@PegasusActual93 The potential issue with TLOU3 is the same problem that the MCU fans had who decided to go and check out the Civil War and Infinity War comics: the game is not the show. The characters share the same names but they are not the same characters, the plots share the same beats but they are not the same plots.
@ATaco I think it's a pretty safe bet that if you're on PushSquare that you know of the scene in TLOU2 that everyone is waiting for regardless of whether you have played the game or not.
Imagine a GTA game in VR whereby you could walk down the street and actually hold a conversation with the pedestrians. AI has the potential to effectively make Star Trek's holodeck a reality.
We are a long way off from this of course, but interactive AI technology has enormous potential and I am really looking forward to it.
Faith and religion are immensely interesting topics if done correctly. The danger is that you do so with the intention of pushing your own opinions upon the audience.
BTW, I've already seen it mentioned here so i have to refute the claim that Lightning is the female Cloud because it bugs me whenever I see it.
I don't remember Cloud punching Aerith in the face repeatedly for annoying him. I don't remember Cloud planning to abandon a child because he could not keep up.
Lightning is a horrible person. The fact that she gets better is irrelevant - the damage was done early and completely derailed Square's continuous attempts to make her the series mascot.
The best review of this game online is still the one by Noah Antwiler AKA The Spoony One.
He nitpicks a lot in it i won't deny that, but he nevertheless makes some excellent points. The repetitive dialogue, the fact that the story at points is incomprehensible, the ending that makes little sense when you actually think about it.
@Cry_Zero This series is ten years too late unfortunately. We all know that Ellie was originally based on Ellen Page. A fact made even more clear if you hunt down the pre-release material for the first game.
@0niguy No, tbh with you. I wish with all my heart that the PS6 will return to the days of innovation and trendsetting that Sony used to be known for, but I haven't seen much proof of that.
My gut feeling is that it will be designed around the concept of bridging the gap between console and Steam. Look at the shovelware already available on PSN. That'll get worse imo.
@Ultimapunch Don't worry. If the PS6 even remotely follows the trend set by the PS5, you will be playing nothing but PS4 and PS5 games on it for many years afterwards.
Could be good for sure. Gran Turismo is too casual nowadays. The appeal of GT used to be that it was just that little bit more "real" than it's contemporaries. There are a lot of videos on YouTube going through exactly what has been lost with each installment.
Skate boarding has never recovered it's 2000 level popularity imo. Men like Tony Hawk and Bam Margera were household names. Even normies have heard of them.
I think that also goes for the X games in general. You probably had to be there, but man were those films and games everywhere. That was the era those games were born into and why they took off.
@naruball If you have a recognisable brand and publisher behind you and yet still sell so few copies that your product is being given away after six months, then yes, in this case, sales do indeed indicate quality.
"Dragon Age: The Veilguard isn't quite BioWare back to its absolute best, but it is the most cohesive and emotionally engaging RPG that the studio has delivered since Mass Effect 3."
The word "quite" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here given how Mass Effect 3 wasn't being given away for free six months later.
I would like an actual remaster of GTA3, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas please.
There are mods that look, play and run better than this so-called "fixed" version.
"Do you think this is satisfactory compensation for the outage?"
I wouldn't normally go as far as to say this, but there are people out there who really need to touch grass if going for one day without your PlayStation messed you up to the degree that you are still unhappy about it.
It was a bad year for WB. They also lost something like 150-200 million on Joker Folie a Deux. If Suicide Squad also lost them 200 then that is nearly half a billion loss on just two products.
I do not know how many times this needs to be said but clearly it still does: Give your customers what they want. ''Subverting our expectations'' is for mugs. All you needed to do was to give us one ''Bonnie and Clyde'' style movie and one ''Justice League vs Suicide Squad'' game and you would have printed money. There is no secret formula to success and there never was.
Tekken has always been an anime in game form and needs to be thought of as such. That said, it absolutely has gotten sillier. You only need to compare the T2 and 3 endings to what came later.
In my personal opinion, PushSquare's previous policy of turning off comments on any article discussing current politics was very wise and should continue.
The PS5 has been a very disappointing console to those of us old enough to play the generations that came before. I don't know why i would want to drop 800 on a machine that makes the graphics slightly clearer.
