Comments 541

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


I'll save my money and put it towards the ps6 like I did when I didn't buy last gens pro.
Beyond GTA6 not a single game has been announced that could push the base ps5, don't see the point of buying it to replay games I've already finished with slightly better hair follicles

Re: Cyberpunk 2077's Next Patch Is Expected to Drop Very Soon


@GuttyYZ have you definitely got it updated to the latest version? Those issues sound far too numerous and often for the build now.
I'm 33hrs in on this playthrough and experienced 2 open world janky animation glitches that's to be expected in a game like this.
Even my ps4 version at release didn't crash on the main menu or have issues answering the phone