Comments 784

Re: Soapbox: I No Longer Think Subscriptions Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Are the Future of Gaming


I do like the Subscription model myself, admittedly I don't play most of the games on there but it's just kind of nice knowing they're there if I need them.

One thing I will say though, speaking as someone who's lucky enough to own all 3 of the Current big name consoles, having 3 separate subscription services on the go, can work out quite expensive.

If for example I only had a PS5 as then it's pretty much a no brainer and represents tremendous value for money.

I managed to get a years worth of Premium for around £64 when it was on sale for black Friday with an Amazon loophole.

Re: PSVR2 Availability Expands to UK Retailers on 12th May



Oh of course, I completely agree It's a fantastic piece of kit with absolutely amazing specs.

Jokes aside though I do feel Sony have shot themselves in the foot slightly with it, partly because it's extremely expensive (I'm not saying over priced but expensive). It's obviously a fairly niche product but it's just to expensive for your average consumer to simply buy on impulse and the fact they hardly bothered to Market it properly didn't help either.

As you say those numbers maybe be impressive in the grand scheme but I just can't help think they could have sold so many more with proper marketing and obviously selling it at retail outlets whether in store or online.

Still early days yet though so plenty of time to "turn things around"

Re: PSVR2 Availability Expands to UK Retailers on 12th May


For the life of me I'll never understand why Sony decided to sell the Virtual Boy 2 in house only to start with.

One of the bizarest decisions known to man. Letting the retailers in on the act would have been free marketing and advertising for them.

I'd like to think the majority of readers of this website are fully aware if it's existence but your average consumer in the street has probably never even heard of it.

Re: 32 Games Will Be Taken Off PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Month



Whilst I do understand the point you're making, it feel it's only fair to mention that if you really really really wanted to continue playing one of those particular games there is still always the option of buying it.

I personally feel the subscription services are a great way of trying lots of games you wouldnt normally get the chance too.

Re: EA Play's EA Sports PGA Tour PS5 Trial Has Teed Off



Thanks I'll give it another go tonight, maybe I was looking in the wrong place.

I don't really play on the Xbox often enough to be familiar with the user interface.

Best way I can explain it is saying It's like being used to Sky TV and then suddenly switching to Virgin Media (you can pretty much watch all the same channels but the numbers and layout is completely different)

Re: Soapbox: Hold On, Is the PS3 a Retro Console?


Everyone will have a different opinion on what's considered a retro console.

For me it's pretty much anything that's a none current console that's no longer in production or getting new game releases.

Also a person's age will effect their answers. Eg if you were 5-6 years old and PS3 was your first console then to them that is retro.

Re: ESA Director Explains Why E3 2023 Was Cancelled


For me it died when Nintendo and Sony stopped doing their live presentations and started with their own Nintendo directs / state of play shows.

It's a shame really as although I never attended (difficult living in the UK) I did used to really look forward to it.

For gaming news, finding out about New console releases and specs etc it was, at one time the biggest event on the gaming calendar.

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour Unloads a Wedge of Clean PS5 Gameplay



I'm pretty much the same, I like to start at the bottom in career mode and work my way through the ranks.

Perhaps surprisingly it's coming up on 8 years since EA last released one of these games so I'm hoping they've put that time to good use.

Seems strange that it's been so long when you think that it used to be an annual release.

Re: Ageing Hardware Like PS4, Nintendo Switch May Be Holding LEGO 2K Drive Back



In terms of specs I absolutely agree but until there's a successor to the Switch it is still technically a current Gen console (albeit an underpowered one).

I'm the same to be fair, I only really use it for the Nintendo exclusives. Pretty much anything else I will buy / play on PlayStation as I know it will be the better version.

Handheld play doesn't really interest me. I mentioned that because there are people who are happy to trade off a slightly inferior version of a game in favour of portability but I'm not one of them.

Re: Ageing Hardware Like PS4, Nintendo Switch May Be Holding LEGO 2K Drive Back



I still want games for my Switch too but I mainly only buy Nintendo games for it.

