Comments 61

Re: Palworld Struck by Nintendo Lawsuit Days Prior to Predicted PS5 Reveal


How long do they have the IP and they couldn't come up with a game like Palworld?
It's utterly pathetic how incompetent these companies are.
One indie dev comes along and gives the fans the game they didn't know they wanted for decades on FIRST TRY.

Someone finally showed Nintendo how it's done and now they're mad lmao

Re: 'Final Chapter' of Star Wars Jedi Series Currently in Development


TF2 is just incredible.
But yeah, gamers are more critical of developers who always deliver high quality games.
I've seen some crazy criticism Uncharted 4 around the time. Arkham Knight is another example.
Both games have yet to be topped technically imho yet when they were released people were ungrateful in the strangest of ways.
Nowadays we'd wish games are half the quality of those games lol

Re: PS5, PS4's Long Awaited Skate Reboot Will Launch in Early Access Next Year


Why do modern games looks so clean? It looks so stupid and live service-y/ Fortnite-y...
Where's the proper SKATE grit?

I'm grateful for another Skate game, but since this is a heavily physics based game and modern games absolutely suck at physics, I'm not gonna have my hopes up sadly. Besides the importance of physics, it looks so bland man... What happened

Re: Lack of Competition from Xbox Partly Why PS5 Pro Is $700, Says Analyst


They also had the audacity to only show older games for their Pro showcase.
This is absolute madness. Their showcase was full of TLOU2 gameplay, because that's their most advanced game imo.
So why would a PS5 Pro be necessary if a BASE PS4 can handle their best game...?

I am so baffled by all of this, it's pure and utter insanity. Sony's gone full clown. 🤡

Re: Prospective PS5 Pro Buyers Cause Disc Drives to Sell Out


You're right. Zip it. Let these corpos run amok, be consoomers, don't complain to the overlords.

Yes. It's all optional. Concord was an optional game. No need to complain about it. They threw their main PS5 game Factions 2 off a cliff and kept financing this atrocity.

PSVR2 is optional. Don't complain about not getting games for it.
PS VITA was optional. Why complain to the overlords. You bought it at a high price. You got shafted. So what? It was optional.

It's all freaking optional. You do know that right?

I beg to differ. Of course you're right, but during the PS1,2,3 era they did their best to bring out stellar games to convince consumers to buy their console and keep buying their games.
Now they don't even do that anymore. They expect people to just buy everything, because they're a household name by now.

Re: Prospective PS5 Pro Buyers Cause Surge in Disc Drive Sales


There's nothing about the PS5 pro that is pro consumer. They've been slowly going towards the digital only direction for a while now. They'll use all kinds of excuses like less plastic, better for the environment, cheaper, etc. But in the end it's for the bottom line, period.

Games have been utterly unimpressive. The best looking games are still on PS4. No game on the PS5 has been truly next gen to even warrant the console's existence. Yet they release a Pro version as a goddamn gimmick apparently, cause if it's not for the games, then what is it for?

What a joke of a gen. Sony can stick that inevitable digital only PS6 up their butt and keep it. I'll go back to Nintendo after 5 generations lol

But reality is, history will repeat itself. Sony's flying too close to the sun, just like after the PS2's success. The only difference is that the games saved the PS3. Those were impressive, incredible games that have yet to be topped by PS5 games in terms of everything but graphics.
The PS5 doesn't have that luxury. There's a chance PS6 won't do so well. People are waking up to these atrocious anti-consumer 1984 type BS

Re: Despite Price Point, Analyst Firm Expects PS5 Pro to Sell Like PS4 Pro


Same. I upgraded to Pro.
PS5 just doesn't even have anything to push the base console, let alone a Pro version.
This is absolute madness from Sony. Useless hardware.

They're forgetting that games should back up a console's existence. It all feels so Ubisoft-y.
"Eh who cares if it sucks or nobody needs it, just release it and they'll buy it anyway"...
PS1 to PS4 were all justified by their games.

