Comments 784

Re: Sony Shipped 4.5 Million PS5's Last Quarter, Almost Five Times More Than Xbox Series X|S


I didn't realise it till the other day when I looked at my games collection, but I don't really play many 1st party Playstation exclusive games.

Not everything obviously but the vast majority of my games are multi platform Sports games or Racing games that could technically be played on either console.

I don't know what it is though, I just always have and always will prefer to play them on Playstation.

I guess at heart I'm more into Nintendo exclusives than anything else, but Nintendo always pump out under powered consoles so playing EA Sports FC24 as an example on the Switch just doesn't quite cut it.

Re: PS Portal Still Going Strong, Demand in USA Exceeds Supply



Yeah with the benefit of hindsight, part of me wishes that I'd kept it...... At the time though, it was alot of money to just potentially write off for something that might never work the way I wanted it too, I just thought it was best to get rid of it whilst it was still in high demand.

I didn't sell it for a profit as I hate scalpers who do that sort of thing... I was happy to just get back what I paid for it and break even.

Re: 4 New PS Plus Essential Games Up for Download Now



Push Square is a UK based website so they are absolutely correct to call it football, because that's what it is........ Not Soccer

Also you can shove you're NFL where the sun doesn't shine

Oh and for the record..... I am just joking, this post isn't meant to be taken too literally 🤪

Re: TopSpin 2K25 Is Being Slaughtered for Its Always Online Requirement, Even When Playing Solo



For what it's worth, I do agree with you, it's not a good thing and I'd very much prefer it not to happen given the choice..... I just don't see it as that big of a deal with a game like this one.

Now if you told me in 10 years time all my Mario games would suddenly be unplayable I'd be devastated lol.

I've been doing a little bit of research in the case of this particular game.

The online only aspect only seems to apply to the My Career mode.

If there servers are down (or if indeed shut down altogether one day) then you can still play the game locally with a friend or against the AI

And there is every chance it may be patched in the future so that the My Career mode will still work

Re: TopSpin 2K25 Is Being Slaughtered for Its Always Online Requirement, Even When Playing Solo



I agree it's obviously not good and it definitely shouldn't happen

The only thing I will say it that The Crew is a 10 year old game, so it's not quite the useless after 2 years that Psboxswitchowner was trying to claim.

In fairness I very much doubt that in 10 years time I'll still be wanting to play TopSpin 2K25, I'll probably be playing whatever the latest version is, so again I just don't see it as that big of a deal.

Just my opinion obviously, not suggesting that I'm right and your wrong.... just explaining why it doesn't bother me so much

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for May 2024 Announced



Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but at no point have I "not allowed you to have an opinion"

I've simply pointed out to you, that your logic of saying, "if somebody wanted a particular game they would already have it", could be applied to literally any game given away on PS Plus and I firmly stand by that point

There's no need to be so defensive

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for May 2024 Announced



I'm not a new kid though (unfortunately for me 🤣)

Born in 82 so grew up in the 90's you could say.

I get that the kidz of today probably wouldn't like it but I grew up playing them.

Don't get me wrong I love a bit of retro gaming, but football games in particular from back then just haven't aged very well I don't think.

The only Football game from back in the day that I can still play and enjoy is Sensible Soccer, always had a soft spot for that one, despite how terrible it looks 😃

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for May 2024 Announced



I've read your post a few times and I'm still unsure if your agreeing or disagreeing with me.

Personally though, I don't mind COD games, I enjoy them but it's not something I enjoy enough to to shell out £70 a year on (basically because Im just not very good at it haha). I guess you could call me a casual COD fan.

So if and when one gets given away on PS plus, that suits me just fine.

And for me at least that's what PS plus is all about.

I don't expect every single game given away to by at the top of my shopping list but even if I get 5-6 games a year that I really like from it, then for me it's worth the subscription price

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for May 2024 Announced



Whether there's a new game every 12 months or every 5 years is irrelevant.

My point was that you said if people want it, they'd already have it. Well you could say exactly the same thing about Horizon, or pretty much any game for that matter.

