Comments 196

Re: Uh Oh! Sony Patents NFT Trading Framework for Gaming Platforms


@UltimateOtaku91 Nice to know there is someone out there so level headed on the internet! Really refreshing to be able to debate these things calmly rather than just flinging mud at each other. I agree, on the face of it a digital collectable sounds fun, this just isn't the way to go about it. I don't fully understand nfts either, not by a long shot, but I think that's exactly what these companies that embrace them are banking on.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


Whether the exact numbers are correct or not the pre-orders have obviously been disappointing for Sony. Originally you could only pre-order by invitation but that obviously didn't sell them out so now the unit is available to everyone and still is. The bigger question is why this is a surprise to anyone? It was blindingly obvious this thing is too expensive. It doesn't matter how much tech you are getting for your money, it is still a luxury that the vast majority of us just cannot justify.

Re: Site News: Where's Our Forspoken PS5 Review?


The reviews aren't terrible enough to justify trying to hide the game from reviewers. Metacritic has a fair few reviews but from a weird selection of sites. 6/10, not awful, just meh. Expect the average score to come down though when the sites that got shafted have their say - this move is hardly likely to get them onside is it?

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Is Astonishing and a Massive Game


Do we know where this will be set? Is it Manhattan again? My main issue was that as fun as it was to swing around - and the movement really was exceptional - the actual setting didn't really add much. There was nothing to explore or interact with, it was just an excuse to swing from A to B. I would like the location to add something more this time around, like little surprises at the top of buildings to discover, or little sidequests that aren't simply icons on a map.

Re: All PS Plus Memberships Are on Sale Now, Save 25%


In case people are unsure - you can either renew at your current level for the discount or if you want to upgrade you first pay the amount to upgrade for however long was remaining on your initial subscription, then go back in and the option to add another annual subscription will now be there.

I have stacked for 2 years at Extra for about £110 after ShopTo discounts. Well happy with that. Wondering if I should add a third year?

Re: GreedFall Another PS4 Game Leaving PS Plus Extra Soon


The rotation is a necessary evil of the subscription model but it is one of the reasons I've never really been a fan of the industry moving in this direction. Extra is still brilliant value but I do fear the day that I am 50 hours deep into some RPG only to see it disappear before I reach the end.

Re: PSVR2 Launches 22nd February 2023, Costs $550


You can argue about whether or not the price is right for the tech that you are getting, but for me the question is why has Sony gone down the premium, high cost road? They must know there is no chance of VR cutting through into the mainstream at this price. No chance of this outselling PSVR 1 so I'm really not sure what they are trying to achieve. Seems a waste of resources to me.

Re: Big PS Store Indie Sale Live Now, Over 1,000 PS5, PS4 Games Included


@Gamer_Guy I feel exactly the same. I have stopped buying games almost completely (other than in a ridiculous sale or unmissable titles like Silksong when it comes) and I worry about the knock on effect to developers of these Indie titles in particular. Before I would have bought Deaths Door and other's of that size and quality but now I just wait. I really should be supporting the teams that make them and I really hope games like this don't disappear as they are no longer profitable.