PS5 couldn't even release Factions 2. I've never seen this many disappointments during a gen smh

Re: Freelance Artist Attempts to Redesign PS5, PC Flop Concord's Cast


The cheekbones are too sharp. Me as a person with fatty cheekbones am offended and I'm taking it to Twitter to demand this artist gets silenced, fired or demonitized weee

Seriously thouy, those are valid points he makes. Especially on the robot one. It's like toddlers made this game, but toddlers are actually creative. These were adults who took 8 years to design this crap. It's utterly baffling

Re: PS5 Pro Can Run PS4 Games Better Via Improved Backwards Compatibility


Pretty graphics are nothing.
Every single one of these "next gen" AAA games have worde physics, worse gameplay, worse world building, worse NPC intelligence, worse NPC interaction, worse animations, worse world interaction, worse writing, worse everything BUT graphics than those two little PS3 games.

Funny how you said "narrative that PS3 games are more graphically advanced". You took the one single aspect modern games are better at while in every other aspect they're beat.
Idc about the PS3. The point is that it's 2 generations ago and we're going backwards. GTA IV had insane car, body and object physics and mechanics. To me it's still not beat and it's clear as day. I'm baffled anyone would even try to dispute this point. Crazy.

Re: PS5 Pro Can Run PS4 Games Better Via Improved Backwards Compatibility


I keep saying it. The problem we have is not powerful enough consoles.
The problem is that all the games we get nowadays are technically inferior to even PS3 games like GTA IV and V or RDR1. Let alone RDR2.

Maybe release some proper "next gen" games first before you release the most unnecessary Pro version ever.

Biggest Sony fan since PS1. I've had it with them. Garbage company. PS6 can kiss my butt

Re: Gallery: PS5 Pro Is Looking Sleek in These Official Shots


We struggle to get games nowadays that can match GTA IV and V technically ON PLAYSTATION 3, but everything besides PS5 pro is gonna have technical issues...?

The problem we have is not powerful enough consoles. The problem we have is unoptimized garbage games that are inferior to even PS3 games. GTA 6 is going to be just fine on PS5

Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Reckons Axed Game Devs Should Just 'Drive an Uber'


This shouldn't be the norm though in normal office jobs.
These crazy adult entitled babies at these game companies who make terrible games shouldn't be surprised though. That's how the industry works. Your income/ work is based on the success of the product you're working on.
But I'm not expecting these babies to be prepared to the consequences of adult life. They're too busy whining on X about how much of a victim they are and how everyone else sucks.

Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Reckons Axed Game Devs Should Just 'Drive an Uber'


What an absolute goddamn giga chad. Honestly.

The reason we've got all these astronomical failures at Sony and even the whole industry, is because there is not a person like him at the top who can say NO. Enough of this nonsense.

Give the players what they want. Enough of this crap. Life's already lonely and depressing. People want a distraction. Give them some fun. Enough of the politics. Enough of the pandering.
People are good. They don't need lecturing. Fans don't need to be the target for "being the cause of all kinds of hate". No more.

Re: 80s Synthpop Stars Heaven 17 Resist the Temptation of PS5's GTA 6


Lmao it's always so telling when people discredit themselves by saying the pinnacle of a medium is bad... It's so laughable.
The best game technically, in writing, immersion, in details, gameplay, etc. is still RDR2. No PS5 game can hold a candle to it.

No openworld game besides Rockstar's has topped the PS3 game GTA IV. That is FOUR! It's insane how many mediocre openworld games we get TIME AND AGAIN and how people damage control them while hating on Rockstar. What a joke, honestly.

Re: Sony Execs Seem to Think the Company Doesn't Have Enough Original IP


They've got an absolute goldmine, but they've been playing it safe for a couple of generations now. They've got more than freaking Nintendo.

Astrobot is cool and all, but why couldn't a Sackboy game be that good? Sackboy used to be their mascot bigtime ans they've wasted it like many others. Also, where's Cole from Infamous? Where is the next Infamous game period

Re: Star Wars Outlaws Director a 'Little Disappointed' with Critical Reception


This is such an NPC thing to say. This is the reason we have mediocre games all the time, because you guys keep defending this crap.

The first AC had incredible world building, polished gameplay, incredible city, good story, very immersive allround. That was 2 generations ago.

This pile of dogpoop has absolutely nothing redeemable about it. AI on PS2 games is better, I've played more immersive PS2 games, physics are better in PS2 games, writing is better in PS2 games, I can go on.
Wtf is wrong with people

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