@Feffster It's all down to licencing. First party games tend to stay for a year+ whereas you can reasonably expect third party to be three months+. PS1-PS3 games seem to last considerably longer than PS4-PS5 games.
Basically, tackle the current and last gen gen third party games first if you are worried about them going.
This game will really separate the old fans from the new. If it does well long term, then hey, fossils like me will have to dop our caps and say "fair play, old chap. You did a right proper job with that little lady."
For now though, I'll stick with 5 and 6 and wait for the DLCs to inevitably change something drastic about the formula - just as they always do.
I have no pity for this company at all. Ubisoft and EA have been a cancer on this industry. Years of identical, low effort games. Dozens of quality studios bought up and demolished without a second thought. We will all be better off without them.
American shows always seem to go on for a couple of seasons longer than they should. Compare this to British shows that have six episodes spread across two seasons.
Either way, Imo, unless the series is going to diverge massively from the games, I fail to see how TLOU2 has three seasons of content to it. It's The Hobbit all over again.
I think ranked reset is an excellent idea, just not every half season. It really is disheartening as a newbie to come to a game and see all of those veterans with 10,000 point scores.
You don't think, "Wow! That is something to aspire to!" You think, "Wow! I do not have enough time and patience to get anywhere near that guy!" And then leave.
Gaming is more often than not about that immediate dopamine rush which is why looter shooters are so popular. Most people are not there to be the Grandmaster of Gaming.
@Whately86 They are not dropping last gen in PS Plus. They are going to be offering less "free" games per month. The actual catalogue isn't going anywhere.
BTW, it do wonder just how many of these people who are moaning are old enough to remember the 2011 outage. Anyone in their mid-teens wouldn't have been there for it - sorry for making some of you feel old there. That was an actual outage, an actual problem.
I suspect that you'll probably find a very decent split between Zoomer and Alpha as to how much this weekend ruined their lives.
The fact that Sony is doing this "quietly", the fact that they are doing it reluctantly, proves that somewhere down the line they are making good money from these games.
Sorry, but the disappointment was not a surprise. Civ fans want Civ. Civ fans do not want Humankind. This is not an unreasonable expectation.
It'll make money - I have no doubt about that. But sell in record breaking numbers? Meh. We'll see.
@IntrepidWombat "but ... eh? Kind of like the Dead Space remake, I just don't see a need for it."
I do. MGS 1-3 were always kind of clunky to begin with, but now they are positively archaic. I cannot see your average Gen A for example having the patience to deal with that horrible inventory management system where you have to take off your gas mask to equip your key card.
Time has not been kind and the success of this series going forward really does depend on not having its fans age out.
@Magatsuhi Yep. If you ever look at guys who have muscles through working a hard job such as construction, even they do not have muscles like Abby. Hard work alone will not get you a body like this. Unless Abby has a warehouse out back full of testerone injections and whey powder, it is completely unachievable or maintainable.
@Olmaz At no point did i buy Pedro Pascal as the hardened survivor type that Joel is meant to be. He was casted purely because of name recognition - the guy is in everything right now. Compare Pascal to someone like Andrew Lincoln in The Walking Dead. When he bit off a guy's face, you believed it.
Comments 1,107
Re: The Last of Us-Themed PS5 Controller Available to Pre-Order Now
That is a scandalous price imo.
Re: The Last of Us Popularity Surges as Season 2 TV Trailer Breaks Records
@PegasusActual93 The potential issue with TLOU3 is the same problem that the MCU fans had who decided to go and check out the Civil War and Infinity War comics: the game is not the show. The characters share the same names but they are not the same characters, the plots share the same beats but they are not the same plots.
Re: The Last of Us Popularity Surges as Season 2 TV Trailer Breaks Records
@ATaco I think it's a pretty safe bet that if you're on PushSquare that you know of the scene in TLOU2 that everyone is waiting for regardless of whether you have played the game or not.
Re: Sony's AI Leak Reveals a Creepy Sci-Fi Future PS5 Gamers Don’t Necessarily Want
@DennisReynolds Did you read the comment that I was replying to?
I know.
Re: Intergalactic PS5 Game All About Faith, Religion, and 'Being Lonely'
@AhmadSumadi There are opinions and then there are "opinions".
Re: Sony's AI Leak Reveals a Creepy Sci-Fi Future PS5 Gamers Don’t Necessarily Want
@Rhaoulos Ironic considering Elon Musk is one of the world leaders in AI development.
