party games shown on this list are usually known to be synonymous to the PS1, like Metal Gear Solid, FF7, and Tekken.
That's unfortunate and what makes it worse is that something like this is starting to become the norm. What I find the most shocking is that it's a First party exclusive, (granted, not as popular as it's contemporaries), but Gravity Rush 2 still was a game that had a lot of work put into it, even if the online mode is just a small part of the game. On the Brightside at least it doesn't effect the trophies.
I honestly don't mind that this game scores lower than Yakuza 0, for some it might seem like an insult to give it that type of score (Since the game is pretty good on it's own), but it goes to show how well the series has progressed all these years with each sequel getting better and better.
Also I'm just glad that there are people discussing and arguing about the Yakuza series, which means that it's grown from a niche series that a scarce number of westerners played, to a franchise that's now finally getting the spotlight it deserves in the west. And I hope we see more of it, for better or for worse.
@manu0 He has a Push Square account, it's not that hard to miss and he usually comments on some Push Square articles. I'm guessing you're new here, since you're accusing Sammy of being a fanboy, without knowing the fact that he's made articles and comments in the past where he's been critical on some of Sony's decisions. And this article isn't really evidence of him being a fanboy either, since it's just him quoting from an interview and bringing up some good points on why having more story driven exclusives are good commodities for Sony to have. If you're still bothered by him then try to actually reply to his account, but my advice to you is to bring real evidence instead of a meager accusation.
Any game in the Siren series would be nice. I haven't heard a peep out of that series in sometime and it could use a fresh coat of paint. Since Konami has left the Silent Hill series to die in the fog, Sony would have the upper hand in that type of Horror Sub-Genre.
This game is definitely only for those who are fans of Suda's work, since the pacing and dialogue is less to be desired, however it's soundtrack is quite good.
It's probably a calm before the storm. This year has been great so far for gaming, and I believe that Sony and Nintendo are going to bring even more to the table.
A Playstation Direct would be cool, but they shouldn't be more than once or twice a year since it would probably steal the thunder from long waited events such as Playstation Experience and E3.
@wittypixel Expensive memory cards, Poor early marketing, stiff competition, and no real early hits for it. Which is a shame since it's a good system, it just it had to face so many challenges.
It would be great if Sony did something similar to what Nintendo did with the 3DS, by having an updated version and revamping the brand with clever marketing, but that seems to be more like a dream than a reality it seems.
I finally have two days off from work where I can actually relax for once. Going to back to my neglected Vita and play a good session of Freedom Wars, maybe some online play (well, if anyone still on the servers, I guess).
I'm surprised they're gonna patch him out. He did apologize, didn't he? Something like this would be pretty much heartbreaking to him, especially since he's a huge Banjo fan. I think this is a foul decision on Playtonic's part, since they've already put in the effort to add him in.
@Tasuki Oh yeah, I forgot the PS3's complex Cell Processing. Though very impressive for it's generation, it's achilles heel was it's complicating programming. It's a shame that'll never be backwards compatible, since it had a pretty good library, but there's no sense crying over spilled milk, it had a good run and that's all that counts, thank you for responding, cheers.
Maybe now we'll finally get PS3 backwards compatibility with PS4 instead of that streaming crap. Seriously though the PS4 not having backwards compatibility with any PS3 game is a huge oversight in my opinion.
Comments 44
Re: Guide: All PlayStation Classic Mini Games
I don't really mind, if the games haven't visually aged-well. My only problem is the lack of analog sticks. I'm probably in the minority here, but I never really liked the D-Pad on the PS1. In my opinion it always felt stiff unlike the SNES or Saturn's D-Pad. Although I'll probably still grab the PlayStation Classic as a collector's piece, I feel that they missed an opportunity with some fans who were more used to using the Dual Analog sticks, plus for probably not adding Ape Escape to it, since it requires the feature.
Re: Heavy Rain's Sales Reach a Ridiculous 5.3 Million Units
This is probably the only Quantic Dream game that I actually like, more so for its goofiness.
Re: Quantic Dream 'Surprised' by Allegations About Studio Culture
I'd like to see legitimate proof first. Other than that the only thing Quantic Dream is guilty of is pompous mediocrity.
Re: Poll: Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament: Round 1 - Matches 45-48
Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This... Christmas? - Issue 6
Panzer Dragoon and Christmas NiGHTS, but with only the standard Saturn controller unfortunately, since my 3D controller seems to no longer work.
Re: Gravity Rush Fans Fight to Keep Sequel's Servers Online
@drd7of14 It would definitely be good reconciliation to some fans who feel that Sony had abandoned the game prematurely.
Re: Poll: Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament: Round 1 - Matches 33-36
Ethan Mars for PlayStation All-Stars.