Anything that's a multiplatform release I will almost always buy the PS5 version simply because I know it will be the better version.

Portability doesn't really interest me in fairness. The only exception is when I take my Switch on holiday with me for entertainment on the plane.

The rest of the time it stays docked at home.

Re: Ageing Hardware Like PS4, Nintendo Switch May Be Holding LEGO 2K Drive Back


I've been fairly vocal on where I stand on Cross Gen releases. 2 and a half years into the life of the PS5 they really shouldn't exist anymore. First 6 months it was just about acceptable but not now.

I did not spend all that money on a PS5 to play games that I could have played on platforms that I already owned. I want true next generation exclusives.

In this case though it's a strange one, there is an argument that the Nintendo Switch is still current Gen and there isn't a bigger potential user base currently on the Market than the Switch so I can totally see why they would want it available on there.

With that said the PS4 is obviously considerably more powerful than the Switch so in theory should be alot easier to get it running on that.

Tricky one to be fair.

Re: PlayStation Fans Are Totally Torn Over PS5 Pro


I'll be honest, if this Pro version does turn out to be a real thing it would certainly put me off rushing out to buy a PS6 when that comes out.

This gen has already left a pretty sour taste in the mouth when they keep releasing cross gen games rather that PS5 exclusives.

With the benefit of hindsight it would have been better to wait a few years and pick up the Pro version. I'd still have be able to play most of the games I wanted too.

So far this Gen there's been very little to reward those that paid out all that Money in the beginning.

A Pro version to me personally is an insult

Re: Resident Evil 4 Remake on PS4 Is Why Cross-Gen Needs to End


Do you think it's time to stop with cross-gen games?

The time to stop was approximately 3 - 6 months after the PS5 launched.

The fact that we're 2 and a half years into the life of the PS5 and we're still getting cross gen games is to put it politely an absolute joke.

I've said this many many times before but I didn't spend all that money on a PS5 to play games that I could have played on my PS4

Re: Talking Point: Is 2024 Too Soon for PS5 Pro?


If such a thing is in existence it would have to do something spectacularly different to have my interest (which it won't because if it was spectacularly different it would be called a PS6).

I did buy a PS4 Pro and other than having twice the storage space I don't really think it was worth it. I wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting Potential 2024 Release


Personally I think it's too soon. I was lucky enough to be a day one adopter but lots of people are only just managing to get one. I think it would be an insult to them to bring out an upgraded version so soon.

One thing I will say though is that if the rumours did turn out to be true I almost certainly won't be buying one. I fell for it with the PS4 Pro and wouldn't make the same mistake again.

My next console purchase will be whatever replaces the Nintendo Switch. It's 6 years old now and starting to show it's age

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour Tees Off a Little Later Than Expected on PS5


Disappointing as I've been waiting a long time for this game but in the grand scheme of things an extra 2 weeks isn't the end of the world.

If I'm not mistaken I'm sure 7th April is good Friday meaning Ill probably end up buying it a few days later. I traditionally go out on a drinking session on Good Fridays and it takes me most of the Easter weekend to get back to some sort of normality

Re: Test Out Trackmania on PS5, PS4 with Upcoming Online Beta


Not sure about taking part in the test but I'll 100% be downloading it when it releases properly.

I absolutely loved the original. I bought a physical copy and for some reason lost it or sold it (honestly can't remember).

I was delighted to see it on PS plus extra so I have recently been playing it again.

Fortunately the cloud seems to remember that I've played it before so it's great trying to shave vital milliseconds off my original times

Re: Analysts Expect PS5 to Extend Lead on Xbox Series X|S in 2023



I think it's called a smart benefit. You can choose between Apple music, BT sport and a few others but obviously Xbox Game Pass Ultimate made the most sense for me.

You can probably add it if necessary but my contact includes 1 x smart benefit.

Yeah my Xbox is basically just an expensive box to play Forza Horizon, but in fairness there's nothing available on PlayStation that compares to it