Comments 784

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for December 2023?


Best month in a long time for me

I played the free trial of Lego 2K and I enjoyed it, probably not quite enough for me to buy it so I held off in the hope it would come to PS Plus, low and behold here we are.

I didn't expect it to come so quickly if I'm honest so that was a nice bonus

Also I played power wash simulator on Xbox Game pass, it's surprisingly addictive.

For anyone who hasn't tried it, I'd advise not to just dismiss it as I almost did, there's something quite therapeutic about it

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for December 2023 Announced


Best month in a long time for me.

I played the free trial of Lego 2K Drive and I did want to play more, just not enough to actually buy it so I held off in the hope it would come to PS Plus one day

I'm just surprised it's here so quickly

Power wash simulator is also a surprisingly good game, I played it on Xbox Game pass and it's very addictive

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 504



In the case of Xbox its the lack of games that's the issue.

I'm not a Sony fan boy, most of what I say about Xbox is just said in Jest to be fair.

Up until recently I owed all 3 of the Big Consoles and I subscribed to all 3 online services but I found with My series X, once I'd got fed up of playing Forza horizon I just didn't use it, rather than it gathering dust I sold it to a Friend.

I don't know exactly why, but I found that any multiplatform games I wanted I was always drawn to the PS5 version

Re: PS Plus Subscriptions on Sale Now, But There's a Big Catch



My App is definitely offering the discount (I haven't checked on the actual PS5 to be fair but I assume it's the same)

I only wish you could share an image on here then I could screenshot it and show you.

My PS Plus Premium is due to expire in a few days, maybe that's why the offer is there for me???

Im not saying that's the reason, just trying to think of a reason I can see it and you can't

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PS Portal?


I've never used remote play.

However I'm firmly in the "I would like to get one camp" but I'm just concerned as to how well the thing will actually work.

I don't want to say it's over priced but I do think it's expensive for what it is..... If ever they go on sale and they are £150 or better still slightly less then I'll probably bite and get one

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders



Your comments were removed from here by the admin before I got chance to actually read them but I did get an email notification and managed to read it that way.

For the record I was just winding you up over the post count. Wasn't meant to be taken seriously (as I'm sure you hopefully didn't)

Hope we're all good 😂

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders



You could say the same thing about Sky TV and Virgin Media

Essentially they both show the same TV channels but the user interface is completely different

I've had Sky for 18 years and when I go to a friend or relatives house who have Virgin I just can't take to it, the whole thing seems wrong to me.

I know that's a bit if a strange way of analyzing it but that's how I feel about Xbox compared to Playstation

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders



I think a lot of people (myself included) just like to flex and be able to tell people they own the next big thing.

On a serious note though, it is literally the best console I've ever owned, much faster load times, haptic feedback controls etc, my only gripe is the fact were still getting cross gen game releases which kind of validates your point about not needing to upgrade.

In my opinion Cross Gen releases should have stopped after roughly 6 months which would given people the incentive to upgrade.

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders



I sold it to gullible friend who didn't know any better.

I took a big loss letting it go for £250 but I figured that was better than it just allowing it to gathering dust. Also I know he'll take good care of it,

I'm not completely heartless and would never have seen it go out onto the streets having to sleep rough

Re: 14 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Coming Next Week



Mine expires middle of next week, there's not a single game on that list that's convincing me to renew at this point.

Last year I got 12 months Premium for around £63 in the black Friday sale (and an Amazon loop hole).

It would take a simelar deal to get me to renew again

Re: Video: PS Portal Unboxing Gives Us Our First Look at Sony's PS5 Handheld



It wasn't me that said it and I agree that to say it's failed is maybe a bit harsh. It's a pretty expensive and niche product.

But on the flip side it currently sits just short of 3.5 million worldwide sale so it's hardly setting the world alight either is it.

I know it's not quite the same but if the PS5 or Nintendo switch had only sold that amount after almost 2 years on the market then they would be seen as a failure so I can kind of see both sides of the argument.

Re: Video: PS Portal Unboxing Gives Us Our First Look at Sony Handheld



I know what you mean, I have wondered to myself how many poor children are going to get end up with one of these for Christmas when they don't even have a PS5 to be able to use it?

All because their uneducated parents don't have a clue what they're actually buying.

(just to confirm, when I say poor, I don't mean that they aren't very well off, I just mean they've received an expensive present thats currently useless to them)

Re: People Are Beginning to Play Around with PS5's Remote Play Handheld



As long as you have decent WiFi at home (where your PS5 is) and obviously wherever you happen to be then yes it will work.

I'm under the impression your PS5 has to be in sleep mode and then in theory The Portal can wake it up from anywhere in the world (again as long as your connected to WiFi)

That's the idea at least, as I've mentioned previously, I'm waiting to see how well it works in reality before committing to buying one

In other words I'm waiting to read some reviews once it's out in the wild with real customers

Re: Poll: Are You Buying a PS5 'Slim'?


I won't even be buying a PS5 Pro if / when that releases so definitely won't be getting one of these.

The only way may stance would change is if my OG PS5 decides to break

I foolishly did upgrade to from A PS4 to a Pro and it felt like a complete waste of time with the exception of double the storage space

Re: People Are Beginning to Play Around with PS5's Remote Play Handheld



I genuinely appreciate your in depth reply but if I'm honest, alot of the language you've used is what scares me away from PC gaming. I wouldn't have a clue how to go about upgrading parts etc.

I did recently treat myself to a Samsung Oddesy gaming monitor to play my PS5 on and I get stressed enough with that trying to find the right settings that I need 🤣 (I think I'm just about there with it now)

For what it's worth though I do agree about the PS Portal being over priced. As I mentioned in my first post I do want one but didn't really want to pay quite so much for it.

Sometimes though, if it's something you really want you just have to bite the bullet and buy it, life's to short and you can't take your money with you so just enjoy it.

Re: People Are Beginning to Play Around with PS5's Remote Play Handheld



In fairness mate I hate PC gaming and a Steam Deck is basically an extension of that so I wouldn't have one even if it was given too me for free haha 🤣

I prefer to be able to buy a game knowing I can put it in my console and play it without stressing over tinkering around with settings to make it work or being worried if it has enough ROM or RAM etc.

I'm all for simplicity so even though it does very little as you say, that actually suits me just fine and is good a selling point

Re: People Are Beginning to Play Around with PS5's Remote Play Handheld


I'm still completely on the fence with this one.

I really wanted one but didn't really want to pay £200 for it (I was hoping it would start at around £149)

But then I thought what the heck, it's only an extra £50, just treat yourself, so I pre ordered one.

Then a few days ago I was streaming a game on my PS5 and it wat glitchy as hell and almost unplayable at times which put me off so I've cancelled my Pre order.

I've decided to wait for a few real world reviews to see how well it actually works before getting one