Series X/PS5/Switch OLED

Comments 560

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Tekken 8?


I fell for the temptation and bought i yesterday. Played for 8 hours straight and got the platinum. Its definetly a good fighter, especially the story mode was very entertaining. But as far as combat goes, I prefer SF6.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 513


I recently finished TotK. What a game! How Nintendo managed to top BotW is mind blowing to me.
I also earned the platinum for Alan Wake 2 this week. Another incredible gem I highly recommend.
Having completed those two games means my GOTY run only got one game left and that's BG3 on Series X.
HOWEVER, I'm very tempted to buy Tekken 8 so yeah... And to make things even more "difficult" I also want to preorder FF7 Rebirth because I never played the DLC for the first one which comes free with the preorder. I also wouldn't mind trying TLOU2's No Return. Decisions... decisions... Have a good weekend everybody.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 510


It's -30c where I live so I'll be gaming a lot this weekend.

PS5: Alan Wake 2
Switch OLED: Zelda TotK
Series X: Baldur's Gate 3

Recently finished:
1. Super Mario Wonder
Such a fantastic and fun game. Played it coop with the missus. Had a great time. Many of the levels had a "wow" factor I found entertaining.

2. Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty
Unlocked all the endings and I must say, what a great game and DLC it is. Played Cyberpunk at release and hated it (even though I reached one ending) but now, the 2.0 version is another game completely and the DLC adds so much too it. I highly recommend this game even though it is a bit depressing.

Have a good weekend everybody.