Comments 133

Re: Chrono Trigger Turns 30, 'Variety of Projects' Has Fans Praying for a Remaster


Honestly, as much as I want to see a remaster (NO remake or alterations!) of this game, a 2DHD port would make it look worse than the original. Especially after seeing what it did to Star Ocean 2 as a reference. There are some games that can benefit from it, but Chrono Trigger is not one of them. Instead personally, I would love to see it cleaned up and smoothed out. More finer details into the characters and backgrounds.

Re: 15 Years Ago, Square Enix Released the Most Divisive Final Fantasy Game


I enjoyed FFXIII far more than the original FFVII (lets include the remake as well), as well as the previous PS2 entries. Granted it was highly disappointing that it was so linear, but the visuals did help keep me somewhat interested in it. The story wasn't the worst I have seen at that time either. FFXIII-2 wasn't as good, but wasn't bad. -3's format I hated. I did give it a chance but it was a struggle to bother.

I do not mind when companies try to experiment and change things up to keep their games feeling a little fresh. They will always be hit or miss for people. Sometimes you find something that works surprisingly well, other times something hilariously unintentional that the devs play off of for future games. You just never know. But if you completely drop one way and adopt another permanently, you alienate part of the fanbase who preferred the older version. I know it may be much to ask for, but sometimes I wish for an option between the current battle system and the old tun based (example: Currently sick and find it hard to concentrate, so too much on the screen at once is too hard to follow, so wanting to still play a game but at my own pace would be preferred).

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PS5 Pro?


Costing over $1000 in Canada, Sony basically priced it out of the range of many who may have been interested. That said, a Pro wont be even an after thought for a long time, if ever.

Re: NHL 23 (PS5) – The Same as Last Year, with Small Changes


For me the game peaked with NHL '98. Ever since then they have failed in some ways to keep it as enjoyable as it used to be. Many times it is just minor tweaks that would have made the difference. Now the game feels really sluggish when playing unless the settings are changed to speed things up.

I get it that sometimes it is hard to add new things when the game comes out every year, but sometimes it feels like they take a step back from what they had before. Some fun things in the past games that will probably never come back;

  • Hitting through the glass
  • Hitting into the players benches
  • Breaking the glass from slapshot
  • The unlockables (Not sure exactly which games, too lazy to look):
    • Last Man Standing (You get hit, you stay on the ice, when the last player is hit on a team, the first one gets up so that you always had one usable player)
    • Big Head Mode (Heads were huge).

There were others, but cannot recall them at the moment. Little extras like that were always fun to play around with.

Re: Poll: Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


60fps is nice and very welcomed, but I would rather have a consistent frame rate, not one that varies or stutters at times. I fully except the fact that some studios are unable to manage even a consistent 30fps in some of their games, never mind going any higher. Yet in this day and age 60 should be the target now. If they don't hit it, fine, but at least go past 30 and keep it consistent.

Re: How Does the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro Compare to PSVR2?


While these VR sets are neat to play with, in all honesty, I doubt I would ever use it that much. Not to mention that as much as my daughter talks about it, she has an attention span of a gnat, so her interest would be fleeting at best. Not to mention the prices are getting a bit out of reach for some people in this current economy.

On a side note, is this not how the Nerve Gear starts out in its development? Guess time will tell on that front, just beware of heavy batteries that get installed ;p

Re: Video: Top 10 PS5 Platinums for Beginners


I am by no means a trophy hunter, but I do admit I have gone after a few just cause they seemed fun. Out of the years of playing so many games, I have only ever earned 7 platinum's (technically 6 since Spiderman doubled up on it when I transferred my PS4 save to the PS5 for the remaster).
In order:
FF XIII-2 (would have had it in the first game as well if my cousin didn't "borrow" it and lose it)
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 (with 3 almost done, but got burnt out and moved on for a while)
Astro's Playroom (feels like cheating putting it on this list with how easy it was)
Genshin Impact (Would say cheating as well if it was not for the Spiral Abyss)
Spider-man and Remastered

Re: Soapbox: PS Plus Premium Has Turned My Email Inbox into a Nightmare


Ever since Sony removed the cart option I have been griping about it due to the excess emails. As mentioned before it is especially bad if you get any DLC for games too. Along with others, I have always said that if it is an actual permanent purchase, then you should get the email (AFTER you fill your cart first and get everything at once. Multiple purchases also messes with my credit card, but that is another issue in itself). Anything that is a rental towards a subscription (PS+) should not get any email, since it is not yours to keep once you end your rental service.

Re: The Legend of Heroes Overall Story Is 'About 60-70%' Finished, Says Falcom


All I wish for in this series is that they do not screw up the translations like they have been in some other games/anime. Just keep them as authentic as usual without trying to insert the politically correct BS that is infecting everything else now.

As for the story progression, suits me fine since I have been enjoying the series so far. If Falcom can keep building upon and improving what they already have, I welcome more games into the series.

Re: Trails to Azure Confirmed for Early 2023, Character Trailer Kickstarts the Hype


@RainbowGazelle Yes and no. The original release order yes, but the timeline itself does not follow that order. The Sky series kicks off everything, then the rest of the games overlap with each other on the timeline. Zero starts 2 months before Cold Steel, then overlaps with it. Azure starts around Chapter 5 of CS through to Chapter 2 of CS 2. Akatsuki no Kiseki completely overlaps with Azure. Doing a search for the timeline will show a chart of how the games overlap.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS Plus Extra or Premium?