Re: Sony's AI Leak Reveals a Creepy Sci-Fi Future PS5 Gamers Don’t Necessarily Want
Imagine a GTA game in VR whereby you could walk down the street and actually hold a conversation with the pedestrians. AI has the potential to effectively make Star Trek's holodeck a reality.
We are a long way off from this of course, but interactive AI technology has enormous potential and I am really looking forward to it.
Re: Intergalactic PS5 Game All About Faith, Religion, and 'Being Lonely'
Faith and religion are immensely interesting topics if done correctly. The danger is that you do so with the intention of pushing your own opinions upon the audience.
Re: 15 Years Ago, Square Enix Released the Most Divisive Final Fantasy Game
BTW, I've already seen it mentioned here so i have to refute the claim that Lightning is the female Cloud because it bugs me whenever I see it.
I don't remember Cloud punching Aerith in the face repeatedly for annoying him. I don't remember Cloud planning to abandon a child because he could not keep up.
Lightning is a horrible person. The fact that she gets better is irrelevant - the damage was done early and completely derailed Square's continuous attempts to make her the series mascot.
Re: 15 Years Ago, Square Enix Released the Most Divisive Final Fantasy Game
The best review of this game online is still the one by Noah Antwiler AKA The Spoony One.
He nitpicks a lot in it i won't deny that, but he nevertheless makes some excellent points. The repetitive dialogue, the fact that the story at points is incomprehensible, the ending that makes little sense when you actually think about it.
It's hate is well earned imo.
Re: This Trailer for HBO's The Last of Us Season 2 May Be An All-Time Great
@Cry_Zero This series is ten years too late unfortunately. We all know that Ellie was originally based on Ellen Page. A fact made even more clear if you hunt down the pre-release material for the first game.
Re: AMD Hypes Up PS6 Collaboration, FSR 4 Upscaling Tech
@0niguy No, tbh with you. I wish with all my heart that the PS6 will return to the days of innovation and trendsetting that Sony used to be known for, but I haven't seen much proof of that.
My gut feeling is that it will be designed around the concept of bridging the gap between console and Steam. Look at the shovelware already available on PSN. That'll get worse imo.
Re: AMD Hypes Up PS6 Collaboration, FSR 4 Upscaling Tech
@Ultimapunch Don't worry. If the PS6 even remotely follows the trend set by the PS5, you will be playing nothing but PS4 and PS5 games on it for many years afterwards.
Re: Gran Turismo 7 Gets a New PS5 Rival in Realistic Sim Racer Rennsport, Due Out in 2025
Could be good for sure.
Gran Turismo is too casual nowadays. The appeal of GT used to be that it was just that little bit more "real" than it's contemporaries. There are a lot of videos on YouTube going through exactly what has been lost with each installment.
Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Fans Sceptical of Seismic Changes to Fourth Game on PS5, PS4
Skate boarding has never recovered it's 2000 level popularity imo. Men like Tony Hawk and Bam Margera were household names. Even normies have heard of them.
I think that also goes for the X games in general. You probably had to be there, but man were those films and games everywhere. That was the era those games were born into and why they took off.
Re: 3 New PS Plus Essential Games Live Now, Including PS5 RPG Dragon Age
@naruball If you have a recognisable brand and publisher behind you and yet still sell so few copies that your product is being given away after six months, then yes, in this case, sales do indeed indicate quality.
Re: 3 New PS Plus Essential Games Live Now, Including PS5 RPG Dragon Age
"Dragon Age: The Veilguard isn't quite BioWare back to its absolute best, but it is the most cohesive and emotionally engaging RPG that the studio has delivered since Mass Effect 3."
The word "quite" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here given how Mass Effect 3 wasn't being given away for free six months later.
Re: Yoshi-P No Longer Sits on Square Enix's Board of Directors
I want FF to be an RPG again, not a hack and slash with a coat of RPG paint.
Re: Rockstar Acquires Remaster Dev That Fixed Awful GTA Trilogy
I would like an actual remaster of GTA3, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas please.
There are mods that look, play and run better than this so-called "fixed" version.
Re: Free PS Plus Compensation for Recent PSN Downtime Is Being Issued Now
"Do you think this is satisfactory compensation for the outage?"
