Comments 1,260

Re: Xuan Yuan Sword 7 Brings the Long Running Action RPG Series West on PS4 This Summer


Hope it doesn't turn out as a mess like Sword and Fairy 6 (since both Xuan Yuan Sword and Sword and Fairy are from the same devs) considering how overly buggy and glitchy that game was at launch.

Also, from what I have read, the game suffer from pacing issues, as well as the combat suffer from button mashing issues, as you can spam a certain attack over and over again, making the enemy get stuck on a stunlock. Hopefully, they listened to the feedback and fixed some of the issues. From what I have read, the bosses were atleast good. Last i also checked, they kept adding new stuff like new bosses, minigames, and even an arena mode if you really don't csre much for the story and just want to duke out against waves of enemies.

Re: Next-Gen Showcase Godfall Seems Poised for PS4


@chicken_chaser That's good, because the game is definitely gonna need that considering how much the hype or interest for the game died (or at best, is slowly dwindling). I hope the developers can continue to improve on the game or else it'll suffer the same fate as Anthem. Imo, I would have enjoyed the game a lot more, even if it got repetitive, if it wasn't for the "always online" requirement. Same thing with Outriders. Did games like Nioh and Borderlands not show that you can make a loot-based game that you can play with and without online?

@Flaming_Kaiser Well, you got that right lol

Re: PlayStation China to Host Press Conference Next Week


I about time they will show something about China Hero Project. I was expecting we could have gotten more about their games in ChinaJoy 2020 but it sadly didn't happen. Not to mention we haven't heard much about Lost Soul Aside since early last year or probably since 2019. Also, Pervader VR has yet to show anything new since 2017. I wouldn't be surprised if the game was probably put on hold for PSVR2. Regardless, I'm interested on what they'll show. From the second batch, I'm already excited for Anno and F.I.S.T., but the rest like Convalleria and Evotinction (what's with chinese games and their dumb titles lol) leave a lot to be desired, so I'm hoping they'll show more this time around.

Re: Days Gone Lead Designer Thanks Fans for Playing the Game No Matter How Much Money They Spent


@Muttt To a degree, maybe but you can't really blame those who didn't buy it because of the bugs and glitches. Not every games are as lucky as Days Gone to recieve additional support to fix many of the game's shortcomings. I mean, just look at what's happening with Anthem. Despite buying the game at full price, hoping that they'll improve on the game, they sadly canned the support for it, meaning that my money wasted on it was all for nothing.

Days Gone just happened to be one of the fortunate ones. Regardless, it's quite sad that the sequel won't happen. But who knows, maybe Sony will reconsider it in the future? Especially after Jim Ryan finally listened to the complaints in regards to the PS3 and Vita store shut down.

Re: Destruction AllStars (PS5) - A Confident But Flawed Start for Chaotic Car Combat Game


Well, I can't say I told you so but I told you so lol

Still, a 6 is an decent score for a game like this. Let's just hope the developers continues to communicate with its playerbase and improve many of the game's shortcomings if we REALLY don't want this to become the next Drawn to Death or Hardware Rivals (I'm still surprised that game still has its servers up). Like you said, there's potential here, but we have to wait and see what holds for the game in the future.

Re: Destruction AllStars' Challenge Series to Be Locked Behind Premium Currency


@Katsuhono Yeah, I can see your point. And yes, that Darth Vader grind was super tiresome. Although, in the case for this game, is just to see some story challenges with very few cutscenes that one can see on Youtube, which kinda sucks (for me) cause I want to earn these by myself instead of having to rely on someone uploading videos of these lol

What can you do, I guess.

Re: Destruction AllStars' Challenge Series to Be Locked Behind Premium Currency


With so many people her defending and criticizing the game, in the end, it really just depends on how Sony will see the game. You could one day continue to have a blast with the game despite the criticism, and then BAM, server shutdown announced for next year just because it sadly didn't meet Sony's expectations. Really hoping the devs would actually listen to feedback and hopefully continue to support the game.

At the very least, they should add Sweet Tooth in the game. If Rocket League could get a Twisted Metal collab, why not Destruction All Stars, right?

@Katsuhono I'd actually would like that lol Though highly doubtful since it would mean people who actually spent money on the coins just to unlock these missions were pointless lol

Though appearantly you can actually obtain Destruction Coins through challenges and such, which is something I just realized now lol Strange that the article didn't point it out. I still find this decision weird, especially when it's a $70 online only game. This would have been fine if it was a F2P from the start, instead of "Free for 2 months".

Also, I don't want to be like one of those guys, but while I can see the reasons on why people here defending this decision, I can't help but feel like this would have been different if the game was multiplatform or better yet, an Xbox exclusive lol

People here really need to understand that just because Rocket League was good, that doesn't mean Destruction All Stars could have the same success. Just look at what happened with Disc Jam, Hardware Rival, Dead Star or Drawn to Death.

And mind you, I'm still interested on trying the game out (I'm one of the few who actually finds the gameplay fun, although the art direction is definitely all over the place). I'm just worried the game won't last long, even after being offered on PS Plus. After all, Sony is not well known for their recent online multiplayer games. Of course, GoT: Legends, GT Sport (though not as favored as some of the other GT games) and Dreams are exceptions but what about Drawn to Death? Or Driveclub? Or Tomorrow Children? Or Ready Set Heroes? Or Predator Hunting Grounds, which granted, is still supported, but who knows how long will the servers continue to hold up?

Re: Destruction AllStars' Challenge Series to Be Locked Behind Premium Currency


@Constable_What And Hardware Rivals. Remember when people thought it was going to be the next Rocket League? Then it just kinda...fell into obscurity?

Same can be said with Disc Jam. Like Hardware Rivals, it was offered on PS Plus and while not completely dead, it's not as actively supported as it once was.

The only PS Plus multiplayer game I recall that did manage to continue to live on was Fall Guys. Though one exception won't guarantee the next one to be as successful.

I'm still interested on trying out Destruction Allstars, but I'm worried it'll suffer the same fate as some of Sony's other multiplayer games like Drawn to Death and Hardware Rivals. But hey, we'll just have to wait and see.