There are some real gems on the older systems, however with that said, what is being offered is ok at best, but not what many want it seems. Personally I would rather they just merge the PS3 store into the current one so that we have access to what we already own, and not have to worry about if/when any of those games would be added at Sony's discretion. To me, that list is crap, and what does interest me, I already own.

Re: Disgaea 6 Complete Gets a Meaty PS5, PS4 Overview Trailer


@suikoden I don't use them, but as I said, just cant seem to get into the game itself though. Honestly I cannot pinpoint why, might even be a combination of things: Being the Switch version, the 3D models, how the play style is in general. I ended up going back to the original first game and found that way more entertaining. Disappointing cause I really enjoyed all the other games in the series.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Gran Turismo 7?


Not going to vote on it since I have not played this one. Last one I played was on the PS3. However I always found them boring to play. I admit I was not really interested in this one, but with how things have turned out, it just reinforces my thoughts on ignoring it completely.

Re: Gulp! PS5 Stock Shortages Could Last Until 2023


As it stands, most companies put themselves into this situation, Sony included. The semiconductors are still being made at full factory capacity, however the companies who need them reduced their orders on them because of "forecasted shortfalls in sales". So the factories just allocated their orders to others who wanted them. This has been made public a few times over the past 2 years. So in essence, there is no shortfall of semiconductors, but rather the companies screwed up big time on their own orders and are now paying for it. Which in turn affects the consumers (us). This will not change until the current orders are fulfilled and the affected companies can be allowed to increase their orders back to their original numbers.

Re: PS Plus Games for August 2021 Available to Download on PS5, PS4 Now


I cant remember when the last time I actually played, never mind downloaded, a PS+ game on my system. I barely play games online either, just once in a while with a few select friends. Even the reduction in sale prices are non existent anymore. I am on the verge of dropping Plus because it adds no value to me. $70/year rental fee is no longer a good value.

Re: Jim Ryan Says Players Only Remember the Best Games


@Flaming_Kaiser As I said, subjective. I found the story weak. People mainly remember it because of nastalgia of it being it the "First big 3D FF game", or because it was their entry game into the franchise/genre. Missing out on many superior games on the SNES.

Re: Jim Ryan Says Players Only Remember the Best Games


"No one really cares about a game that is only okay."
Yet everybody seems to remember FF7, for example.

"Best" has always been subjective. Personally most of these "best games" that get high scores, I find boring or just plain don't like. People will remember games that left an impression on them because of personal tastes, not because somebody else praised/over-hyped it.

I for one have enjoyed many games that so-called reviewers panned, or have not sold well overall. Because of an accident I have had recently (fractured my hip), I have had nothing but time on my hands. So in the end I have found myself playing many of my retro games... NES, SNES, Genesis, PS1, N64, etc... Revisiting them again has left much more of an impression than majority of the games made today.

Jim Ryan reminds me of many kids today, where only new is better, screw anything that he does not like himself.

Re: Genshin Impact 2.0 Big Reveal Dated for 9th July


The game itself is good. It is easy to spend hours killing time when you first start playing. But once you are caught up on everything, it is a bit of a grind to find any enjoyment sometimes because of how monotonous it becomes until something new shows up. I am at AR 56, and I mostly just login to do my dailies at this point, hoping there is some event to do throughout the week too.

For the characters, I have most of them, but personally don't care for the gatcha system. I just keep doing what I can and earn the free (and sometimes abundant) Primogems and do the 10x draws. So you can gain a few characters at the beginning at least. The Battle Pass system also helps if it is something as well if you wish to go through with it.

The best part about this game though, it does not force you into paying for it. While it may help, it is easy enough for somebody to not spend a penny and continue to get something out of it.

@tanaka2687 How is the PS5 version compared to the PS4? Especially on the loading end.

Re: Soapbox: 69% of PlayStation's Revenue Is Driven by PS Store, But the Shopping Experience Sucks


I find the store complete garbage compared to what it was. Now it is slow, lacking most of what the previous store had for options, and highly aggravating. Half the time game pages stop loading half way through. Missing video clips of games, kinda needed for people who have no idea what a game is about and want to see what the game play is like. No links on the game pages to their respected DLC. When you search for it, It is more of a headache because it shows other unrelated games as well. Randomly logs me out when changing pages.

Those are just some of the things I have noticed. Tried it on different browsers. I tried, really tried, to give it a chance. The latest "update" (if you can call it that) that added sorting was a big plus to me, at least it wont look like something that was just randomly thrown together and makes it easier to browse through. Yet it is not enough for me to give it a passing grade since it is still currently a downgrade from before.

But I have to thank Sony though. Thanks to the new store, I have yet to buy anything from the PSN, so I have saved money in the long run.

Re: Web PS Store Finally Adds Sorting, Filtering Options Again


I don't get how Sony can be so backwards whenever they do something "new". Be it the OS for a new system, or this so-called Store update. If you had something prior and you change/update something, it should be an automatic given that those options should remain afterwards as well. Removing them to anger your user base just to re-add them months down the road is a bit counterproductive to say the least.

IMO, whoever is making these decisions needs to be smacked in the back of the head to knock some sense into them.