Series X/PS5/Switch OLED

Comments 561

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 540


I'm about to complete my first run of BG3 on Xbox. I only have a couple quests to wrap up before I go to the final boss.
It's been a fun journey. A couple months ago I was about to give up on the game because I thought it was sluggish and boring. But now I can barely put it down.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Summer Gaming Habits?


In the summer time I basically only game when its raining outside. When the sun is out, so am I, with my shades on.
I know last summer was rainful because July was the month I gamed the most in the whole year. This year has been different though.

Re: PS5 Smash Hit Stellar Blade's Photo Mode Appears Imminent


@AccessibleDaydream The game didnt launch with photo mode because the developer didnt plan to make it for the game. But due to its unexpected popularity and people asking for it (a lot) they decided to add it later. And now that its on its way it is indeed newsworthy because people have been waiting for photomode ever since Shift Up said they will add it. And considering how great Stellar Blade is (both visually, completely bug free on my 3 playthroughs and gameplay wise) Im confident photomode will be awesome.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 535


Series X: BG3. Finally starting to get the hang on this game. Been playing blind for 25hrs but had no idea what I was doing. Started googling everything, going back if the rolls messed up and respec my character. Now Im killing everything and things are moving along, finally.
Soon wrapping up the basegame of Witcher 3 for the third time as well.
PS5 and Switch: Nothing.

Re: Best Uncharted Games


Lost Legacy should get a sequel though! That game was perfect in my opinion and would be ranked no.1 if it had Drake in it. U4 was a great ending to Drakes saga but it is way too slow at times, though the online mode was really fun. Im in the minority but I prefer U3 over U2. U1 is technically too weak compared to the rest. Oh, and the spins off shouldnt even count, they dont feel like Uncharted at all. So for me the list goes no5. U1 no4. U2 no 3. U3 no2. LL no1. U4.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 533


PS5: I'm on my 3rd playthrough of Stellar Blade. Trying to collect every outfit.
I also might start the Alan Wake 2 DLC.
Series X: Jumping between Witcher 3 (my comfort game) and Starfield. Having a blast testing different mods.
Switch Oled: Nothing.
Have a good weekend everybody!