Comments 1,198

Re: Apex Legends Season 20 Breakout Introduces Dramatic Overhaul, 120fps on PS5


I've played Apex on-and-off since release day and these are some huge changes.

The good thing is that things get less random and you need to earn the good armor by playing well. The bad thing is that it will be absolutely necessary to land hot (along with many other teams) in order to build armor and stand a chance later on. Some areas like the swamp is gonna be even less visited now.

Some of the rumored legend perks, like Bangalore healing inside her smoke cloud, sound very overpowered. We'll see.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 513


I'm testing out games in UEVR, which is a new magical miracle PC-app that lets you play just about every Unreal 4 and 5 game in full VR.

I've been watching a lot of videos while taking notes on how to add motion controls to weapons (its pretty simple actually) so I plan on giving Supraland and Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey a go later today.

Re: The Last of Us' Cancelled PS5 Multiplayer Was 'More Fun' Than Any Other Online Game


The strategy behind live service games is more akin to selling drugs - they need to be something users feel compelled to spend time and money on a daily basis. They are specifically looking to hook the big addicts who go out of their way to buy everything - aka Whales.

So it doesn't matter if its a good, or a great game even. If Factions 2 was an amazing game that players would love, but also would leave after say, a few weeks or months, then its a failure because it can't keep on selling MTX for years to come.

Everything we've heard so far seems to collaborate this. Sony had 12 of these games in production, they've cut half of those and I think they will do the same again and cut it to 3 which will be released, and maybe if one of those find great success it will be worth it for them. That's how big a Fortnite/Apex/Valorant is these days.