Comments 437

Re: PlayStation Bites Back At 'Inadequate' Call of Duty Offer from Microsoft


@get2sammyb So then what would you do? Just give up on the entire FPS genre? Throw infinite tantrums trying to get regulators to block the merger?

Call of Duty didn’t become the best-selling franchise overnight, obviously a competitor wouldn’t have that level of success on the first try, but as I said, with the right investment and support they definitely have a shot of having a wildly successful FPS franchise even if it doesn’t get to CoD levels on the first try, at least that’s better than give more importance to a third-party franchise instead of their own exclusives.

Re: PlayStation Bites Back At 'Inadequate' Call of Duty Offer from Microsoft


@get2sammyb Not yet, but with proper investment and support they absolutely can turn any of those franchises into a CoD competitor, for god sake THEY HAVE BUNGIE NOW, they’re totally capable of creating an even better shooter.

It’s time for Sony to stop relying SO MUCH on one franchise alone, it even seems that for them Call of Duty is worth more than all of their exclusives together…

Re: Housemarque Appears to Have Confirmed PC Port of Returnal During GDC 2022


@Gloamin Nah it doesn’t really matter it’s just weird that there’re only two real exclusives for the PS5 but soon there’s only going to be Ratchet (two years in the market and only one real exclusive for the system).

I really hope that in the near showcase they move on from the PS4 and focus entirely on PS5-only games coming from PS Studios.

Re: Japanese Gamers Aren't Impressed with PS5's Price Hike


It’s been brutal for Japan gamers, the supply has been even more constrained than in any other region, almost two years after launch there’s people who haven’t got the possibility to buy a PS5 and now they’ll have to pay scalper’s prices for it just because they couldn’t get it before, the same applies for all territories but it’s specially bad in Japan.

Re: EA Squashes Rumours of Acquisition, Will Remain Independent


Strong position after not having a single release this year other than their annual entries and after the debacle of Battlefield 2042? Sure, such a strong position…

They asked for a premium price that no one was willing to pay, but I do think that eventually when the Activision deal is closed Microsoft will at least attempt to acquire EA, in fact, if the Activision scandals didn’t drop their share price significantly Microsoft would’ve acquired EA instead.

Re: Xbox Boss Can't Wait for God of War Ragnarok Either


@4kgk2 What has he done for Xbox?
He saved the brand after the debacle that was the Xbox One launch, he’s turning the brand into a platform rather than just a console, he’s the one pushing up Game Pass which has become the best value in gaming, he’s slowly transforming Xbox into a first-party powerhouse, etc…

What has Jim Ryan done for PlayStation besides raising game prices, greedy policies across their products and services, closing Japan Studio and being a liar with the whole “we believe in generations” thing?

I get that we’re on a PlayStation blog but we should give credit where credit is due…

Re: The Last of Us: Part I's Emotional Intro on PS5 Has Leaked


@SuperPotato316 What bothers me is that Naughty Dog, the most prestigious studio in PlayStation or in the whole industry, has spent years developing a remake that nobody asked for, while we’re at least 2 years away from the factions multiplayer and even further away from a proper single-player experience from ND, at this pace we’ll see their next game by the end of the PS5’s generation…

Re: Watch a New Cut-Scene from PS5's Forspoken


I’m looking forward to this game but only one month later after launch it’s gonna much cheaper, this is gonna be the exact same situation as Guardians of the Galaxy last year which also launched in October but mid-November it was already at $40 or less.

Re: More Than Half of PlayStation's Investment Could Be in Live Service Games by 2025


@get2sammyb Fortnite is one of kind tho, there’re tons of live service games that have failed over the last couple of years and given Sony’s latest track record I’m not even hopeful.

I know they keep saying “we’re still going to develop amazing single-player experiences” but the truth is that this live service trend is eating up resources that could have been spent in creating more single-player games, instead of having 3-5 of these games we’re going to end up with one or two per year (which already seems to be the trend).

Re: First PS1 on PS5, PS4 Analysis Drops, And There Are Highs and Lows


The biggest drawback IMO is using the PAL versions for some games, it literally doesn’t make sense given it was the biggest criticism for the PS Classic some years ago and it’s extremely noticeable (at least for me), all the efforts of having rewind, save states and filters are worthless by using a version that runs at 25 FPS.

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Allegedly a Major Holiday Release


I’m just disappointed that for the last 2 years Naughty Dog (arguably the crown jewel of PS Studios) has been working on a remake that literally NO ONE asked for, instead of working on a new game whether is TLOU Part 3 or a new IP, it just seems like a huge waste of time and resources from the most recognized PS studio…

Re: Talking Point: Does Sony Need a Big Summer Showcase?


F***ING YES… For many years Sony had the most amazing E3 conferences and it’s just sad they don’t have anything while Xbox has its showcase and Nintendo its Direct.

I genuinely don’t get their communication strategy since last year and even their last showcase was kinda lackluster with pacing issues, that why I’m voting that a summer showcase isn’t gonna happen, we most likely get a September showcase though.