I'm going to assume you just don't like football in which case feel free to ignore what I'm about to say. lol.

If by chance you do though, I'd recommend giving EA Sports FC24 a try, I did coincidentally play ISS Pro 98 at a friend's house recently, my god it was awful compared to the new games. Just my opinion if course

Nostalgia is a great thing but sometimes you have to go back and play the older games to realise just how good the new ones are.

You don't have to buy them every year, just take this one as it's a freebie.

Re: Huge PS Plus Clearout Confirmed for May, 25 Games Leaving



I prefer to think of my subscription as a rental service , except instead of just renting one game I'm getting hundreds of them.

It gives me the opportunity to try lots of games I probably wouldn't look twice at under normal circumstances.

If I find something I really like that gets removed I can always buy it if I really want it. (The same as I would have had to do years ago when I took my rented game for the weekend back to Blockbuster)

Re: PS Portal Is Proving Everyone's Predictions Wrong


I managed to get one a few weeks after it launched (right place right time, just happened to be in Smyth's just after they'd had a delivery)

I love the idea of it in principle, but I found it just glitches far too much for my liking.

Imagine playing a game of FIFA online and your opponent has a bad connection, unless I was in the house on my own and nothing else was putting a strain on the WiFi, it just didn't work very well.

We do have pretty decent fibre optic broadband as well.

Long story short, I sold it to a lad in work a week later, he's now sold it on again for the same reason

Re: Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown Will Require an Internet Connection on PS5


This sort of thing really used to trigger me and wind me up.

But then, as I've gotten (a bit) older I've come to the realisation that, when its switched on at least, my PS5 is always connected to the internet, literally always so I really don't see it as that big of a deal anymore.

If the servers are temporarily down for what ever reason, I'll just play something else. #1stworldproblems

I guess the only issue is years down the line when they turn the servers off. But the chances are I'll have no interest in playing it by then anyway.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for March 2024 Announced



Yeah if course everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I wasn't having a go.... I was just pointing out that what you may consider to be a terrible month might be considered to be absolute Gold to someone else.

I guess my issue was with your use of the word "terrible"

Nothing this month for you??? fair enough .......but to say it's terrible I thought was a bit harsh

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for March 2024 Announced



You have to remember each person's perspective will be different to your own.

Personally I'd take the games we're getting this March over the games you listed all day long as they wouldn't interest me at all.

We all have different tastes in games, which is a good thing otherwise the world (and these forums) would be a pretty boring place

Re: PS Portal Proving More Popular Than Sony Expected


I had one but I sold it due to our WIFI not being strong enough to run it properly.

It worked perfectly fine if I was home alone but as soon as other people were using other devices in the house it made it go all glitchy.

For it to only work when I'm in the house on my own kind of defeats the objective as I might as well just play on the TV or my monitor.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of PSVR2, One Year Later?


When it first launched I got shouted at on here by some of the VR diehards when I originally claimed it was over priced.

So I'll rephrase what I said and say that it's just too expensive.

I have what I'd call a passing interest in it but I just can't justify the price tag.

Could I afford one? Yes of course, but that isn't the point

Re: Upgraded PS5 Pro Planning to Be the Best Place to Play GTA 6



I see what you're saying and if it was just a case of paying the difference between the price of the OG model and the Pro to be able to upgrade id completely agree with you

If you could trade your old model for full price and just pay the difference then yeah not a bad deal.

But they way I see it is I'll be probably paying £550 - £600 for the Pro version which basically has pretty minimal upgrades and doesn't justify it's price tag IMO

Re: Upgraded PS5 Pro Planning to Be the Best Place to Play GTA 6


If we're talking the same type of upgrade as we got from PS4 to PS4 Pro (I'm going to assume that's the case) then I for one won't be bothering.

Never felt as cheated in my life with the PS4 Pro, a complete waste of money.

If my OG PS5 ever breaks then I'd be all over it but it certainly wasn't a worthy "upgrade"