Comments 196

Re: What Time Is PlayStation's State of Play?


@MagisterMagi If that is the whole line-up then I suggest the Sony Execs stay of the internet for a while cos the reaction to this thing is gonna be toxic.
Seriously why not just release a FFVII Rebirth trailer instead and forget the rest? Save yourself some negativity.

Re: PS5 Fans Divided on PlayStation Portal Handheld


I would love to have one, but I would not love to pay for one, not unless it is ever on sale for literally half the price. The problem is I have no idea how well it is going to perform with my wi-fi and at 200 quid I ain't taking that risk.

Re: Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon (PS5) - Great Mecha Action at Times Feels Stunted


@LiamCroft Nice review. Too many people write off fansites like this thinking they give 9s and 10s to everything so it's great to see some well justified criticism, especially when plenty members of the From brigade are ready to slap on a 10/10 before even playing it. A seven (and the review itself) tells me that if I am a fan of the genre I will probably enjoy it (I'm not), whereas unlike something like Elden Ring it is unlikely to have that broader appeal. That is exactly what I wanted to know.

Re: New PSVR2 Games Release Dates in 2023


The system has been out now for six months and there is not a single first-party game even announced as being in development. Not one. That is unbelievable. How can you release a console and then not even mention a single game being made for it? Did someone put a gun to Sony's head and force them to release this thing because they clearly couldn't be less interested in their own product. Utterly bizarre how Sony are treating the PSVR2.

Re: Where to Pre-Order Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Collector's and Deluxe Editions on PS5


What is up with this weird fad of giving you a steelbook case but with no game to put inside it? I also hate the idea of early unlocks for skill points and costumes etc - surely this just goes against the carefully constructed difficulty curve of the game? It's like giving a collector's-only easy mode. I'm aware it won't make that much difference but still. Sorry to be grumpy but I was up very early today.

Re: Can You Put a Price on a Quality RPG? Yes, and It's Rising All the Time


@tameshiyaku Completely agree with you about the price. I don't buy any games other than Nintendo first party ones at launch because they drop so quickly. In doing that though I am contributing to them becoming a flop and reducing the possibility of sequels. Same with PS+ Extra. I just wait for them to turn up on there instead of buying them. I will only have myself to blame when all we have left is Fifa and CoD.

Re: PS5 Sales Increase An Outrageous 369% in Key European Countries


@theMEGAniggle That has always been my fear with the whole subscription model. To be fair though we probably need to wait for the end of the year with Xbox to see if Redfall and Starfield has managed to shift some consoles. Otherwise they might soon regret all those promises not to make CoD exclusive.

Re: Site News: Love What We Do? Become a Push Square Supporter


@lacerz There are reasons to use adblockers other than just to avoid seeing adverts as they also protect your data. It's pretty low to ask for a subscription to help out with running costs, which I have no issue with, but then threaten people into either forcing them to pay up or having to change the way they view websites.

Re: Site News: Love What We Do? Become a Push Square Supporter


@Impossibilium I said that about NintendoLife and then realised I'm an idiot and had an adblocker turned on! Anyway they still aren't bad here, certainly not worth paying to remove. I actually wouldn't mind if they paywalled some stuff (as long as it was all new content) to convince me to subscribe.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


It needs a system seller. Simple as that. From what I hear the best use for it so far is to augment existing games (GT, Resi Evil), but without a AAA game release for itself it is relegated to the role of very expensive accessory, rather than a platform in its own right. unfortunately the lower the numbers it sells in, the less likely that is to happen.