Re: Catherine Remaster Is Real on PS4, Vita, Has New Endings, Scenes, Gameplay Options
I've heard of this game, but never gotten a chance to play it and I'm very surprised to see it getting a Vita release, so late into it's life cycle.
Re: Gravity Rush Fans Fight to Keep Sequel's Servers Online
Well at least the game stays intact, and if Sony ever bothers to care enough they'll release the unobtainable content as DLC or something.
Re: Jet Set Radio Evo Pitched to SEGA, Sony Loved Concept
WTF Sega!?!? You expressed over a year ago, which popular franchises fans wanted brought back. If I recall correctly, this was definitely one of them.
Re: Poll: Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament: Round 1 - Matches 29-32
Spike was robbed.
Re: You Can Download the Monster Hunter: World Beta Right Now on PS4
Can't find it either. Must be European only.
Re: Dreams Is Reborn with Surreal Re-Reveal Trailer
Dreams do come true.
Re: Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament: Round 1 - Matches 21-24
Poor Robbit. He still gets my vote.
Re: Jak & Daxter's PS4 Re-Releases Can't Be Too Far Away Now
An embarrassing initiative indeed. The PS2 has a plethora of great games and it seemed something like this would be a great alternative to Nintendo's VC that has gone mum over the past year or so. Which would make it the perfect time for Sony to start rolling out PS2 classics for those with an nostalgic itch that Nintendo isn't scratching at the moment.
Re: We'll Always Back New Intellectual Property, Promises Sony
What I like about Sony is there willingness to make new IP's every generation, but it's also what I kind of hate about Sony, there semi-disinterest to non-blockbuster status of some IP's from the previous generation and sometimes the current generation.
It's good that there not always playing the nostalgia card like the Big N, but it would be nice to see more past IP's of Sony being given a little more attention then what they have now. With that being said, it's not like they haven't tried. Remastering the LocoRoco and Patapon series for the PS4 is definitely a step in the right direction and so is the PS2 classics on PS4 (when they remember to release any that is). And there's also the factor that some of those games aren't done in-house, but outsourced to other Studios who are either busy with other games or have closed down completely leaving the future of said IP in limbo.
Re: Fist of the North Star PS4's Japanese Box Art Goes Gloriously Old School
It embodies the same charm and spirit that mid-to late 80's action manga like Fist of the North Star were, Giant disproportional muscle men saving the damsel in distress. But seriously I do love the art, but I know well enough that Sega's probably going to change the cover art to something else over here in the west, if not that'll be awesome to see.
Re: Witcher Dev Says Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have 'No Bullsh*t', Following Multiplayer Assumptions
@themcnoisy So much despair...for both longtime Sega fans and employees...
Re: Review: de Blob (PS4)
I'm surprised that this game popped up onto the PS4. From my faint recollection of it, it was one of the few Non-Nintendo games I actually enjoyed on the Wii. It's good to see it again.
Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?
Poor Vita. It deserved better honestly. Maybe one day, the rest of its 1st party line-up will be given some type of remaster akin to Gravity Rush and LocoRoco.
Re: Frank West Can Dress as Jill Valentine, Amaterasu in Dead Rising 4
Wow, it's good to see that Capcom somewhat cares about the Viewtiful Joe franchise.
Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Horror Games
Oh, Silent Hills...Gone, but not forgotten.
Re: Feature: The Best PS2 Classics That Must Come to PS4
Siren 2 being re-released would be great, since it never got a North American release.
Also I think you guys can cross out Yakuza 1 & 2, since Yakuza Kiwami has already been released and Yakuza Kiwami 2 is on the way.
Re: Review: Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)
I'm not really into online gaming myself and I'm disappointed that the campaign seems to be a bit lacking then previous releases. Maybe later down the line they'll add more to the game, but for now it's a pass. I understand that Polyphony Digital wants to do something new and that's fine, but at the moment it's not something that interests me, since I preferred the "More of the same" characteristics that were found in the last six games of the series.
Re: Feature: 20 PSone Games We Want on a PlayStation Classic Mini
If Sony ever made a PS1 Classic, I wonder if they would ever bother to localize any of it's Japan only 1st party exclusives to the West (The short answer is probably never), but something like that would be pretty cool.
@SwitchGlitch To be fair, most of the 3rd party games shown on this list are usually known to be synonymous to the PS1, like Metal Gear Solid, FF7, and Tekken.
Re: Why Is Sony Turning Off Gravity Rush 2's Servers After a Year?
That's unfortunate and what makes it worse is that something like this is starting to become the norm. What I find the most shocking is that it's a First party exclusive, (granted, not as popular as it's contemporaries), but Gravity Rush 2 still was a game that had a lot of work put into it, even if the online mode is just a small part of the game. On the Brightside at least it doesn't effect the trophies.
