Comments 784

Re: Fans Appear to Be Coming Around to PS5 Pro


I wouldn't say I'm coming round to it, I still think it's far too expensive for what it offers.

However what I have done is to just move on and accept that it's simply not for me and that I'm probably not part of the targeted audience.

To those that have ordered one, I wish you all the best with it

Re: Poll: Did You Pre-Order a PS5 Pro?



You could well be right in that the PS6 may well be further away than people think.

I honestly believe that we've almost reached a ceiling in terms of how good they can make the games look, of course there will always be improvements but they will never be night and day differences like they used to be when buying a new console.

I hope you enjoy your purchase anyway, my next purchase will be whatever Nintendo offers up next year (by the looks of it a more powerful Switch)

In the meantime I'm quite happy to slum it (joke) with my day one PS5 until the PS6 launches.

Even then I'll probably be in no major rush as I'm fairly confident that we'll see the vast majority of PS6 games released as cross gen on PS5 as well (for a good few years at least)

Re: Poll: Did You Pre-Order a PS5 Pro?



Please don't feel you need to apologize for a lengthy reply 😂

It actually makes a refreshing change to get a sensible and polite reply rather than it turning into a slanging match / game of one upmanship.

It's nice to know you agree with the points I made

Same goes to you @Medic_alert

Re: Poll: Did You Pre-Order a PS5 Pro?


@TheElectroFunky @Medic_alert

Personally I'd never refer to anyone as a Dumbo for buying one, people are free to spend their hard-earned money on whatever they wish. I've always been one for having to have the latest technology myself but I do honestly think that they've priced it too high this time.

I get that people will say it's an enthusiasts model and not necessarily for everyone, etc etc, but it genuinely does terrify me how much they're going to want to charge us for the PS6 which will obviously have even higher specs when the time comes.

If I remember correctly the standard PS4 launched at £350 ish..... a few years later the PS4 Pro released at around £399 and then a few more years later the PS5 released for £450. A reasonable and steady increase I think we can all agree.

This just seems like a massive jump when comparing to previous models and I'm just worried that it sets a bad president for the future.

I think given the previous trend, most people were probably expecting the PS5 Pro to be around £550 (£600 at a push)

But £700 is a step too far for many people

Re: Poll: Did You Pre-Order a PS5 Pro?


Naa.... I did have a passing interested in one until they revealed the price.

Since then I've watched several of these side by side comparison videos and I'm honestly not just saying this to be bitter but I can barely tell any difference.

Does it make the games look a bit better? Yes it probably does..... under a forensic microscope

Is it enough to justify me spending £700 (£800 if I want a disc drive).... No thanks I'm quite happy with my OG PS5 (complete with integrated disc drive)

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


I've been considering getting a 2nd PS5 so I can have one upstairs on my monitor and one downstairs on the TV.

I was holding out to find out more info on the Pro but the price has completely turned me off it.

I think I'll just pick up the slim digital model for £389

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?



Yeah it's more the future that I'm concerned about than the here and now if this is the way prices are heading.

I'm more than happy with my standard PS5 and will continue to enjoy it without any FOMO on the Pro.

I'm hoping I can still rely on Nintendo to pump out reasonably priced products... I'm really looking forward to finding out more about the Switches successor

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?



I think you're missing my point.

The Pro itself doesn't price me out as I've already got a standard PS5 and I don't particularly need a Pro.

It's looking to the future that scares me.

The PS6 will obviously be even more beefed up and powerful and this is where i'll probably be priced out.

There's no way the PS6 will sell for any less than this.... if anything it's likely to be more ...... much more...... and that scares the Hell out of me

I've owned every Playstation so far, but if this is a sign of what's to come that I feel the PS6 will be beyond what I'm prepared to pay

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?



I think it's a fair comparison.

Let's go back to the PS4, the base model I believe started off at £350. A few years later the PS4 Pro came along at £399.

Then a few more years after that the PS5 released at £450 (Now bizzarly selling for £479).

You can see the pattern developing though can't you??

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro



I'd love to be proven wrong and only time will tell but I'd be amazed if the PS6 starts at any less than this.

The only way it's cheaper is if this Pro absolutely bombs and they realise most people (not everyone obviously but most) just aren't prepared to pay that much for a Games console

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


Absolutely not, you'd think they'd learn from pricing the VR2 at such a high price point

What I'm more worried about is where this leads too in the future ..... how much are they going to want for the PS6???

I think I've just been officially priced out of my favourite hobby

Re: Sadly, PS Plus Premium's TimeSplitters Trilogy Doesn't Have Trophies on PS5, PS4



Again I've no arguments / issues with what you're saying.....

I just can't get my head around why it would make someone flat out refuse to play a game just because it doesn't have trophies.

If it has them, great!!!! Crack on

If it doesn't, just play the game anyway and enjoy yourself, life's too short to get upset over something so simple. (I'm not specifically accusing you of being upset, it's just a figure of speech)

Some of my favourite games of this generation have actually been on the Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Odyssey as a prime example.

On that game there's not a trophy in sight but it hasn't impacted my enjoyment of the game in any way shape or form.

Could it be argued that having trophies to collect might make it better? Quite possibly. But why anyone would refuse to play it (or any other game) because it doesn't have a trophy collection it completely beyond me