I wouldn't normally go as far as to say this, but there are people out there who really need to touch grass if going for one day without your PlayStation messed you up to the degree that you are still unhappy about it.
Re: Suicide Squad Bombed So Bad, It Basically Took Wonder Woman and Monolith Down with It
@naruball Maybe. And yet... isn't it funny how often products that nobody asked for turn out to be monumental failures?
Re: Suicide Squad Bombed So Bad, It Basically Took Wonder Woman and Monolith Down with It
It was a bad year for WB. They also lost something like 150-200 million on Joker Folie a Deux. If Suicide Squad also lost them 200 then that is nearly half a billion loss on just two products.
I do not know how many times this needs to be said but clearly it still does: Give your customers what they want. ''Subverting our expectations'' is for mugs. All you needed to do was to give us one ''Bonnie and Clyde'' style movie and one ''Justice League vs Suicide Squad'' game and you would have printed money. There is no secret formula to success and there never was.
Re: Steam Deck's Install Base Estimated to Be About a Third of PS Vita
@mariomaster96 @get2sammyb Oh, fair enough. Those people are getting ripped off. Some people really will refuse to shop around.
Re: Steam Deck's Install Base Estimated to Be About a Third of PS Vita
"Valve only sells the handheld through its own storefront, removing all retail presence and making it more of an enthusiast device."
Eh? I just checked. You can buy them on Amazon.
Re: Anna Williams Has a Sick Hairstyle and a Grenade Launcher in New Tekken 8 DLC for PS5
Tekken has always been an anime in game form and needs to be thought of as such. That said, it absolutely has gotten sillier. You only need to compare the T2 and 3 endings to what came later.
Re: Sony Steps Up PS5 Shipments in an Effort to Avoid Shortages Amid US Tariff Uncertainty
In my personal opinion, PushSquare's previous policy of turning off comments on any article discussing current politics was very wise and should continue.
Re: Sony's Pricey PS5 Pro Is Now Being Outpaced by PS4 Pro Launch Aligned in the US
@Darude84 We'll have to agree to disagree on the games because you've mostly just named a bunch of PS4 games.
You couldn't play a PS2 game on a PS1 or a PS3 game on a PS2. The fact that it is now so easy to do so is a very obvious blight on the system imo.
Re: Sony's Pricey PS5 Pro Is Now Being Outpaced by PS4 Pro Launch Aligned in the US
@Darude84 Why is the PS5 your favourite console of the five though? I'm not arguing, i'm genuinely interested.
Re: Sony's Pricey PS5 Pro Is Now Being Outpaced by PS4 Pro Launch Aligned in the US
The PS5 has been a very disappointing console to those of us old enough to play the generations that came before. I don't know why i would want to drop 800 on a machine that makes the graphics slightly clearer.
Re: Rumour: Rocksteady's Next Single-Player Game Based on Batman Beyond, May Be a PS5 Exclusive
Gee, Rocksteady. Imagine if you had done this when Kevin Conroy was still alive as opposed to completely tanking your brand with garbage?
Sigh. As the saying goes, there are two types of people: Those who know that fire is hot, and those who have to stick their hand in it first.
Re: Xbox Creator Believes Content and Experiences Are More Important for Consoles Than Graphics
Re: 10 PS5, PS4 Games Removed from PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Month
@Feffster It's all down to licencing. First party games tend to stay for a year+ whereas you can reasonably expect third party to be three months+. PS1-PS3 games seem to last considerably longer than PS4-PS5 games.
Basically, tackle the current and last gen gen third party games first if you are worried about them going.
Re: Sid Meier's Civilization VII (PS5) - Legendary Strategy Series Builds a Brand New Foundation
This game will really separate the old fans from the new.
If it does well long term, then hey, fossils like me will have to dop our caps and say "fair play, old chap. You did a right proper job with that little lady."
For now though, I'll stick with 5 and 6 and wait for the DLCs to inevitably change something drastic about the formula - just as they always do.
Re: Ubisoft Revenue, Net Bookings Decline 31%
I have no pity for this company at all. Ubisoft and EA have been a cancer on this industry. Years of identical, low effort games. Dozens of quality studios bought up and demolished without a second thought.
We will all be better off without them.
Re: Xbox Boss Says He's Given Up Trying to Convince PS5 Players to Switch Systems
Game Pass coming to PS5 is 50/50 at this point.
