Comments 1,198

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 490


Wanderer: Awesome VR game! Originally a PSVR game but I played it on PCVR. Apparently its coming to PSVR2 next year and I heartily recommend it.


It's a time-travelling adventure game that takes the form of a bunch of escape room-like puzzles set in very diverse locations. As you can see on the picture I used chalk on the blackboard to solve a puzzle with my horrible handwriting.

Re: PS Stars May Finally Be Integrated into PS5 Soon


Sony should hand out shiny trophy hats every year based on current trophy level. Then you may proudly wear your gold trophy hat wherever you go and be admired by the homely peasants you chance upon as you travel the world in search of new adventures.

Re: Preview: Armored Core 6 Could Give Newer FromSoftware Fans Whiplash


@GeneJacket Hey no worries, I was being plenty dickish myself to be fair.

My reasons for being lukewarm to these types of mech games are several, but floaty controls, dumb swarm enemies, boring environments, lack of overall atmosphere (the complete opposite of why I like From's other games really). Daemon X Machina was the most recent game I played where all this was an issue. Not a terrible game but very average, imo.

It remains to be seen if this new AC game has evolved sufficiently on these issues to appeal even to someone like me. It looks pretty good at least, but I can't tell how it plays without trying it.

Re: Insomniac Games May Have a Third AAA PS5 Exclusive in Development


A Resistance collection with all games remastered + full PSVR2 support would be awesome. Those games had some great weapons and environments that I think would be really cool to see in VR!

Also, I'm surprised to see people didn't like Sunset Overdrive... that game was like a more fun and less dour Infamous game to me.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 486


I played Vertigo Remastered. The sequel Vertigo 2 is coming to PSVR2 and is supposedly even better, but the first game is a great little VR adventure with some HL2/Portal vibes in its own. If you have PSVR2 then Vertigo 2 is really something you should look forward to.

About 10 hours into Witcher 2, also in VR (through ReShade). Really great so far, especially compared to the awful netflix series.

Re: Reaction: What Happens to PlayStation if Microsoft Buys Activision Blizzard?


Sony should just cut any further Activision games that they haven't made a deal for and just let MS have them exclusively from now on. That 10-year plan is just a prolonged advertising campaign for Gamepass going forward.

Sure it'll hurt the Sony coffers and some players will go to team green permanently (good riddance honestly) but think of it like ripping off a band-aid instead of slowly peeling it off - a short moment of pain compared to long torture.

It'll end up shrinking COD and Activision's popularity considerably long-term and that would be superduperamazing.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 484


I just started playing Hunt: Showdown and yeah, I can see why its Crytek's most popular game in quite some time. I've been trying to do the trials for some unlockables but they're really difficult! I can get 1 star on them pretty easy but any more than that would be too much of a time commitment for me.

Re: Existence of 'Undisclosed' Rockstar VR Game Leaks via Actor's Resume


Take Two managed to take (two) down the GTAV VR mod by Luke Ross with threats of legal action. So either that could have been because they have their own VR implementation and they don't want the competition, or perhaps because they're just bullish about anyone else than them earing money on their properties. I would have bet on the second option, honestly.

Re: C-Smash VRS (PSVR2) - Squashed Potential


VR does take some space. Just extend your arms to each side and spin in a circle and then add a good margin to that and you will see how much space you need for the most physical games.

I've got a somewhat low ceiling here and I managed to punch my ceiling light yesterday when trying to climb a ladder in Vertigo Remastered. Luckily both me and the light survived.

Re: Lance Reddick Remembered in Touching Horizon Forbidden West Tribute


I was watching The Legend of Vox Machina S2 today and I noticed he had one of the voices there (as an evil dragon). Very recognizable voice! He was great in anything he was in and a killer dragon as well.

And yes, The Wire is one of the best series ever... I'm gonna watch Homicide Life on the Streets soon and hope that has some of the same magic. It's from the same write apparently, with some of the Wire actors too.

Re: Preview: The Crew Motorfest Is Forza Horizon on PS5, and It's Brilliant


Gave FH5 a spin during my free Gamepass trial, and was pretty disappointed to be honest. Felt very much like a typical NFS open world racer with floaty controls and on-rails AI, albeit a bit better looking but with very annoying characters/attitude.

What I'm missing in the arcade racing space is the great track-based games like Motorstorm, Wipepout, Blur, GRIP etc. Not a lot of them coming out these days as they seem to have been replaced with these busywork Ubisoft-like map marker racers.