Comments 1,107

Re: 15 Years Ago, Square Enix Released the Most Divisive Final Fantasy Game


BTW, I've already seen it mentioned here so i have to refute the claim that Lightning is the female Cloud because it bugs me whenever I see it.

I don't remember Cloud punching Aerith in the face repeatedly for annoying him. I don't remember Cloud planning to abandon a child because he could not keep up.

Lightning is a horrible person. The fact that she gets better is irrelevant - the damage was done early and completely derailed Square's continuous attempts to make her the series mascot.

Re: 15 Years Ago, Square Enix Released the Most Divisive Final Fantasy Game


The best review of this game online is still the one by Noah Antwiler AKA The Spoony One.

He nitpicks a lot in it i won't deny that, but he nevertheless makes some excellent points. The repetitive dialogue, the fact that the story at points is incomprehensible, the ending that makes little sense when you actually think about it.

It's hate is well earned imo.

Re: AMD Hypes Up PS6 Collaboration, FSR 4 Upscaling Tech


@0niguy No, tbh with you. I wish with all my heart that the PS6 will return to the days of innovation and trendsetting that Sony used to be known for, but I haven't seen much proof of that.

My gut feeling is that it will be designed around the concept of bridging the gap between console and Steam. Look at the shovelware already available on PSN. That'll get worse imo.

Re: Suicide Squad Bombed So Bad, It Basically Took Wonder Woman and Monolith Down with It


It was a bad year for WB. They also lost something like 150-200 million on Joker Folie a Deux. If Suicide Squad also lost them 200 then that is nearly half a billion loss on just two products.

I do not know how many times this needs to be said but clearly it still does: Give your customers what they want. ''Subverting our expectations'' is for mugs. All you needed to do was to give us one ''Bonnie and Clyde'' style movie and one ''Justice League vs Suicide Squad'' game and you would have printed money. There is no secret formula to success and there never was.

Re: 10 PS5, PS4 Games Removed from PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Month


@Feffster It's all down to licencing. First party games tend to stay for a year+ whereas you can reasonably expect third party to be three months+. PS1-PS3 games seem to last considerably longer than PS4-PS5 games.

Basically, tackle the current and last gen gen third party games first if you are worried about them going.

Re: Ubisoft Revenue, Net Bookings Decline 31%


I have no pity for this company at all. Ubisoft and EA have been a cancer on this industry. Years of identical, low effort games. Dozens of quality studios bought up and demolished without a second thought.
We will all be better off without them.

Re: HBO's The Last of Us Will Likely Run for Four Seasons


American shows always seem to go on for a couple of seasons longer than they should. Compare this to British shows that have six episodes spread across two seasons.

Either way, Imo, unless the series is going to diverge massively from the games, I fail to see how TLOU2 has three seasons of content to it. It's The Hobbit all over again.

Re: Marvel Rivals Immedietly Walks Back Controversial Mid-Season Rank Reset


I think ranked reset is an excellent idea, just not every half season. It really is disheartening as a newbie to come to a game and see all of those veterans with 10,000 point scores.
You don't think, "Wow! That is something to aspire to!" You think, "Wow! I do not have enough time and patience to get anywhere near that guy!" And then leave.

Gaming is more often than not about that immediate dopamine rush which is why looter shooters are so popular. Most people are not there to be the Grandmaster of Gaming.

Re: PlayStation Users Miffed with Sony's Lack of PSN Outage Transparency


BTW, it do wonder just how many of these people who are moaning are old enough to remember the 2011 outage. Anyone in their mid-teens wouldn't have been there for it - sorry for making some of you feel old there. That was an actual outage, an actual problem.

I suspect that you'll probably find a very decent split between Zoomer and Alpha as to how much this weekend ruined their lives.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Release Date Leaked on PS Store


@IntrepidWombat "but ... eh? Kind of like the Dead Space remake, I just don't see a need for it."

I do. MGS 1-3 were always kind of clunky to begin with, but now they are positively archaic. I cannot see your average Gen A for example having the patience to deal with that horrible inventory management system where you have to take off your gas mask to equip your key card.

Time has not been kind and the success of this series going forward really does depend on not having its fans age out.

Re: Abby's Muscles Less Relevant to HBO's The Last of Us Adaption


@Magatsuhi Yep. If you ever look at guys who have muscles through working a hard job such as construction, even they do not have muscles like Abby. Hard work alone will not get you a body like this.
Unless Abby has a warehouse out back full of testerone injections and whey powder, it is completely unachievable or maintainable.