Re: Review: Yakuza: Kiwami (PS4)
I honestly don't mind that this game scores lower than Yakuza 0, for some it might seem like an insult to give it that type of score (Since the game is pretty good on it's own), but it goes to show how well the series has progressed all these years with each sequel getting better and better.
Also I'm just glad that there are people discussing and arguing about the Yakuza series, which means that it's grown from a niche series that a scarce number of westerners played, to a franchise that's now finally getting the spotlight it deserves in the west. And I hope we see more of it, for better or for worse.
Re: Big PS4 Reveals Planned at Sony's Paris Games Week Press Conference
Another Siren reboot would be cool, albeit with little chance of it coming to fruition.
Re: Sony: Our Exclusives Are Big on Character and Story
@manu0 He has a Push Square account, it's not that hard to miss and he usually comments on some Push Square articles. I'm guessing you're new here, since you're accusing Sammy of being a fanboy, without knowing the fact that he's made articles and comments in the past where he's been critical on some of Sony's decisions. And this article isn't really evidence of him being a fanboy either, since it's just him quoting from an interview and bringing up some good points on why having more story driven exclusives are good commodities for Sony to have. If you're still bothered by him then try to actually reply to his account, but my advice to you is to bring real evidence instead of a meager accusation.
Re: Sony: Our Exclusives Are Big on Character and Story
@manu0 If you have that much of a problem with the guy, then why haven't you had the guts to actually reply to him, instead of being obnoxious.
Re: E3 2017: Sony's Listening to Your Requests for PS4 Remakes
Any game in the Siren series would be nice. I haven't heard a peep out of that series in sometime and it could use a fresh coat of paint. Since Konami has left the Silent Hill series to die in the fog, Sony would have the upper hand in that type of Horror Sub-Genre.
Re: Review: The Silver Case (PS4)
This game is definitely only for those who are fans of Suda's work, since the pacing and dialogue is less to be desired, however it's soundtrack is quite good.
Re: Game of the Month: Top 4 PlayStation Games of April 2017
Lol. Wonder which game is going to win the poll?
Re: Opinion: Why Sony Is Zagging While the Industry Zigs
It's probably a calm before the storm. This year has been great so far for gaming, and I believe that Sony and Nintendo are going to bring even more to the table.
Re: Soapbox: Sony Should Pinch the Nintendo Direct Format
A Playstation Direct would be cool, but they shouldn't be more than once or twice a year since it would probably steal the thunder from long waited events such as Playstation Experience and E3.
Re: Feature: 41 PS2 Classics That Must Come to PS4
Man, I wish Gran Turismo 3 or 4 got the PS2 to PS4 treatment, however song and car licensing issues make it almost impossible for it happen.
Re: Guide: April 2017 PS4 Games Release Dates
I just pre-ordered PaRappa the Rapper Remastered a few days ago, but I had no idea that The Silver Case was coming to the PS4.
Re: PlayStation Japan Still Has Faith in the PS Vita
@wittypixel Expensive memory cards, Poor early marketing, stiff competition, and no real early hits for it. Which is a shame since it's a good system, it just it had to face so many challenges.
Re: PlayStation Japan Still Has Faith in the PS Vita
At least one part of Sony cares about the Vita...
It would be great if Sony did something similar to what Nintendo did with the 3DS, by having an updated version and revamping the brand with clever marketing, but that seems to be more like a dream than a reality it seems.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 161
I finally have two days off from work where I can actually relax for once. Going to back to my neglected Vita and play a good session of Freedom Wars, maybe some online play (well, if anyone still on the servers, I guess).
Re: JonTron's Yooka-Laylee Cameo to Be Patched Out by Playtonic
I'm surprised they're gonna patch him out. He did apologize, didn't he? Something like this would be pretty much heartbreaking to him, especially since he's a huge Banjo fan. I think this is a foul decision on Playtonic's part, since they've already put in the effort to add him in.
Re: This Guy Didn't Understand MLB The Show 17's Commercial
Well, it's different...I'll give it that. The game still looks great though.
Re: Sony Is Finally Killing Off the PS3 in Japan
@Tasuki Oh yeah, I forgot the PS3's complex Cell Processing. Though very impressive for it's generation, it's achilles heel was it's complicating programming. It's a shame that'll never be backwards compatible, since it had a pretty good library, but there's no sense crying over spilled milk, it had a good run and that's all that counts, thank you for responding, cheers.
Re: Sony Is Finally Killing Off the PS3 in Japan
Maybe now we'll finally get PS3 backwards compatibility with PS4 instead of that streaming crap. Seriously though the PS4 not having backwards compatibility with any PS3 game is a huge oversight in my opinion.