Re: HBO's The Last of Us Will Likely Run for Four Seasons
American shows always seem to go on for a couple of seasons longer than they should. Compare this to British shows that have six episodes spread across two seasons.
Either way, Imo, unless the series is going to diverge massively from the games, I fail to see how TLOU2 has three seasons of content to it. It's The Hobbit all over again.
Re: Sony Will Publish PS5 Fan Favourite Stellar Blade on PC
The console exclusive is finished.
Xbox to PlayStation, PlayStation to PC. And this is a good thing.
Re: Marvel Rivals Immedietly Walks Back Controversial Mid-Season Rank Reset
I think ranked reset is an excellent idea, just not every half season. It really is disheartening as a newbie to come to a game and see all of those veterans with 10,000 point scores.
You don't think, "Wow! That is something to aspire to!" You think, "Wow! I do not have enough time and patience to get anywhere near that guy!" And then leave.
Gaming is more often than not about that immediate dopamine rush which is why looter shooters are so popular. Most people are not there to be the Grandmaster of Gaming.
Re: The Sims 4's Massive New PS4 Expansion Actually Sounds Awesome
I've never understood this series tbh, but I'm glad that people have fun with it.
Re: PlayStation Users Miffed with Sony's Lack of PSN Outage Transparency
@Whately86 They are not dropping last gen in PS Plus. They are going to be offering less "free" games per month. The actual catalogue isn't going anywhere.
Re: PlayStation Users Miffed with Sony's Lack of PSN Outage Transparency
BTW, it do wonder just how many of these people who are moaning are old enough to remember the 2011 outage. Anyone in their mid-teens wouldn't have been there for it - sorry for making some of you feel old there. That was an actual outage, an actual problem.
I suspect that you'll probably find a very decent split between Zoomer and Alpha as to how much this weekend ruined their lives.
Re: Sony Quietly Pulls 'Eslop' Titles in Face of Mounting Pressure
The fact that Sony is doing this "quietly", the fact that they are doing it reluctantly, proves that somewhere down the line they are making good money from these games.
Re: PlayStation Users Miffed with Sony's Lack of PSN Outage Transparency
My God people... it was out for 24hrs.
If this really ruined your weekend then I'm sorry, I really am, but you need a second hobby.
Re: PSN Downtime Raises Fresh Questions About PS5's Future Functionality
I'll probably be dead or too old to care by the time this becomes an issue. Sucks for Gen B, but I find it hard to care tbh.
Re: PSN Slowly Coming Back Online After 20-Hour, Worldwide Outage on PS5, PS4
@AdamNovice This is a PS news site. PSN bring down is news.
Besides, i would prefer this to another GTA6 update.
Re: Civilization 7 Dev Promises Key Improvements Ahead of PS5, PS4 Release
'A surprising degree of disappointment.''
Sorry, but the disappointment was not a surprise. Civ fans want Civ. Civ fans do not want Humankind. This is not an unreasonable expectation.
It'll make money - I have no doubt about that. But sell in record breaking numbers? Meh. We'll see.
Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Release Date Leaked on PS Store
@IntrepidWombat "but ... eh? Kind of like the Dead Space remake, I just don't see a need for it."
I do. MGS 1-3 were always kind of clunky to begin with, but now they are positively archaic. I cannot see your average Gen A for example having the patience to deal with that horrible inventory management system where you have to take off your gas mask to equip your key card.
Time has not been kind and the success of this series going forward really does depend on not having its fans age out.
Re: Abby's Muscles Less Relevant to HBO's The Last of Us Adaption
Re: Abby's Muscles Less Relevant to HBO's The Last of Us Adaption
@Magatsuhi Yep. If you ever look at guys who have muscles through working a hard job such as construction, even they do not have muscles like Abby. Hard work alone will not get you a body like this.
Unless Abby has a warehouse out back full of testerone injections and whey powder, it is completely unachievable or maintainable.
Re: Abby's Muscles Less Relevant to HBO's The Last of Us Adaption
@Olmaz At no point did i buy Pedro Pascal as the hardened survivor type that Joel is meant to be. He was casted purely because of name recognition - the guy is in everything right now.
Compare Pascal to someone like Andrew Lincoln in The Walking Dead. When he bit off a guy's face, you believed it.